Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2960: Clash of Gods and Demons

The Protoss master stopped after passing the Huangsha River and began to recuperate.

When they were in Huangshahe, they suffered a lot. Now there are only seven half-step supreme and some masters of other realms. Almost everyone has suffered different degrees of injury.

Fortunately, everyone was carrying the healing medicine. After more than a month of healing, they are now alive with some vitality.

The seven Half-Step Supremes are Yang Ruqing of Yin-Yang Sect, Mu Sen of Five Elements Sect, Tian Daozi of Six Dao Sect, Fang Youyuan of Great Sage Sect, Xuan Daozi of Wu Shizong, Gongguang Acupoint of Time and Space Sect and Wan Jianzong. Seventeen of the sword.

Originally, both the Nine Martial Arts and Shenzu Mountain sent masters to assist, but they had lost centaur before.

After Daohuangzong and Shenzushan each lost a half-step supreme powerhouse, they only sent some people from other realms to help. As for Ling Tianzong, there has been no news of them for a long time.

In the continuous exploration for more than 20 years, the Five Elements Sect and the Yin-Yang Sect suffered the greatest losses. Not only the half-step supreme powerhouses fell two, but also the masters of the other realms.

Among the ten forces, Wan Jianzong had almost no loss.

Because Ten Thousand Swords Sect only sent one person from Sword Seventeen, and Sword Seventeen also carried the Supreme Soldier Ten Thousand Magic Sword, which was personally protected by the Ten Thousand Magic Sword, even in the Motian Mountains, it was very safe.

At this time, although everyone was resting, the two supreme soldiers' Yin Yang mirror and ten thousand magic swords were suspended in the sky above everyone, and the terrifying aura of the supreme soldiers swept across all directions, dividing the world and resisting the invasion of the power of the hegemon for everyone.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for them to live within the Motian Mountain Range for more than 20 years just because of the power of Thanos.

"Friends of the Seventeen Daoists, if it were not for the foresight of the Ten Thousand Sword God to bestow the Ten Thousand Dharma Sword this time, we people would have fallen halfway. During the period of grace, I will never forget the no-beginning sect."

After Xuan Daozi recovered a little bit, he walked to Sword Seventeen and expressed his heartfelt thanks.

Just a month ago, if they hadn't protected them with seventeen swords and ten thousand magic swords, they would have all fallen.

"Since we are jointly shooting, it should be." Jian Shiqi said lightly, and coldly glanced at the direction where the Yin Yang Sect disciple was.

Xuan Daozi arched his hands at the sword seventeen, then returned to sit cross-legged, meditating and adjusting his breath.

"Friend Seventeen, my Great Sage Sect will not forget this kindness." The leader of the Great Sage Sect came over.

Jian Shiqi nodded and said nothing.

As for whether these people repay the kindness as they said, she doesn't know, and she is not uncommon.

She came this time to find Han Yu and protect him.

If she really meets Han Yu and the two sides fight each other, she also expects those people will not help her.

She hasn't found Han Yu yet, and she is helpless, so she can only share the protection of the Ten Thousand Magic Sword with these people, otherwise it will easily arouse suspicion.

Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Magic Sword and the Yin Yang mirror floating in the sky shook slightly.

"in danger!"

Everyone stood up for the first time, one by one like a frightened bird.


In the distant sky, I saw a series of figures flashing, and soon ten figures appeared, standing side by side in the void hundreds of miles away, looking far away.

"Who are these people?" Everyone changed slightly.

Judging from the direction from which the opponent came, they came from inside the Motian Mountain Range.

"It seems that our guess is correct. There are still creatures in the Motian Mountain Range. These people are probably the demons who have long since disappeared in the world?" Tian Daozi said in a low voice.

Because the Six Dao Sect cultivates the six Dao, one is the Demon Dao, so they are not as repulsive to the Demon Dao as the rest of the Protoss.

"Mozu? Did Han Yu hide in the Mozu?"

The seven protoss are half-step supreme, slowly ascending into the sky, and staring at the opposite person.

"I don't know where you are sacred?" Yang Wuqing asked loudly.

A group of people suddenly appeared, even if they had two Supreme Soldiers, they did not dare to act rashly.

"Kill you guys!" The old man standing in the middle shot a terrifying brilliance in his eyes with murderous aura. This old man is naturally not someone else, it is the Moyun Cave.

The ten half-step supreme-level powerhouses of the Demon Race were all dispatched.


As the voice of the Moyun Cave fell, a long bell sounded like it had come from ancient times, majestic and desolate.

A **** clock appeared above the ten people. It sounded leisurely, and a black mist fell down. Every strand had the momentum of crushing the eternal blue sky, overwhelming devilish air, covering the sky.

"Supreme Soldier?" The Protoss master, no change of color.

In an instant, without their urging, the Wanfa Sword and the Yin Yang Mirror recovered on their own.

The endless sword intent rushed out of the Wanfa Sword, but it was invisible and invisible, but it was killing and shaking the sky; on the yin and yang mirror, the two qi of yin and yang fell, which can transform chaos.

"We have no grievances with you, why do you kill us when you meet?" Yang ruthlessly said in a low voice.

Although they have two supreme soldiers, here, it is best not to do it.

"I think there is a misunderstanding between us. The real battle is not good for both of us. Why don't we sit down and talk about it?" Mu Sen said.

"Hmph, you are chasing our Majesty the Devil everywhere, and now you are breaking into our territory unscrupulously, what is there to talk about, kill!" Mo Yun Cave yelled.

"The Devil?" The gods were all taken aback.

In the depths of Jian Shiqi's eyes, a bright light flashed instantly.

He had already seen that the Devil Cloud Cave and others were all half-step supreme powerhouses, and these people were willing to sell their lives for the Devil Emperor. This shows the Devil Emperor's prestige, and she has already guessed who the Devil Emperor is.

"I didn't expect to see him for many years, he is already a clan emperor!" Jian Shiqi sighed inwardly, completely relieved.

Under the urging of the ten masters of the demon race, the devil clock is like a peerless great demon descending from the sky and hitting towards the master of the demon race.

The Protoss master did not dare to slack off, divided into two groups of men and horses, and urged the Wanfa Sword and the Yin Yang Mirror to fight against them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three supreme soldiers battle, the gods and demons battle!

The terrible breath swept away, and the peaks of the Motian Mountain Range began to shake, cracks began to appear, and then collapsed.

This battle lasted more than half an hour, and both sides relied on the Supreme Soldier to bombard and kill with all their strength.

After half an hour, his momentum dropped suddenly.

On the Protoss side, except for the seven half-step supreme, the rest of the powerhouses all fell to the ground. They simply could not withstand the shock of the Supreme Soldier.

In terms of the Demon Race, all the ten powerhouses, except Demon Cloud Cave, had their faces pale, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

A Supreme Soldier is not an opponent of two Supreme Soldiers after all, and they were seriously injured by Han Yu a month ago. One month's time is not much better.

"Everyone, we don't know who your Devil Emperor is. There must be a misunderstanding. How about we stop for the time being?" Xuandaozi said in a low voice.

Although it seems that they have the upper hand now, the fight will not end well.

"Why, you don't know who I am so soon?" At this moment, a cold voice sounded. "Farewell to your Majesty!" Before the visitor appeared, the top ten masters of the demons all knelt in the void on one knee, and bowed devoutly.

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