Martial Tomb

Chapter 1283

Martial Tomb Chapter 1283


The void outside the Demon Emperor's body, every inch of space, is covered by dazzling sword lotuses, these sword lotuses are lifelike, Not exactly the same, it contains almost twelve Sword Dao Sources condensed.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Wind, Thunder The poisonous ice plane. The twelve kinds of sword lotus that have been transformed from origins gather countless bloodline Divine Ability, and each flower contains the sword intent of Azure Lotus Sword Scripture. All of them are very terrifying and domineering, and each one conveys a strong sword intent. At a glance, the mind will be addicted to it instantly. Get caught up in it, hard to extricate yourself. Moreover, this is not one or two, but thousands, densely packed, countless, and they pop up continuously.

It's more terrifying than a single Azure Lotus Sword.

A sea of sword lotus of heroes appeared in an instant. Completely wrapping the Phaseless Demon Emperor.

That picture, gorgeous and spectacular, is the perfect spectacle between Heaven and Earth.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

The Phaseless Demon Emperor did not feel the slightest beauty, but a deadly threat, as if facing mountains of daggers and seas of flames, boundless hell, terrifying to the extreme, terrifying to the extreme. That kind of Death Aura, like a tide, wraps the whole body, mind and will.

Immediately, he waved his arms crazily, moved towards the sword lotus that swept in all directions, and crazily strikes past.

Each blow has Supreme terrifying destructive power.

But when it landed on the sword lotuses all around, the sword lotuses exploded directly, and the sword intent contained in them exploded directly at several times, dozens of times, and the crazy strikes were in no phase. On the Demon Emperor. Countless sword lights and sword intents broke through its powerful fleshy body defense in an instant, constantly tearing out one after another wound on its body, terrifying, and even the arm was twisted into pieces. Blossoming sword lotus, continuous strikes on Wuxiang Demon Emperor.

In the Azure Lotus formation diagram, the strength of Wuxiang Demon Emperor was directly suppressed by nearly one level. The strength is weakened a lot. In the slaughter, the strength is weakened, the consequences of that. Absolutely immeasurable. Moreover, in the formation diagram, the attacks issued by the sword array will show various increases. The destructive power that erupts increases several times, dozens of times.

One trade off and one trade off! !

Under the strikes of countless sword lotuses, I could only see the entire body of the Phaseless Demon Emperor. It was smashed to pieces in an instant.

But at the moment when the body was broken, the pitch-black Demon Emperor without Phases flashed endless magical light again, and the broken body was forcibly condensed together again on the spot, and the Phaseless Demon Emperor was resurrected again. However, the aura emanating from his body was weakened once again. The price to pay for resurrection is definitely not small. The strength dropped again.

"Destroying Primordial Primordial Hammer!!"

Insane rays of light flashed in the eyes of the Wuxiang Demon Emperor, and a cold roar came out of his mouth. arrive. A huge pitch-black Primordial Hammer flashed again, the aura emanating from the Primordial Hammer was even more terrifying, countless magic lights were flickering, all around the void was twisting, and countless patterns of Divine Weapon magic weapons flashed on it, making people see at a glance , creating an illusion of shattered death.

Boom! !

"Zhubao transforms into Hunyuan, one blow breaks through Heaven and Earth!!"

The terrifying of the World-destroying Hunyuan Hammer is absolutely immeasurable. Even Supreme can be directly smashed to pieces with a hammer, completely turned into ashes, and terrifying to the extreme. this moment. Directly smashed into the endless sea of sword lotus. With a roar, countless sword lotuses were shattered one after another under the Primordial Hammer, and were instantly smashed by the bang, and a large area turned into powder. Even all the surrounding space is distorted and shattered, and cracks appear in the vagueness. Seems to lead to where mysterious is.

But this crack was completely healed by an invisible force in just an instant. Restored as before.

The terrifying destructive power directly empties all around a large area.

"What a domineering hammer to destroy the world." Little Fatty couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw it.

"No matter how powerful you are, you will still die."

Wu Mu sneered and looked towards the battlefield.


The actions of the Demon Emperor without a phase completely angered the twelve Sword Spirits. These Sword Spirits are the bodies of ancestor witches, and there is nothing wrong with saying that they are twelve ancestor witches. It is extremely violent in itself, and was born with the murderous aura. With a violent temperament, seeing the pictures of the Wuxiang Demon Emperor running wild, one by one became furious on the spot.

I only saw that the five Five Elements ancestor witches, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Houtu, etc., shot at the same time and attacked the sword hanging on the gate.

The five swords vibrated at the same time.

A solid sword light bursts out. Gathered above the head of the Phaseless Demon Emperor, collided with each other in a mysterious way, and merged directly with each other, turning into a huge sword light flashing with Five Colored Divine Light. But it gave birth to a destructive aura, as if to wipe out all things and kill everything.

ka-cha! !

This Five Elements Sword slashed down at a speed that was immeasurable.

The Phaseless Demon Emperor kept waving his arms and fired one after another attack, but was easily smashed under the sword light. Unstoppable fell on Wuxiang Demon Emperor. Instantly split in half. And, the terrifying sword intent sword light, immediately smashed its entire body to shreds. Even the phaseless magic map was torn out of one after another hideous wound. Can no longer continue to regenerate.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

Moreover, from the magic map, the corpses of Insect Emperors were thrown out one after another.

