Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3006: Even hurt the supreme

The Time and Space God has never been forced to such a situation since he proclaimed the Supreme Realm!

Even if he was defeated by the Korean War last time, it was the invisible force of time that caused him huge damage, not this kind of shocking chest pain.

Time and space gods are shocked and angry!


Han Yu struck again, his sword intent broke through the air, terrifying.

The **** of time and space made a cold grunt with respect, spread his right hand, and rushed out a translucent chain from the palm of his hand. The chain swayed like a dragon hovering, smashing the sword intent and colliding with the gold sword .


There was a loud noise and sparks flew everywhere.

The translucent chain was like a python, bound towards Han Yu.

Han Yu swung his sword and fought fiercely.

This translucent chain is precisely the time and space chain that is the magic weapon of the time and space gods, which can confine the universe and lock time and space.

But here, it can only be used as an ordinary magic weapon, because the power of time and space cannot be used.

However, the Supreme Soldier is unparalleled in power, and it didn't take long for a dense gap to appear on the gold sword with Dao pattern, which was shocking.

Although the Dao-patterned Golden Sword is a magic weapon refined with divine material, it is extremely hard, but the opponent's time-space chain is a supreme soldier, which is even more terrifying.

Han Yu tried to get close to the time and space **** many times, but was forced to retreat by the time and space chains.

The Time and Space Chain is in the hands of the Time and Space God, and if there is life, the attack is fierce like a dragon, and the defense is impeccable.

In a blink of an eye, after the battle for more than half an hour, Han Yu was injured by time and space chains in many places.

Han Yu decisively summoned the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, which turned into a hill the size of a hill, and drove toward the front to suppress it.

The Temporal God Sovereign was forced to passively defend in an instant, and the chains of time and space circled up to block the raging demon gourd.

With a long roar, Han Yu flew out from the swallowing devil gourd, quickly forming a seal with his hands, and a terrifying golden brilliance bloomed on his body. Soon a golden stone stele appeared in his hands, the heavenly majesty, shaking the earth.

"Zhenshentian monument?"

The time and space gods changed color slightly.

The chain of time and space shook back from the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, and instantly stretched straight, like a spear stabs Han Yu.

Han Yu snorted coldly and photographed the Zhenshentian monument.


The Heavenly Monument of Zhenshen collided with the Chain of Time and Space, oppressing the Chain of Time and Space and moving towards the Sovereign of Time and Space.


Han Yu glanced at the sky suspiciously. Every time the God of Zhentian monument was displayed, it would attract the punishment of heaven, but this time it did not.

The Heavenly Monument of Zhenshen was destroyed, suppressed and left.

The time-space chain is turned into a spring to resist.

When the Zhenshentian monument was pressed to the time and space god, it was about to hit the time and space god.

The chain of time and space bounced like a spring in an instant, and the Heavenly Monument of Zhen Shen was bounced and flew back.

However, the time and space gods were also shocked to pale, and flew backwards quickly.


The Heavenly Monument of Zhenshen flew out and hit a big mountain, exploded, and the mountain shook suddenly.

The Temporal God Sovereign took advantage of the force of recoil and sank into the forest and fled.

Although he blocked the Zhenshen Tianbei, he was really uncomfortable.

Han Yu snorted and hurriedly chased after him.

Han Yu chased for more than an hour, lost the trace of the Time and Space God, decisively gave up, and headed for the core area of ​​the Feixian Mountain Range.

In a flash, more than a day passed, during which Han Yu was repeatedly attacked by golden leopards, all of which were killed by Han Yu.

Han Yu also encountered many Protoss powerhouses, some were killed by the golden leopard, and some killed the golden leopard.

An old man in a white robe shocked Han Yu. A golden leopard capable of fighting Han Yu was actually slapped into blood by the old man's palm.

The old man was a supreme strong man, and he was also a supreme strong man that Han Yu had never seen before, and he didn't need to think about it to know that he came out of the God Ancestor Mountain.

Han Yu avoided from a distance.

If it were changed to another place, with Han Yu and him only tens of miles away, the old man in white would definitely be able to sense him, but here, suppressing everything, the old man in white did not sense Han Yu's existence.

Han Yu and the white-clothed elder diverged from the route on which they set off, and surpassed several large mountains. Suddenly, the sound of clashes from distant mountains attracted Han Yu's attention.

Han Yu sneaked away and found that it was Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing.

The two are fighting.

And the people who fought with them, Han Yu also knew, it was the Great Sage God and Dao Emperor God.

Here, the Korean War was unable to use the power of time and space, and its strength was greatly reduced, and it was suppressed by the Taoist deity.

Zhao Yubing and Dasheng Shenzun, both masters of kendo, played dimly.

Looking at the traces of the battlefield, they fought all the way from the southwest to this side. It seems that they have been fighting for quite a while.

Han Yu couldn't help being furious, and took out the sun-shooting divine bow, condensed the thunder arrows, and pulled the bow to release the arrows.


A bolt of lightning pierced the void and shot towards the Taoist God.


Daohuang Divine Sovereign had no time to react, the terrifying Xian Lei Arrow passed through his left arm, and then exploded suddenly.

The left arm of the Emperor Daoist was instantly broken shoulder-to-shoulder.


A horrified roar came out, shaking the world.

The Korean War took the opportunity to urge the Momentum Ruler and slammed it on the head of the Dao Emperor. The head of the Dao Emperor was cracked and blood flowed.


The golden Taoist platform erupted at the feet of the Taoist God, forcing the Korean War to retreat. He hurriedly changed his shape and rushed out of the battlefield, and went to the distance to look at Han Yu, and found that Han Yu had shot him with a sword, and he couldn't help feeling mad.

"Han Yu child, you are looking for death!"

The Dao Emperor Gods roared, and directly turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Han Yu.

"Your opponent is me." Han Zhan yelled, measuring the sky ruler in his hand and smashed towards the back of the Taoist God.

Although the Korean War cannot use the power of time and space, the supreme means cannot be measured by common sense.

The golden Taoist platform of the Dao Emperor God blocked the measuring ruler and made a terrifying collision. The Taoist Emperor still killed Han Yu with a murderous aura.

But at this time, Han Yu once again condensed in addition to the Xianlei Arrow, drawing a bow and shooting.

Xian Lei already possesses terrifying killing power, and after being blessed by the Supreme Soldier’s sun-shooting divine bow, its power is unimaginable.

Dao Huang Shenzun's eyes were red, and he threw a punch.

The terrible fist mark, carrying the power of the great road, blasted on the Xianlei Arrow.

Both exploded at the same time.

Daohuang Divine Sovereign broke through the energy storm and continued to kill. If Han Yu didn't kill Han Yu, it would be hard to dispel his hatred.

Han Yu snorted coldly, arched the sun shooting **** on his back, and took the initiative to greet him.

Six reincarnation punches!

Fist to fist.

Han Yu moved his fists, but the Dao Sovereign God had only one arm left. After several bombardments, he was shocked and hummed, and hurriedly retreated.

How could Han Yu give him a chance to follow him like a shadow.


The Taoist Emperor was careless, hit Han Yu in the back, and rushed forward.

The supreme strong also made a dog-eating action and smashed to the ground fiercely.

"Ah!" Dao Emperor God hates madness. Since proving Dao Supreme, he has never been ashamed as he is today.

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