Martial Tomb

Chapter 113

Martial Tomb Chapter 113


pu! !

On the wrist, a dazzling blood-colored wound appeared, and Po Bo's blood continued to pour out.

He raised his wrist and put it to Wu Mu's mouth, his eyes were very clear, whispered: "Big Brother, the water is gone, if you are still thirsty, drink this. Xiaoyue is not afraid, little There is a lot of blood in the moon, you should drink it."

The dark red blood dripped on the lips, bringing out the slightest coldness.

Looking at the clear eyes and tender words of little beggar, Wu Mu could only feel an unspeakable coldness and comfort in his mind, the terrifying heat that was enough to burn his body in an instant. Disappeared in time. Crimson on the skin surface also fades at a rate visible to naked eye.

Return to normal skin tone.

However, most of the body around him was reduced in an instant, and it seemed that a large amount of flesh and blood was suddenly evaporated and turned to nothing. The previously strong body suddenly became extremely thin. Coupled with his height of more than 1.8 meters, it seems that he is almost as thin as a bamboo pole. This situation is really scary.

"The blood in my body has been evaporated in half. The flesh is dried up and turned to nothing. What the hell is going on?"

Wu Mu was secretly shocked, but, Without thinking too much about it, he immediately sat up. The wound on his body was also completely healed during the previous burning. The kind of bloodline burning was like burning life. Although it is burning, it also increases the speed of wound healing rapidly, and it has healed in an instant.

oh la la! !

Sit up, Wu Mu looked at the little beggar's ripped wrist, and without hesitation, he stretched out his hand to tear off the tattered clothes, tore off a piece of cloth, and at the same time , took out a medicine bottle from the ancient lamp, poured out some snow-white powder, sprinkled it on the wound, the blood stopped immediately, and quickly bandaged the little beggar's wrist.

"What's your name?"

After Wu Mu bandaged the wound, he looked at the little beggar and asked with a hint of hoarseness.

"Big Brother, my name is Satsuki."

Little beggar blinked, seeing that Wu Mu was all right, patted his chest, sighed in relief, replied with a smile.

"Okay, my name is Wu Mu, Xiaoyue, from today onwards, my brother will take care of you." Wu Mu's expression was solemn, with a touch of unquestionable firmness, that belief, without any One can doubt.

“Big Brother?”

Xiaoyue blinked and looked at Wu Mu with a happy look in her eyes, she happily grabbed Wu Mu’s arm and tightly hug, said with a smile: "very good, Xiaoyue also has a brother."

Those eyes, smiling like a crescent! !

"Little Fatty, come out quickly, what happened to me just now. Why is my body like fire all of a sudden." Wu Mu patted Xiaoyue's head. Explore the past in a quick moved towards Bronze Ancient Lamp.


In the Bronze Ancient Lamp, the Bronze Lamp swayed for a while, Little Fatty was scorched black, looked weak, looked at Wu Mu, shook his head and said: "Mortal, what are you arguing about, this god. But the sick person is the wounded person. This time, all the blood essence has been consumed, and the god can't do anything."

While speaking, he rolled his eyes and looked like I couldn't do anything.

"What's going on inside my body."

Wu Mu doesn't care about this, he cares about what happened in the body before. That was definitely not an ordinary encounter.

"If the god is not mistaken, you should be cursed by some kind of curse Divine Ability, and the curse is your bloodline. This curse Divine Ability should be the blood curse Divine Ability. When the curse strikes, the blood in the body burns like flames, the blood is quickly evaporated, and the flesh and blood disappears into nothingness. If there is nothing wrong with these, I am afraid it is a Divine Ability such as the Blood Burning Curse."

Little Fatty muttered, and finally spoke up.

"Blood Curse? Blood Burning Curse?"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed, and his eyes became extremely cold and severe. It was calculated by someone, and now it seems that it is so.

The experience of that curse attack was too terrifying.

Even he felt that his entire body seemed to be completely spontaneously combusted and turned to ashes. If it wasn't for the end, I don't know if it was the end of the blood curse or Xiaoyue's blood. If he woke up, he would be burned to ashes if he didn't last long.

"The blood-burning spell is extremely terrifying. If it can't be dispelled, even if you open up the sea of blood, the blood-burning spell will enter the sea of blood, burn the entire sea of blood to ashes, and burn your Bloodline into it. Power burns, and eventually [***] dies. You are Shedding Mortality Realm now, burning only ordinary blood, but you can open up a sea of blood, and burning is Bloodline Power.”

“At that time, I'm afraid that once it is opened, in just a few days, the sea of blood will be burned into the air. Cook it dry."

"Without dispelling the burning blood curse, you'd better not step into the sea of blood. Otherwise, It's not far from death."

