Martial Tomb

Chapter 110

Martial Tomb Chapter 110


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"It's water, there's a river!!"

Wu Mu was rushing forward in an instinctive way, not far behind, the wolves were chasing after him, gradually approaching, and it was no longer enough. distance. If it stops, it will catch up in an instant and deliver the most terrifying blow.

When I heard the crisp sound of water, my heart that had been sinking gradually, a strong hope, a hope of vitality, emerged on the spot. As long as he escapes into the river, he will be saved this time. No matter how the wolf tries to catch up, countless difficulties will be added. The hope of escape is greatly increased.

"Is it water flow?"

Warrior Wolf also heard the sound of fierce water flow from the front, the rays of light flashed in his eyes, the complexion changed, and he shouted: "Wu Mu, if you want to escape again, don't think about it."

As soon as the voice fell, the steps under the Wolf Warrior's feet suddenly became extremely mysterious.

The whole body turned into one after another afterimage moved towards Wu Mu like lightning, sweeping past, in an instant, countless clear afterimages were pulled out from behind, those afterimages persisted for a long time, as if condensed become substantially general.

Approaching with astonishing speed.

In a few breaths, the distance between them will be reduced by several tens of meters.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Shadow Wolf Step! !

"Wolf Warrior, you can't kill me. If you don't die this time, I, Wu Mu, will definitely give it back tenfold." Wu Mu's eyes shot out two blood-colored rays of light, and the corners of his mouth appeared. It was ferocious, and while the thoughts moved, a Divine Ability talisman in the ancient lamp was shattered again. Turned into a divide light and dissipated into the invisible.

Boom! !

At the same time as the Divine Ability talisman shattered, the ground behind Wu Mu suddenly appeared one after another terrifying ripples, like waves in the sea, violently oscillating, emitting ancient roars and roars. The terrifying oscillating power makes one after another ripples appear in the space above the earth, and the space oscillates.

Human Divine Ability - Earth Roar! !

The wolf stood on the ground, and the whole ground vibrated violently, causing the wolf's entire body to be involved in it on the spot, and the steps under his feet were chaotic, interrupting the steps of the shadow wolf under his feet. The terrifying Power of Earth madly rolled over the body, and the ancient trees and boulders all around were annihilated by the shock and turned into countless tiny powders.

This is the Human High Grade Divine Ability, even a wolf warrior cannot easily ignore it.

Outside the body, the bloodline Divine Astral of silver white emerged, traversing quickly within the roaring range of the earth, and the flesh and blood skeleton in the body made a blunt sound in the shock. However, the wolf warrior has reached the 2nd layer of the Blood Sea Realm, and even this roar of the earth cannot cause huge damage to it.


Opening his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of blood, the eyes of the warrior wolf were cold, and when he roared out of the ground, Wu Mu had already run out of the range of several hundred zhang again. It can be seen that under the moonlight, there is a huge canyon in front of it.

In the canyon, a crisp and intense sound of water flows.

It was the heavy sound of the water hitting the reef. It is conceivable that in the rapids of the canyon, there must be countless terrifying hard reefs. Once it falls, I am afraid it will be nine deaths and still alive.

It's almost impossible to catch up.

"Hmph, even if I don't get it, I can't let you live. Let the waning moon completely bury you." Zhanlang's face was cold and expressionless, thoughts move.


The waning moon hanging above the head burst out with a dazzling dive splendor, which directly turned into a poignant arc, crossing the boundary between Heaven and Earth, and falling heavily on the sky at a time when the thunder could not cover the ears. On Wu Mu's back.

This time, it wasn't the moon blade bursting out from the waning moon, but the whole waning moon hitting him directly.

Bang! !

That waning moon, fiercely tore the membrane, and even cut off the skeleton, piercing the back like a hot knife through butter, breaking a hideous hole, which can be clearly seen from the back chest. internal organs, clearly visible.


Wu Mu's body was devoured by lightning, and when he opened his mouth, he spewed out a mouthful of blood entrained in his internal organs, and his entire body plunged into the canyon frantically, moved towards the water below and fell away. There is always a touch of unyielding persistence on his face.

Boom! !

Wu Mu's body fell into the canyon, and in the blink of an eye, he was completely swept into the rapids by the rolling river, and the terrifying rumbling sound covered up the small sound of falling water.

The warrior wolf stood above the cliff, following the moonlight, looking towards the bottom.

Below, there is a huge river, one after another torrent constantly rushing down from the upstream, bringing up the waves of one after another **, countless reefs appear indistinctly in the waves, the water The waves hit it, and a terrifying rumbling sound erupted. The huge waves surging down from the heights carried more than ten thousand forces. If hit, the ominous beast will crack on the spot.

In the water stream, only a faint blood color can be seen, and this blood color also dissipated in the water stream in the blink of an eye. Wu Mu's silhouette has been disappeared long ago, and I don't know where it was taken by the one after another undercurrent, and it may even be directly dead in the terrifying undercurrent.

