Martial Tomb

Chapter 109

Martial Tomb Chapter 109


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The body slammed heavily on the tree behind him, the big trees were all split up and in pieces, and a huge crack was clearly branded on the body between the chest, and the skin was cut open and exposed. The sternum with azure texture, likewise, has a clear scar on the sternum. Seems to be tearing the skeleton.

But Wu Mu's refined fleshy body is so powerful in the end that it far surpasses Shedding Mortality Realm, and even the Blood Sea Realm is incomparable. Tear the membrane, but not to the extent of splitting the skeleton, the terrifying destructive power still brings huge damage to the fleshy body.

bloodline Divine Ability - waning moon! !

The power of this Divine Ability is almost irresistible.

Even Wu Mu felt an endless insignificance under the waning moon.

"You're not dead, but I'm looking forward to your body more and more. It's not within the limits of Shedding Mortality Realm to be able to temper the fleshy body to such a degree. .Under the 'waning moon', you are just in vain."

The wolf looked coldly towards Wu Mu, Wu Mu's fleshy body could even forcibly resist the attack of the waning moon, It was not killed by a single blow, on the contrary, even the skeleton was not completely cut off. His heart was cold, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, and he secretly said: Shedding Mortality Realm is so terrifying, such a monster, since it has already started, it must not be easily let go, if you don't die today, it must be mine when you come. scourge.

killing intent Dasheng.

Without hesitation, he reached out and waved again.

ao wu! !

In the natural phenomenon behind, the lone wolf howls at the moon. A silver white waning moon blade burst out from the waning moon again, leaping across the void like lightning, moving towards Wu Mu and slashing down.

Bang! !

This attack came too fast, Wu Mu just landed on the ground in the previous attack, and was immediately slashed. On the chest, another wound appeared, and the silver white moonlight covered it. On the wound, he kept moving towards the flesh and blood, emitting a fierce breath, and wantonly destroying the flesh and blood. Prevents the self-healing of the fleshy body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out along with the meat foam.

A shocking scene flashed in Wu Mu's eyes. This was bloodline Divine Ability, formidable power, so that he didn't even have the chance to resist, and was easily severely injured. If it were other Divine Ability, Wu Mu would not be afraid, but this strange waning moon is too terrifying. As long as the waning moon has moonlight, it can easily cross the boundary of shuttling through the void.

The formidable power is so strong that today's fleshy body can't compete.

"It's useless, all your struggles are just in vain, under the bright moon, my strength is endless, the power of the waning moon, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, as long as there is a bright moon, I The power will never be exhausted."

The warrior stood in the void step by step, moving towards Wu Mu, each step, with a terrifying general trend, coercion. It seems to crush everything. He is the mansion of God walking under the moonlight.

This is the terrifying ability of the Silver Wolf bloodline.

Especially this bloodline Divine Ability, as long as it is under the moonlight, this Divine Ability can be unrestrictedly displayed, and it can display the most powerful power without any scruples, and it does not consume its own bloodline. Divine Force, but from the power of the infinite moonlight in the bright moon.

In this case, how terrifying his battle strength will be.


A icy waning moon once again crossed the boundary between Heaven and Earth, and appeared in front of Wu Mu in an instant, moved towards the neck with a lightning-like cut, as if it was going to cut Wu Mu's head into pieces on the spot. two paragraphs.

Bang! !

However, this waning moon did not fall on the body, and at the same time as it approached the body, an ice blue shield appeared directly outside the body, covering the entire body, and it was fierce with the waning moon moon blade. The collision together, one after another force, continuously the shield quickly unloads all directions.

Human Divine Ability - Water Spirit Cover! !

However, the water spirit hood still didn't resist for a long time in front of the waning moon. In the blink of an eye, a hideous hole had been cut in the water spirit hood, and it continued to move towards Wu Mu.

When! !

However, just as the waning moon was about to hit the neck, a powerful lance suddenly hit the waning moon with a heavy spear. The waning moon, which had already consumed most of its strength when the water shroud was broken, was in a In the spear, all the smashed split up and in pieces collapsed on the spot, turning into a streamer after another silver white.

Spear! !

The Ice Spear! !

It is the Divine Ability Ice Spear condensed by the wolf! !

This spear, held in Wu Mu's hand, is not the only consequence of the snow spear of the homologous bloodline Divine Force being held in his hand, is that a thick layer of ice crystals runs along the arm at an astonishing speed. It quickly spread to the top and bottom of the body. To freeze the entire body again.


However, Wu Mu didn't stay for long, just in an instant, at the moment when the waning moon was smashed, the arm flicked, the spear of ice and snow was like a white lightning, and it turned into a bright light in midair. The streamer of light, moved towards the fierce hole in the chest of the warrior wolf. This spear not only contains the power of ice and snow, but also infuses the nine Power of Dragon in Wu Mu's body.

Under the spear of ice, the void vibrated violently.

When the Snow Spear broke through the air, a high-pitched screeching sound was transmitted through the air, a terrifying sound that ripped apart the air.