It was scattered all over the formation diagram in an instant, and then, it was immediately taken away, and all the useful parts of the body were taken away, leaving nothing left. The baleful aura produced after death is integrated into the formation diagram and becomes a part of it, enhancing the formidable power of the formation diagram.

Phaseless Demon Emperor.......fallen! !

Thousands of Insect Emperors also fell along with them and died on the spot.

This sword completely reveals the edge of the Azure Lotus Sword, which is domineering and endless.

"insect nest is now, sustenance the avenue, preach Supreme."

The Queen of Blades witnessed, but without any hesitation, the dark and huge insert nest emerged from behind again, with black above it. The air is rolling, and countless insect races are roaring, as if that is an independent world with independent Heaven and Earth.

And in this brief moment, the Queen of Blades unceremoniously uses the insect nest as the foundation, directly entrusting herself to the pillar of the road, and her body is integrated into it. Let yourself and the insect nest perfectly fuse together. Once completed, the Queen of Blades is Supreme, a True Paragon level enchanting powerhouse.

The insect nest is her Celestial Grotto.

She wants to fully integrate into it and become the supreme existence in the insect nest. Her own will is the destiny of Supreme.

As long as they reach the half-step Supreme realm, anyone has the opportunity to be able to start this step, but whether they can succeed depends on whether they can survive the chaotic catastrophe. , Naturally, everyone is happy, and the Supreme, can't get through, that is, it falls on the spot, and there will not be a trace of scum left in the dead. Who will not easily take this step until the preparation is complete and foolproof.

And the Queen of Blades did it.

Moreover, with its background, the chances of passing through are too great. Big enough to have a 70-80% chance of success.

This odds, almost equivalent to be sure to become Supreme.

But when she preached Supreme in the Azure Lotus formation diagram, she was simply slapping her face in front of Wu Mu, a provocation by Chi Guoguo.

"Good! Good! Good!! You dare to preach Supreme in front of me. Although this process is uninterrupted and no one can interfere, you have to cross the chaotic catastrophe, the body and the insect No one can interfere with the changes in the nest fuse together. But if you want to be promoted so easily, it is too simple. Let me in."

Wu Mu's expression changed when he saw it. It was cold.

The process can't be interrupted, but it doesn't mean it can't be dealt with. With a backhand, he played a Great Divine Ability of the tomb. The rays of light flickered in the hand, a huge Heavenly Tablet appeared out of thin air above that insect nest, the Heavenly Tablet rolled down, and in an instant, appeared above the insect nest, forcibly suppressing the entire insect nest under the Heavenly Tablet , a ripple appeared in the Heavenly Tablet, and it was rolled into the Heavenly Tablet space on the spot, and the entire insert nest was disappeared.

Although Wu Mu cannot interfere with the Queen of Blades' preaching of Supreme, it will affect the chaotic catastrophe in the insert nest. But it can directly suppress and swept away the entire insert nest. Ingestion to other locations, this kind of intake has no effect on the world-annihilation catastrophe in the insert nest, but it is really suppressed.

Even if it doesn't affect the success or failure of Transcending Tribulation, it can affect the situation after Transcending Tribulation.

In the process of being suppressed, the Queen of Blades did not even have the ability to resist, and was suppressed in the Heavenly Tablet.

Of course, the Queen of Blades couldn't hide this, but she couldn't make any move.

can only forcibly be suppressed. But even the Martial Arts Heavenly Tablet can't do anything about the insert nest at the moment.

"I will send you to the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto, as long as you go in, even if you preach Supreme, I will keep you forever suppressed and never turn over." After Wu Mu hesitated slightly, he was already quick Make a decision, wave your hand directly, ingest the Heavenly Tablet into the Celestial Grotto Celestial Grotto, and let this Heavenly Tablet sit directly on the Chaos Mountain. It is definitely not an easy task to fuse with the entire Chaos God Mountain, even if it is the Supreme of the Blade Proving Dao, to reach the Heavenly Tablet.

It will even be suppressed forever.

until it is completely wiped out.

It's not like Supreme hasn't been killed.

These speaking of which are long, but in reality they are just the blink of an eye. That can be called the Queen of Blades comparable to Supreme, together with the Demon Emperor, who was easily killed and suppressed in the formation diagram.

Then, another group of Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogant rushed out of the formation gate and stepped into the forbidden space at the same time.

And what greeted them was the infinite murderous intention hidden between Heaven and Earth.

The forbidden space is infinite, and there is no edge at all. Every grass and every tree can be turned into a fatal murderous intention inadvertently. A large number of Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance were scattered around the forbidden space, or mountains and rivers, or the ocean. Some Heaven Beyond the Heaven are arrogant and can't see Wu Mu's silhouette at all, and they have already died in the endless traps, killing them instantly. After the Azure Lotus formation diagram reaches the three-18 layer ban, the evolution of the murderous intention inside it is too terrifying. It is normal for the Great Emperor to enter and be directly killed by an unremarkable grass.

In the forbidden space, step by step is a murderous intention, and every inch is buried in the ground.


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