Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3007: Heavenly Art

Daohuang Shenzun stood up slowly, his face turned pale.

At the left arm wound, the terrible vitality was wiping out Xian Lei, and the arm slowly grew out.

The Han Zhan and Han Yu father and son did not stop them, but slowly walked towards the Taoist God.

"Today you father and son are just right together, this deity gets rid of your two evils at once!" Dao Sovereign God said solemnly.

Suddenly, his golden platform quickly decomposed, turned into pieces of gold and quickly flew onto his body, combined into a golden armor, and a golden spear appeared quietly in his hand, instantly giving people a feeling of a golden war **** coming to the world. .


The three of them started at the same time, Han Yu waved his fists, and six reincarnation fists burst out.

The Korean war is a swordsman with a scale ruler, and displays the unparalleled sword technique.

The Dao Emperor Godzun holds a long spear, which is like a dragon, or stabs or sweeps or slashes, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

"Boom boom boom..."

The three fiercely fought together.

The strength of the Taoist God is not affected by this place, and it is extremely terrifying, far above the time and space Gods.

So even if Han Yu and the Korean War teamed up, they couldn't help him for a while.


Suddenly, Han Yu took out the Dao-patterned golden sword and displayed Zhao Yubing's fascination. The horror sword intent turned into a whirlwind and swept away.

The Korean War also displayed horror swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship of the father and son complemented each other, and the coordination was seamless.


Sparks splashed around the scene.

The terrifying sword intent avoided the attack of the Taoist Emperor, and blasted on the body of the Taoist Emperor.

However, the armor of the Dao Emperor Gods was extremely hard, and the sword intent was actually not worth anything.

"With your lethal power, what can I do?" Dao Sovereign God was very proud.


Speaking of a back lance pierced out, like a blue dragon going out to sea, it slammed into the Dao-patterned gold sword, causing Han Yu to fly backwards.

Immediately after talking about the spear, it slashed down towards the Korean war force like a broad sword.

The Korean War raised the measuring ruler to block, and the tiger's mouth was shattered.

The Korean War was extremely aggrieved. If he were in other places, he would not weaken the Dao Emperor, but he could not use the power of time and space here, such as breaking his arm.

Han Yu realized that this is not the way to go.

Neither the Six Reincarnation Boxing nor the "Ten Thousand Laws and Ten Thousand Swords, Ten Thousand Swords Extinguish the Sky" could not break through the defenses of the Dao Sovereign God, and Xian Lei Arrow was also difficult. Among the many methods he mastered, only the Heavenly Monument of Zhen Shen could pose a threat to the Taoist deity.

Han Yu decisively withdrew from the battlefield, the Korean War entangled the Taoist deity, he hurriedly Jiyin to display the terrifying supernatural powers.


Soon, the God of Zhentian monument was put on display, and the oppressive void fell down.

Still did not attract the punishment.

Upon seeing the Korean War, he hurriedly retreated by taking advantage of the counter-shock power of the Dao Emperor God.

Daohuang Shenzun let out a cold snort, pierced his spear with his backhand, and slammed it on the Heavenly Stone Tablet.

The heavenly monument of Zhenshen was so heavy that it slid two deep marks on the ground while pushing him, and the hands holding the spear were worn out.

Daohuang Shenzun withdrew hundreds of feet before blocking the Zhenshen Tianbei.

At this moment, the Korean War on the other side also displayed terrifying supernatural powers, turning into a translucent blue dragon, and ramming towards the Taoist deity.

Daohuang Shenzun held a long spear in his left hand to resist the town god's monument, flipped his right hand, and hit the translucent dragon with a punch.


The fist marks were broken, and the dragon was shaken back a few steps and swooped in again.

The Taoist gods blasted out several punches one after another, smashing the dragon to pieces.


At this moment, another golden stone monument struck.

After hitting the stone tablet that was about to dissipate, the stone tablet crashed and then hit the spear.

The long spear of the Taoist Emperor was directly knocked out of his hand, and the Heavenly Stone Monument of the God of the Emperor smashed directly on the body of the Taoist Emperor.

The Taoist Emperor was knocked upside down by the Zhenshen Tianzhu and flew out, and then the Zhentian Tianzhu directly pressed on the Taohuang Shenzun.


There were cracks in the armor on the Taoist gods.


Suddenly, the Korean War broke out, and he jumped up and stepped directly on the Zhenshen Tianzhu. His body soared rapidly, and instantly became a thousand feet high.

Following that, the golden armor of the Taoist Emperor deity burst into pieces.

The town god's monument shook suddenly and burst open.

The Korean War ignored the energy storm, fell from the sky, fell down, and stepped heavily on the body of the Taoist Emperor, and directly stepped the Taoist Emperor into the ground.

The flesh began to split rapidly.


The Taoist deity screamed, trying to break free from the suppression of the Korean War, but at this time, he felt like an ant stepped on by an elephant at the foot of the Korean War.

"The sky-reaching technique?"

Han Yu's face changed slightly as he watched the indomitable Korean War.

The art of the sky, the famous technique of the Korean War, is more terrifying than the ancient haste.

The so-called sky-reaching technique is to touch the sky with your head and step on the earth to suppress everything.

The name of the "Tongtian Emperor" in the Korean War came from this.

However, because the Korean War has repeatedly crossed the ancient and modern wars in the future, it has planted cause and effect, and its strength has been greatly reduced. The art of piercing the sky is even more condemned by the heavens. If it is not a last resort, the Korean War will not be easily used.


Suddenly, the Taoist Emperor God's body exploded and was directly trampled to death by Han Zhan.

The supreme powerhouse exploded, and its power was terrifying, but the Korean War stood still like loose.

That huge figure is extremely stalwart at this time, it seems that it can trample the world under its feet.

"Father!" Han Yu was both shocked and worried.

Today, he finally saw the famous technique of the Korean War, but Han Yu was very worried about the state of the Korean War.

Suddenly, Han Zhan's body shrank quickly and turned into a deity. Immediately afterwards, he staggered.


A mouthful of blood, spewed out without warning, and the whole person's breath instantly wilted.

Han Yu was shocked and rushed out to support the Korean War.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Han Zhan shook his hand.

How could Han Yu not worry, because the Korean War had planted too many causes and effects, his strength retreated and retreated. This time he used the technique of sky-reaching power, and I am afraid that even if he is healed, his strength will retreat again.

Han Yu hurriedly handed over the space magic weapon that had collected Absolute Immortal Magnolia to the Korean War, and the Korean War took the space magic weapon into his body and asked Absolute Magnolia to heal his injuries.

"Go, help your mother!" After Han Zhan took a deep breath, he looked in the direction where Zhao Yubing and the Great Sage God were, rushing out of horror.

Han Yu took the lead in showing how to leave and rushed over. The Korean War hand-held measuring ruler, followed closely!

The Great Sage God had heard the yelling of the Taoist God before, and now he saw Han Zhan and Han Yu have been killed, he did not hesitate to be stabbed by Zhao Yubing and escaped.

How could Zhao Yubing let him succeed and follow him closely.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, several terrifying auras soared up into the sky from all directions, causing the Han Zhan, Han Yu, Zhao Yubing and Dao Emperor Gods to change color slightly and hurriedly stopped.

I saw nine figures walking out from all directions, forming an encircling circle, enclosing the four people.

Each of these people exudes an earth-shattering breath. All are the supreme strong.

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