"It's fine if you die. If you don't, I'm afraid there will be another terrifying opponent in the future."

Wolf Warrior stood on the cliff, looking down His eyes were filled with a dignified look. Although he believed that Wu Mu had died below, an instinct in his heart told him that he was afraid that he would cause big trouble this time.

Even his bloodline Divine Ability can be resisted and cannot be completely killed. I am afraid that this time it may not be easy to die.

If Wu Mu doesn't die, he'll be in big trouble.

"hmph!! Even if you come to take revenge in the future, this seat will not stay in place. When you break through, I may not be able to break through the blood sea realm and reach the higher realm."

"hmph!! p>

The light flashed in the eyes of the warrior wolf, but this time he failed to achieve his goal, causing a trace of haze to appear in his heart.


Coldly snorted emanated from the nose, kicked a huge boulder into the canyon below, fell into the huge waves, and made a violent rumbling sound. Make a big splash.

Then he turned and walked away.

Not to mention the tragic scene where Wu Mu and the warrior wolves fought here, but said that in Secret Realm, since Wu Mu came out. A pair of vision both pay attention to the scene at the entrance to the Secret Realm.

Want to see who's coming out of the Secret Realm next.

In the Secret Realm.

Looking at the Lingtan that was full of scarlet liquid, the original full of liquid was weirdly disappeared. I don't know when, Huang Tianyao, who was lying in the pool, had already stood up and put on her clothes again. In his hand, he was holding a pair of white wings with only two palm-size wings.

The two phoenix eyes flashed with joy and joy, and looked at the wings in their hands with love.

Huan happily said: "Good! Good! Good!! didn't expect to be able to bathe in the Chidi Spiritual Milk in this Secret Realm, which made my physique shedding body, exchanging bones, and fleshly body strength even better. The first layer makes the bloodline source in my body more pure and thick, and the accumulation in the body is completely enough, reaching the extreme, as long as I return to the family, I can immediately start to open up the sea of blood and advance to the sea of blood."

"The biggest gain is this secret treasure."

"These wings are a natural secret treasure with extremely high quality. If the wings are refined into Divine Weapons, as long as they are cultivated well, Not only can advance attack, retreat and defend, but also can walk in the sky and increase speed."

Huang Tianyao murmured to herself, looking at Feather Wing, the more she liked it.

Among the secret treasures bred by Heaven and Earth between Heaven and Earth, the number of wing-shaped secret treasures is extremely rare, even in their family, there is no High Level feathered secret treasure. The first time I entered Secret Realm, I wanted to try my luck. If not, I could only turn to my family.

didn't expect, actually met.

"With this pair of wings, after I was promoted to the Blood Sea Realm, I finally got my Life Source Divine Weapon. Follow me, and I will make you famous in the future. Among the many Divine Weapons in the continent, occupy a place."

After he finished speaking, he quickly put away his wings.

I moved towards a white divine light that suddenly fell and walked in, and was disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In a great hall.

The blood in that blood pool is being continuously swallowed by the blood cocoon at a speed visible to naked eyes. The blood of all around was swept into the blood cocoon at an alarming speed.

ka-cha! !

The frequency of the blood cocoon's ups and downs is getting faster and faster. In a short time, it reaches an incalculable situation, and the blood in the blood pool is swallowed up in an instant. Immediately after, a crisp sound came from the blood cocoon, and the blood cocoon was suddenly torn. Tear in half. A dark silhouette suddenly walked out of the blood cocoon.

A long black hair fluttered wildly in the back of his head.

This is not Lin Hai or who. However, there was a strange evil smile on his face.

Aw! !

When stepping into the blood pool, a black light burst out from within the body, and a thunderous Dragon's roar emanated from the black light. When the black light danced, it turned into a ferocious Black Dragon, waving it. With the dragon claw, the dragon's roar is violent. Turning around in mid-air, he instantly fell into Lin Hai's body.

Amazingly, this is the bloodline in his body.

However, this is simply not Lin Hai's original bloodline. The original bloodline was just a python. It cannot be compared with the Black Dragon in front of him at all, not even one ten thousandth.

The body of Black Dragon is not only extremely clear, but also extremely condensed, as if it were real.

"tsk tsk !!"

Lin Hai's eyes flashed with a trace of evil light, revealing a grin, looking towards the void, seemed to be able to shuttle between Heaven and Earth, muttering to himself Said: "Ao Zhan, Wu Qianjun, I don't know if you two old bastard are dead. If not, when I appear in front of you, it will definitely start."

"The reincarnation of the dragon is not only a Just let my soul reincarnate, and also the bloodline of my dragon blood tempering this body, forcibly change the bloodline, and have the bloodline that originally belonged to me. The physique of this body has been purified to the extreme. In your Human Race, He will definitely not be inferior to Ren He Tianjiao."

"What about changing a body, as long as the ** reaches the extreme, this king will be able to return to his ancestors and be reborn as a True Dragon. However, I heard that It's very interesting in Human Race, I don't know if Human Race has forgotten the blood after all these years." (To be continued.)

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