Martial Tomb

Chapter 106

Martial Tomb Chapter 106


“Is it a Bounty Hunter card?”

“Oh my God, Wu Mu, the blood slaughterer, can actually get the Bounty Hunter card sent by the Bounty Hunter Temple. This is a status symbol that can only be possessed by the real Bounty Hunter."

"The one who has the Bounty Hunter card is the real Bounty Hunter. That is, the true hunter in the Bounty Hunter Palace. Those who do not have the Hunter Card are all It's just a trainee hunter, a backup hunter, and a rateless candidate hunter. Even the most common Dark Iron Hunter card has endless benefits."

"It is said that hunters with the Bounty Hunter card are receiving quests. When paying the quest, simply do not need to return to the Bounty Hunter Hall, you can easily complete the task directly with the Hunter Card, and even get the quest reward. Only those who have been approved by the Bounty Hunter Hall can get the Hunter Card.”

When a Bounty Hunter saw the black iron crystal card complexion greatly changed in the hands of the hunchbacked old man, they exclaimed in surprise, looked at the card, and wished to take him immediately and take it for himself.

"Blood Recognizing Master?"

Wu Mu took the Dark Iron Hunter card, thought about it, bit his finger, and a drop of bright red blood fell on the crystal card , In the blink of an eye, Jingka absorbed the drop of blood. At the same time, Wu Mu only felt a mysterious connection between himself and Jingka. Under this connection. The whole mind was involuntarily submerged into the crystal card.


My mind entered the crystal card, and what appeared in front of me was a void space, but in this space, a girl wearing a long purple dress appeared out of thin air.

The girl said with a faint smile when she saw Wu Mu: "Get the Bounty Hunter card, you are already a black iron hunter, please say your name, it can be a code name, no real name is required."

That voice was extremely clear and pleasant, and seemed to be able to cleanse the soul.

"Since some people call me Xuetu, then my name will be Xuetu." Wu Mu slightly hesitated, he knew about Bounty Hunter's replacement. Not too surprised at the moment. However, the scene in this hunter card is what really made him feel incredible.

This is even more mysterious than the previous computer.

The girl in the purple skirt in front of her is an illusion. not real.

"Please confirm, the name—Xuetu!!" The girl in the purple skirt responded immediately when she heard it.

"Confirmed, Blood Slaughter!!"

Wu Mu confirmed again.

"Okay, the name has been determined, please confirm your Bounty Hunter mark. You can mark yourself with any item. However, the one that has been used cannot be used again. The mark of each Bounty Hunter is unique and unmatched." The girl in the purple skirt said again.

"My mark, Azure Lotus!!"

Wu Mu slightly hesitated, thoughts move, and directly put a picture of Azure Lotus growing in chaos in front of him. The lotus leaves of jade green, the gorgeous lotus petals, etc., are clearly presented in front of you. That's a ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus.

"The mark is confirmed, Ten Grade 2 Azure Lotus." The girl in the purple skirt nodded said again.

"The recognizing Master of the hunter card has been completed. You can see the quests posted near your location in the hunter card, and select the quest. Once the quest is completed, if you need the quest item, you can put the quest item into the hunter. In the card, teleport to the Hunter's Hall, and the quest will be settled naturally. Now, you can accept the quest."

The girl in the purple skirt said with a light smile and waved her hand.

In front of Wu Mu's eyes, a huge screen appeared. On the screen, one could see the task of rays of light, such as black iron, bronze, silver, and gold, flashing one after another. thoughts move , you can see the content of the task.

More high-tech than high-tech.

Wu Mu was speechless. Compared with his previous life, he really didn't know which one was more ignorant. In the previous life or the Internet era, holographic virtual reality appeared here.

"It should be a Divine Weapon that is used as a center."

Wu Mu pondered in his heart. As early as in the Wufang Auction House, he had already noticed that this world It is far from being as barbaric as imagined, and in some respects, it is even more incredible than the previous life.

In Wufang Auction House, a Divine Weapon Ruyi Mirror is used as the center. produce incredible results.

"From today, Xuetu, you are already a black iron hunter. If you want to be promoted, you must complete enough tasks and accumulate enough contribution points before you can be promoted. If you are promoted to a bronze hunter, you will be promoted. There's a surprise."

After the girl in the purple skirt said with a smile, she turned around and was disappeared in front of Wu Mu.

In the black iron crystal card, only the illusory screen still stands, constantly flashing one after another with different tasks. As long as you want, you can easily take over the task here.

"Boy, take over the task of exploring the Meteor Dragon Mountains Secret Realm." At this moment, an old voice came from Wu Mu's ears.

