Martial Tomb

Chapter 112

Martial Tomb Chapter 112


everyday all Lots of boats going back and forth.

Create a prosperous scene directly on this dangerous river.

However, the prosperity on the Tianxian River also created the birth of the water thieves and water bandits. In the huge Tianxian River, one after another ferocious water bandits breed. Burning, killing and looting on the Tianxian River, all kinds of evil things, almost commiting any imaginable misdeed, every day all there is a lot of fighting and bloodshed on the Tianxian River.

There is no certain power and strength, unless it is good luck, otherwise, this dangerous river is enough to kill oneself.

However, even so, there are still many people who dream of getting rich overnight, rushed into this dangerous river one after another, and even died in it. Become one of the many bones at the bottom of the river.

Boom! !

On the huge natural dangerous river.

A huge warship is breaking through the waves on the dangerous river without delay. This ship has a huge sail on it. The sail is not made of ordinary materials. Made of pieces of ominous beast hides, it is not only tenacious, but also better able to walk on rivers with the help of wind.

This is a six-sailed warship.

All around the hull, there are ferocious battle crossbows flashing the cold glow of killing, and the sturdy crossbow arrows can show that this is a terrifying weapon of killing, A killer that can destroy countless lives in an instant. Every three feet, there is one, densely packed, distributed in every inch of the warship. There are almost no dead ends.

On the warship, there was a man in black suit, each of them had a cold baleful aura on his body, and his face was hideous. chill. Chilling. They were on the warship, guarding each position in an extremely orderly manner.

And on the deck, those men without positions looked relaxed, whistled from time to time, laughed heartily, and said nasty words, which seemed extremely loose. Moreover, under the deck, from time to time, a man in a strong suit walked out, holding his pants, with a look of comfort and pride, and what he had just done, one could tell at a glance.

Looking at their clothes, there is a strange mark on their clothes - a hideous skull bone! !

If people see it, I am afraid that even the soul will be scared.

There are three islands on the Tianxian River, and the red and pink skeletons are on fire! !

The three islands are actually the three water bandits and water pirates on the Tianxian River. Every water bandit occupies an island. The number of thieves on the Tianxian River is extremely large, but the most powerful ones are led by these three stocks.

The one on the warship in front of him is the skeleton thief in the fire cloud of red and pink skeletons.

Skull robbery is extremely cruel. When looting, facing resistance, if it is a man, it is usually beheaded without the slightest hesitation. On the island, the fate was even more tragic. If the man doesn't resist, he can be plundered to the island to work as a coolie, or even a capable person can be directly absorbed into the water thief.

Look in the cabin of the battleship.

A large number of plundered women and men were detained inside. The women were all tattered, revealing snow-white skin, a mess on their bodies, and miserable faces. Obviously, the situation they suffered can be imagined. There are also a large number of men who are imprisoned in cages made of iron essence.

Each cage can hold two or three people. Extremely hard and hard to break. Looking at the cabin, a large number of men are imprisoned in the densely packed cage.

In one of the cages.

I saw that there were two figures imprisoned inside.

One of them, the body looks a little thin, as if it is stunted, the hair is messy, the face is full of dust and dirty, people see it at first glance, and don't want to see it second. , only two eyes seem a little smart.

Beside him, there was a tattered body.

The azure robes were all tattered, and all over the body, one after another ferocious wounds were distributed in every inch of the area, looking ferocious and terrible, making people horrible to see.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that the flesh and blood near these wounds seems to be alive, with granulation sprouts growing, and the wounds are constantly getting smaller. However, this healing The speed is not fast, but it is always shrinking firmly.

"Who the hell are you? You were caught by those thieves with wounds all over your body."

"I heard from the thieves that they met you in a dangerous river. Covered in blood, covered in wounds floating on the water, seeing that you still have a breath, I will bring you up, put you in a cage, and take you back to Skull Island."

The thin little beggar looked Looking at the silhouette lying in the cage, he looked at the bowl of black things in his hand, hesitated for a while, and finally brought the bowl to that silhouette's mouth, brushed the messy hair on his face, and was shocked, The one lying in the cage was none other than Wu Mu who jumped into the canyon after fighting the wolf.

The little beggar put the bowl to Wu Mu's mouth, stretched out his hand and slowly squeezed his lips, and poured it into Wu Mu's mouth little by little.

Almost an instinct, Wu Mu subconsciously swallowed what was in his mouth.

Not long after, a bowl of black things fell into the stomach.

