Martial Tomb

Chapter 107

Martial Tomb Chapter 107


Dark night! !

The quiet moonlight brings a touch of coolness to the earth, falling in the mountains and forests, making the night more hazy.

In the mountain forest, an azure silhouette walked forward step by step, but the direction it went was not the direction of Dragon Gate Town, but moved towards the other end.

This silhouette is Wu Mu.

After being invited by Feng Sanqian, Wu Mu naturally entered the residential area of Wufang Auction House, talked with Feng Sanqian for a while, and said something about Secret Realm. Soon, Feng Sanqian quietly sent him out of the camp through a unique channel, avoiding those Bounty Hunters who were waiting outside.

It can be said that he quietly left the camp and avoided almost all sight.

He didn't want to return to Dragon Gate Town. The current Dragon Gate Town is too dangerous. I don't know how many people secretly want to kill him. Once in, it is extremely difficult to leave again. Besides, how could his eyes be limited to a small Dragon Gate Town.

The dragon is the one who leaps over the gantry! !

"According to what Feng Sanqian said, if you keep walking in this direction, you should be able to cross the border of the Dayue Dynasty and arrive at a triangle at the junction of the Dayue Dynasty, the Taihao Dynasty, and the Dayi Dynasty - chaotic ancient territory !!"

"There are natural dangers and forbidden areas in the chaotic ancient territory, and even the Three Great Emperors cannot intervene in it. Instead, it becomes a readable and chaotic area, although it is within the scope of the dynasty. Safe enough, but lack of experience and blood. To become a powerhouse, you must go to chaotic ancient territory.”

Wu Mu’s eyes were full of determination and perseverance.

This is The decision he made when he left Secret Realm. Dragon Gate Town is just, definitely not the end,

In chaotic ancient territory, as long as you have the strength, you can get everything, money, beauty, medicine Pill, secret treasure, Divine Weapon, status, everything, everything, as long as you have the strength, you can get everything. All of this is based on absolute strength. Without strength, you will survive at the bottom.

Tragic, humble!!

Chaos ancient territory, a purgatory where martial cultivators with the Heart of Powerhouse dare to set foot.

As long as you have the ability, in chaos In ancient territory, it's like being in the Immortal Realm. Any need can be satisfied as quickly as possible.

There are no laws there, only powerhouse is respected, weak are prey to the strong law of the jungle

"I have reached the Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, accumulated in the body, and under the nourishment of the Divine Source, I have reached the pinnacle, and I can have a breakthrough at any time. However, my "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" has not yet A cultivation technique to create a bloody sea. Stepping into the sea of blood like this is bound to be too hasty for me. ”

“It is necessary to obtain enough cultivation techniques in the sea of blood, and even obtain books of cultivation techniques from the arsenal that can supply cultivation in the sea of blood. Lotus Emperor's Canon. Create a sea of blood! ! Only in this way can you be advanced by leaps and bounds in the blood sea realm, and be sublimated to the utmost. ”

Wu Mu walked forward firmly in the mountains and forests.


In the mountains and forests, there was silence, only crisp and steady. The footsteps echoed in the air, making a screeching sound.

"No, it's weird. ”

The step of walking forward suddenly stopped, Wu Mu’s mind instantly flashed a thought, and the two lines of sight quickly glanced all around.

Quiet !!

It's too quiet.

It's a little abnormal.

This is in the mountain range, and it's still in the Meteor Dragon Mountains, Even at the edge of the mountain range, those free ominous beasts impossible make the forest so quiet. Unless there is a terrifying ominous beast hiding in the vicinity, or even a terrifying powerhouse. Exudes breath, let all around The ominous beast, the insects and birds dare not make any noise.

“Who is it? Come out! ! "

Wu Mu took a deep breath, his pupils shrank for a while, he let out a snort, and glanced all around coldly.

"Okay!" ! As expected, Wu Mu, who had passed through forty-three consecutive kills and had the name of the blood slaughter, was able to detect the change of breath and the danger. At the beginning, I really took a wrong look at you. "

In front, a silhouette of silver white stands impressively, with a slender body, standing coldly, with a pair of eyes, like a lone wolf, staring at Wu Mu.

"War Wolf! ! "

Wu Mu's eyes narrowed, a dignified look appeared in his eyes, and two words slowly spit out from his mouth.

Almost at a glance, he could see the middle-aged man on the opposite side. Identity, when I first saw him, the impression was too deep, especially the baleful aura and majesty accumulated through a lot of killings, it is even more etched in the heart, but on the face of the wolf, I don't know when, There is an extra small scar.

The scar does not affect its appearance, but it brings out a fierce baleful aura.

"Hand over blood dragon scales, hand over the emperor-level cultivation technique , this seat will leave you with a whole corpse. Zhanlang glanced coldly at Wu Mu, raised his brows, and said categorically: "If you dare to say nothing, this seat will let you die without a burial site, and the corpse will be eaten by ten thousand wolves." forever unable to reincarnate. "

In the words, there is an unquestionable command.

It makes people's whole mind and heart be shocked.