"Meteor Dragon Mountains Secret Realm quest, there." Wu Mu thoughts moved, almost subconsciously found a quest with multicolored rays of light, and took it down, multicolored quest, this It is a task with no rank restrictions, no matter who it is, it can be accepted, and there is no penalty for failure.


took a deep breath, and in the blink of an eye, he was already freed from the black iron crystal card, he turned his attention again, and looked at the crystal card in his hand, on the crystal card, a long snow-white strip appeared, just It's the same as the experience bar in previous online games. It's just empty inside, nothing.

This is the contribution bar. Only when one's own contribution points completely fill this blank contribution bar, then one's own Bounty Hunter level will be automatically promoted to reach the Bronze Hunter level. The black iron crystal card will then be transformed into a bronze crystal card.

"Senior wants to know the news from Secret Realm."

Wu Mu turned around, held the Dark Iron Hunter in his hand, looked towards the hunchbacked old man, said slowly. He's not a fool, how could he not know what they want.

"Now you are a Bounty Hunter, say all the information in the Secret Realm, you can complete the bounty quest, with the contribution points of this quest, you can accumulate enough contribution to be promoted to Bronze Hunter. ”

The hunchbacked old man said in a tranquil voice.

Wu Mu was silent for a while, then said: "Inside, there is an ominous beast Secret Realm, divided into fourth layers, there are one hundred reading islands in the first layer, one hundred entrants. , is divided into a hundred islands, most of the ominous beasts on each island are ordinary rank ominous beasts, but there is one soldier rank ominous beast, and you cannot leave the island without killing the rank ominous beast.”

"Is it the ominous beast Secret Realm?"

Feng Sanqian and Tian Zhen had a strange look on their faces when they heard this.

"Also, most of the ominous beasts in Secret Realm have Dragon Clan Bloodline, and on the topmost, on the only island, there is a dragon's nest..." Wu Mu didn't hesitate, these were all for him. It's not important, this Secret Realm, if there is no accident, I'm afraid it's impossible to come again.

Not long after, the general information in the Secret Realm will be narrated.

Island, Dragon Beast, Dragon's Nest, etc., as long as I can say it, of course, most of the things related to myself are hidden, and the experience in the Dragon's Nest is even more Not a word. As for the "Azure Lotus Imperial Code", that is a secret within a secret.

For a long time, after listening to this, Tian Zhen's eyes froze and he said, "There is an ominous beast Secret Realm, a hundred islands, I am afraid that the elite warriors who will be dispatched in it have already died. "

"There is actually a dragon's nest in the Secret Realm. It seems that the evil dragon really died here, and it died in the Secret Realm, and the dragon body turned into a dragon's nest." "Feng Sanqian looked thoughtful and murmured.

After Wu Mu finished speaking, the hunchbacked old man also nodded, saying: "The news in Secret Realm is good, the reward for this mission is yours, the mission is completed, your mission reward is already in you. Inside the Bounty Hunter card. Check it yourself."

Wu Mu immediately entered the black iron crystal card with his mind, and immediately saw that inside the crystal card, there was a pile of bronze-colored crystals. Coins, if you look closely, there are more than 10,000 coins. Accumulated in the crystal card, the breath exuded is enough to move people's hearts. Leaving the crystal card space, looking at the crystal card, a blood-colored blood slot appeared, reaching the position of a contribution bar.

As if, this is the contribution point obtained.

While Wu Mu and Feng Sanqian were talking.

Outside the camp, among the Bounty Hunters, a slender body with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, and a roe-eyed Bounty Hunter stared at Wu Mu, with strange rays of light flashing in his eyes from time to time. .

"It turned out to be this kid, he really wasn't dead yet, he actually pretended to be dead when he entered the blood pool and couldn't hide, the blood dragon scales that fell from the blood dragon flower must be on him. "

The man squinted the pair of mung bean eyes and kept rolling them, with a sneer on the corners of his mouth, and said, "Wu Mu, this kid is called Wu Mu, he was just a leather refining man before." The small martial cultivator of the level has reached the Shedding Mortality Realm Peak in less than a few months, and he also has the emperor-level cultivation technique. The boss will definitely be interested in such prey."

"Taking away what belongs to my wolf hunter group, the boss will not let it go. Let the boss know that this boy named Wu, I, Shu Jin, will take care of it. I dare to lie to you, the grandfather."

The gloomy eyes glanced at Wu Mu again, then turned around and disappeared into the crowd, leaving quietly.


Wu Mu subconsciously moved towards the position where Shu Jin was standing just now. The illusion of being spied on. But when I checked again, I found nothing.

"Maybe it's just an illusion."

Wu Mu pondered to himself, but now there are many people who are prying about themselves. If there is hostility, grab a large sum of money, and find out the goodwill, but can be counted on one's fingers.

"Brother Wu, go back to my tent and have a rest first. When Tianyao comes out, we will go back to Dragon Gate Town together. That way, it should be safer." Feng Sanqian said with a smile.

Looking at the Bounty Hunter all around densely packed, Wu Mu nodded and said, "This will disturb Big Brother Feng." (To be continued.)

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