The little beggar saw that although he had been swallowing saliva, he never took back the bowl in his hand. Not even a single bite. Looking at the cages all around, you can know that this bowl of food is obviously the food for everyone in the cage.

"Big Brother, you eat, Xiaoyue is not hungry, Xiaoyue is not hungry at all."

"Big Brother, you are injured, eat more food to heal faster, If you die, you will definitely be thrown into the river by those bandits."

"Big Brother, Xiaoyue is afraid, Xiaoyue doesn't want to stay in this cage alone."

The little beggar whispered while watching Wu Mu finish the bowl.

Gu lu! !

After drinking a bowl of black things, Wu Mu's originally closed eyes slowly opened, and then he glanced all around and saw the cage he was in, and the surrounding. the little beggar.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

Although Wu Mu was only just waking up, Wu Mu could clearly feel that the situation in his body was already extremely bad. On the left shoulder, the blood-colored lotus seed in the Bronze Ancient Lamp has become incomparably illusory, and the blood essence accumulated in the Secret Realm has been completely consumed.

This was all wasted in the previous fight with the wolf warrior. In order to heal the wounds in the body and expel the power of Divine Ability, the blood essence was even more amazing.

In addition, after falling into the natural danger river, it was subjected to various impacts. To be repaired, the accumulated blood essence was lost one after another. Eventually, it runs out.

Fortunately, the Divine Ability power that had permeated the wounds was completely expelled and wiped out.

Now the wound is starting to heal on its own. It's just that the speed of healing is not as fast as before.

"Big Brother, this is on the Skeleton Thief's boat. We should be taken to Skeleton Island." Little beggar blinked, looked at Wu Mu, and said in a low voice.

"Skull Thief, Skull Island?"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed a thoughtful look upon hearing this.

Yeah! !

Just when Wu Mu was about to meditate, suddenly, he only felt a hard to describe dry heat in the blood vessels in his body, without any warning, in the whole blood at the same time. It was as if a blazing flame was burning violently.

The blood all over the body began to boil instantly.

"What's going on, how can the blood in my body suddenly be on fire, burning, boiling, so painful."

"Not good, my blood In dissipating, could this be to completely burn my blood to ashes and turn it into nothing. What is going on here, could it be the vicious Divine Ability of the warrior wolf.”

Wu Mu almost On the spot, make a groan sound. I only felt that the blood in the body was madly disappearing at a speed visible to naked eyes, and the blazing heat was constantly invading every inch of flesh and blood around him.

Looking at the skin on Wu Mu's surface, it turned red almost instantly.

It looks like a cooked lobster, a reddish red. Even his face became blood red, and every inch of flesh and blood around his body continuously radiated astonishing heat. Like a burning torch.

The pain goes deep into the bone marrow.


It hurts! !

Endless pain! !

Wu Mu's heart was instantly filled with endless pain. The blazing heat from the bloodline almost made Wu Mu feel like a [***], and even his breath was suffocated, spraying. The air out has fire star.

"Big Brother, what's the matter with you, why is this happening."

When the little beggar saw Wu Mu's body suddenly turn red, a panicked look flashed in his eyes. He quickly reached out and touched Wu Mu's forehead, just as soon as he touched it. That little hand was instantly scalded by a fire bubble, and the temperature was as high as Baidu's. If this was normal body temperature, it would have already been burned alive.

Fortunately, Wu Mu's physique is not ordinary, and has reached Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, fleshy body tempering to the extreme, only in this terrifying temperature can it not be burned into a mummy.

However, Wu Mu's body was also losing weight a little at a speed visible to naked eyes, as if all the flesh and blood all over his body was reduced to nothing in this burning. This is evaporating, evaporating flesh and blood.

"Big Brother, don't you have anything to do. Water, there is water here, I'll give you water."

Little beggar panicked and picked up a bowl of water from the side, moved towards Wu Mu I poured it into my mouth, but the bowl of water was instantly evaporated by the hot body temperature in just a moment, and it didn't have much effect.

"Go away, stay away from me. The temperature on my body will burn you."

Wu Mu saw the little beggar, and a gentle, hoarse stop flashed in his eyes road.

"No, Big Brother, you'll be fine. If you're thirsty, Xiaoyue... can help you."

Little beggar blinked and looked at Wu Mu, bit his lip.

ka-cha! !

Suddenly the bowl in his hand hit the ground, and the big bowl shattered into pieces.


In a light sound, the little beggar even picked up a piece of debris and swiped it directly on his wrist. (To be continued.)

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