Quick! !

It's getting too close.

The Ice Spear appears in front of the Wolf Warrior. On the spot, it collided with the blood-colored bloodline Divine Astral, and the entire bloodline Divine Astral made a blunt sound. Just in an instant, the bloodline Divine Astral shattered like glass on the spot.


However, the existence of bloodline Divine Astral gave the warrior a huge buffer, without even thinking about it, with a wave of his hand, a fierce moon blade appeared from behind. The waning moon shot out, slashed on the spear of ice and snow, and made a rumbling sound. The spear of ice and snow and the moon blade exploded at the same time, turning into countless fragments, chaotically swept all around, destroying.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

When Wu Mu threw the spear of ice and snow, he didn't hesitate, turned around and madly rushed out in one direction, each step, all Stepping out of several feet, black hair is dancing wildly, bloodshot, and blood is floating, turning into footprints.

At the same time that the wolf smashed the spear of ice and snow, Wu Mu had already run away several hundred zhangs, and he was still running wildly forward. Depression and despair, some are just endless firmness and persistence.

The obsession with life.

I don't want to die, no one can kill me.

The wolf warrior is too strong. Under the bright moon, the bloodline Divine Ability is so powerful that it can face any bloodline powerhouse, even several or dozens of bloodline martial cultivators. .

In the face of a strong enemy, fight against it. If the strength gap is too big, that kind of fight, if you don't know how to advance or retreat, you are courting death, and you are stupid.

A martial cultivator fight is not a mortal fight.

It's about being unbeaten in body and mind. If you fail, you will come back again, you will fail again, and you will try again until the moment of victory. The road of a Martial Artist lies in unyielding, in not getting discouraged, in a strong enough A heart that will never be defeated. As long as the failure is not corrupted by failure in the heart. Winning in defeat is the way to True Martial Artist.

Wu Mu didn't have the slightest burden to escape.

This time I lost, I will get it back with my own hands. Now that he is dead, that is, there is no chance to get it back, and that is the sadness of Martial Artist.

"Escape? Can you run away?"

The eyes of the wolf warrior are full of a terrifying ice cold enough to freeze everything. The power that erupted from the spear smashed the bloodline Divine Astral, and at the same time caused its blood to tumble. The bloodline Divine Force in the body was consumed by most of it, and the corners of the mouth couldn't help but flow out blood.

ka-cha! !

The poignant waning moon burst out of the sky like lightning, moved towards Wu Mu and slashed fiercely. At the same time, the entire body of the warrior wolf quickly swept forward, as if the body was nothing, and only lightly stepped on the ground every few tens of meters.

Blood sea powerhouse, in addition to casting Divine Ability, can not use Strength of Fleshly Body walking in the sky for a long time. However, it has been possible to stay in the void for a short time.

When! !


At the same time when the waning moon was about to be slashed, Wu Mu stretched out his hand, grabbed a battle blade from the ancient lamp, and slashed it on the waning moon accurately. The power poured out in the middle of the moon slammed Wu Mu forward. Brutal Moon Slash was on the back, with another laceration.

But the body, with the help of the power of the waning moon, stepped forward and stepped forward on the hundred zhang, once again widening the distance from the warrior wolf.

The blood blooms in the dark night, bringing out the dazzling splendor.

"Run, keep running forward, never die here."

There was only one thought in Wu Mu's mind.

Wu Mu does not have trump cards in his hand to deal with the Wolf Warrior, as long as he uses another life-saving hair, with Wu Tianxi's battle strength, this Warrior Wolf, in front of him, is an ant. A single finger can stab to death.

However, there was a determined look in Wu Mu's eyes.

I, Wu Mu, can't rely on the strength of others in the face of difficulties. Excessive reliance will only bring about the weakness of the soul. Before the moment of life and death, you must not use any life-saving hair.

Although the wolf warrior is strong, it may not kill me.

A look of determination flashed across Wu Mu's face.

The pace under his feet quickened a bit again, and he ran wildly forward.

At the same time, in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, one after another blood essence continuously pours into the body, supporting the flow of blood, and has been constantly entangled and collided with the bloodline Divine Force on the wound, every breath, A large amount of blood essence is consumed.

Secondary Divine Ability on wounds.

Even the Bronze Ancient Lamp cannot heal the wound in an instant at this moment, and can only continuously transform into the bloodline Divine Force, pour it into the wound, and constantly wipe out the power of Divine Ability. The consumption of blood essence in the ancient lamp has almost reached an alarming level. If it can be quiet and tempering with "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon", the speed will definitely be faster.

"Wu Mu, you can't escape. Stay with me."

The warrior wolf chased after him coldly. one after another the waning moon slashed down like lightning. From time to time, one after another ferocious wound is torn out on Wu Mu's body.

Run! run! run! !

Wu Mu is running at an unprecedented speed.

I don't know how long it has been and how many wounds and cracks have appeared on my body.

blood dyed red.

crash-bang! !

I don't know when, in the front, there was a crisp sound. (To be continued.)

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