Little Fatty said weakly, waved his hand, and shouted: "Mortal, this blood-burning spell, this god can't do anything, you will seek more blessings for yourself in the future. Well, also, this blood burning spell happens every seven days. If you survive it, you will live, if you can't survive it, you will die. This time I'm really going to fall into a deep sleep, and this lamp is too harsh. I just took it. How many books do you need to beat him to death? wu wu ......"

As soon as he finished speaking, Little Fatty had already got into the ancient lamp and couldn't come out.

Obviously, the damage he suffered from getting the cultivation technique for Wu Mu before was not that big.

"Blood-burning spell? This is to block my Marital Arts Path."

Wu Mu's eyes flashed, becoming extremely cold. There is even a terrifying killing intent brewing.

The Blood Burning Charm can burn blood, even after opening up a sea of blood, it directly burns its own Bloodline Power. This is simply to stop people in the Shedding Mortality Realm, and never set foot in the blood sea for half a step. However, even if they stay in the Shedding Mortality Realm all the time, this blood burning spell will make people suffer endless pain.

That experience, even Wu Mu, felt a kind of fear after going through it once.

It was a terrifying experience that was on the edge of life and death all the time.

"No, what about the blood-burning spell, there must be a way to get rid of it, how can my Marital Arts Path be blocked because of a small blood-burning spell, I am not willing to, I am also I won't give in."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, looked up towards the top of his head, and there was an unyielding fighting spirit in his eyes.

That fighting spirit is extremely fiery and will never go out.

"Since Little Fatty can't be trusted, it's up to me."

A thought appeared in Wu Mu's mind, and he didn't hesitate any longer.

In my heart, there is an unshakable fighting spirit. Trifling a blood burning spell, how can I stop my Marital Arts Path. If you can't even crack the Blood Burning Curse, what can you say about Martial Arts Peak.

"Skull thief, Skull Island?"

Wu Mu looked at the cage all around, and couldn't help but feel a hint of helplessness in his heart.

I never thought that after jumping into the water, he would be rescued by a group of water thieves, and he is still imprisoned here, although this cage is absolutely nothing to Wu Mu. The indestructible shackles, if willing, with his current cultivation base battle strength, this cage can easily be torn apart and collapsed.

However, even if it collapses, there is nowhere to go even if you escape from the cage on the boundless and dangerous river. Besides, on the boat, I am afraid that the battle strength of those water pirates is definitely not bad. A powerhouse in the Blood Sea Realm, I'm afraid not to mention running away, I'm afraid, I'm really going to die on the boat. Besides, there is still.... Satsuki! !

Wu Mu's eyes could not help falling on Xiaoyue, who was close to him, as if he wanted to draw a touch of warmth from himself.

Before comatose, but not unconscious.

I know exactly what Xiaoyue did. Whether it was giving himself all the food left, or cutting his wrist at the end, trying to feed himself the blood.

Let him abandon it without any reason and leave alone.

"If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it!! I'll see if this Skull Island can trap me."

After slightly hesitated, Wu Mu made up his mind without hesitation. Look at the moon. Without further ado, thoughts move. Start running the Visualization Technique of "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon", and run the power in your body. A little bit of cleansing fleshy body. See if you can find the source of the Blood Burning Curse and drive it out.

However, this blood-burning spell is really terrifying. The root of its spell power lies in blood. In Shedding Mortality Realm, no magic cultivator can be refined into blood. No trace at all could be detected.

You can only adjust your body slowly.

The prisoners in the cabin are given a bowl of strange food and a bowl of clean water every day.

However, how could Wu Mu eat these things.

Two medicinal meals are taken out of the ancient lanterns for each meal, and the eclipse is divided with the small moon, and the spirit wine is drunk, which has been fermented Vermilion Fruit wine, but this Vermilion Fruit wine has not been distilled, and the degree of Not high, the taste is a bit flawed, but the medical power is still there, and under the current circumstances, I can't expect too much.

Fortunately, Vermilion Fruit wine is really effective. It has an excellent tonic effect on bloodline in the body.

In a few days, I have recovered to the original state, and the muscles are naturally distributed all over the body, which is extremely well-proportioned.

Boom! !

On the third day.

Suddenly, Wu Mu felt the warship under him shake suddenly and seemed to stop suddenly. Also, there were heavy iron anchors thrown into the water. On the deck above, the sound of chaotic and hasty footsteps kept coming.

ka-cha! !

The cabin was opened, and a group of skeleton thieves wearing black suits quickly entered the cabin, with a hostile look in their eyes, looking at the dense prisoners in the cage, tsk tsk monster said with a smile: "Get up, get up, all stand up for Lao Tzu. The Immortal Realm where you live in the future is coming."

"tsk tsk, after the man goes out, walk to the left for me, and the woman to the right After you go out, you'd better be obedient, maybe you can save a little life, if you don't obey, then you will know what hell is." (To be continued.)

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