"I have no blood dragon scales, as for the emperor-order cultivation technique, I don't have either. If you want to fight, my Wu Mu may not be afraid of you. "Wu Mu's eyes flashed brightly, and a tragic imposing manner shot out from his body.


The brave man wins.

No matter how strong the enemy is, let me show my sword!! I still dare to show my sword!!

Using "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" to refine fleshy body, tempering foundation, create Divine Source to nurture body, fleshy The strength of the body is far superior to other Shedding Mortality Realm, nine Power of Dragon, even in the blood sea realm, it may not be impossible to fight.

"You are courting death. "

When the wolf saw Wu Mu, the eyes in his pupils became colder, coldly snorted and said: "If you don't say it, then this seat will kill you and take it back from your corpse." If I take what belongs to me, I will pay the price in blood. ”

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and moved towards Wu Mu with a palm volley.

Rumble!! Suddenly, World's Essence Qi converged, directly condensing into a silver white palm, slapped down domineeringly, the void under the palm kept shaking, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared on the top of the head and slapped it fiercely. Under the palm, the air burst. Solidification, suffocation.

Although it is just a random palm, it can burst out terrifying destructive power. In the palm, it contains bloodline Divine Force.

"Come on, kill! ! ”

The fierce palm wind made the hair behind the head dance frantically, scraping against the skin, making a tearing sound, but it was resisted by the strange azure texture that emerged on the skin. Tearing any wound on the skin, loudly shouted in the mouth, took a step forward, and his arms shook.

Like Twin Dragons Rise From The Sea, fast in a strange trajectory Blow out.

In both palms, a strange shocking force is transmitted.

ang ang ang!!

Behind, the dive light shoots , Nine Dragon's roars soared into the sky, nine lifelike dragon shadows danced wildly, and the turbulent all around the void was roaring.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms ——Shocked hundreds of miles!!


The heavy palms and the silver-white palm strikes that fell down, and at the moment of collision, far more than nine Powers erupted from the palms. of Dragon's terrifying power, and, in the palm of his hand, transmits an astonishing power of shock.

The silver-white hand that was just shot by the warrior wolf, under this palm, erupted on the spot. A dazzling dive splendor, terrifying power poured out, but under this style 'shocked a hundred miles', it was shattered with a bang. In midair, a terrifying air explosion was delivered.

9 Power of Dragon, what a terrifying, under the shocking explosion, the burst of power is more than nine Power of Dragon.

"Kill! ! ”

Wu Mu’s eyes flashed cold light, fighting intent boiled on his body, one after another, his body was madly surging and boiling, killing, even if it was a powerhouse in the sea of blood, as long as If you stand in front of yourself, then kill him.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

After smashing the silver hand with one palm, Wu Mu did not stop, Step forward and step out quickly, each step, like a meteor chasing the moon, fast as lightning, across several feet, the ground where you stand, directly emerges one after another as fine as a spider, appearing in front of the wolf, The palms in his hands are moved straight towards the fierce strikes on the chest of the warrior wolf.

Like a fighting dragon with a boiling intent, press forward, bursting out with a terrifying aura that wants to choose someone to devour.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms——Dragon fights in the wild!!

Dragon fights in the wild, its blood is dark yellow!!

In the palm, it brings out an extremely powerful imposing Manners and coercion, fighting, fighting without fear.

“Nine Power of Dragon, nine Dragon Marks, you have reached Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, every level, cultivation is the Emperor Scripture, you get inheritance. For the first time, the wolf warrior's face showed a hint of horror, but he immediately said with a sneer: "Okay! good! good! ! No matter what kind of fortuitous encounter you have, the Shedding Mortality Realm is the Shedding Mortality Realm, it is always impossible to cross the boundary, compete against the powerhouse of the blood sea, how about the nine Power of Dragon, kill! ! "

Although he said it, his face showed a dignified expression that had never been seen before.

The power reached the extreme, enough to produce incredible qualitative changes. Nine Power of Dragon, It can already threaten the life of the blood sea realm.

ao wu!!

The wolf warrior's eyes narrowed, and he saw Wu Mu, who was moved towards himself, and his hands were violent. He lifted it up and burst into a sharp claw, in front of him, moved towards the palms swept in by Wu Mu, and slammed into the air. Outside, a tragic wolf howled.

Before, with this tearing.

Two silver white ferocious wolf claws were condensed out of thin air. One tear, this tear, a layer of terrifying chaotic ripples rippled in the space in front of him. The moment when countless silver white wolf claws were densely packed, moved towards Wu Mu from countless strange angles, frantically tearing past.

A terrifying aura emerges from the dense wolf claws.

It is the terrifying will to tear everything apart and destroy everything.

Human Martial Arts Divine Ability ——Tear Heavenly Wolf Claws!!


Wu Mu saw countless ferocious wolf claws torn out, and a frenzy shot out in his eyes. With a look, a killing sound came out of his mouth, he did not retreat but advanced, and he did not evade, and slapped fiercely on the chest of the wolf. (To be continued.)

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