Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2959: Devil

"The Lord of the Huozhai Village, Demon Huoshao, pays respects to the Demon Emperor!"

After the scene was quiet for a while, a loud voice suddenly sounded, and one fell to his knees and bowed down to Han Yu devoutly.

"The Lord of Shizhai Village, Demon Stone Inkstone, pays respects to the Demon Emperor!"

"Mo Jianghai, the master of the village of Jiangzhai, pays respects to the Devil Emperor!"

"The owner of Fengzhuang Demon Wind Chime pays respects to the Demon Emperor!"

If one person takes the lead, one after another will kneel at Han Yu's feet. The so-called arrogance is a joke in front of absolute strength.

Soon, only Mo Lei Dong did not kneel.

But when Han Yu's domineering gaze swept at him, his soul trembled three times and he hurried to his knees.

In the Nine Villages and Eighteen Villages, except for the Shui Village, which was killed by the demon water tide, all the remaining people worshipped Han Yu and worshipped Han Yu as the master.

Mo Yan, Mo Xue, and other people in Yunzhuang, came out to see a scene of carrying handles in the Jiuzhuang and Eighteen Villages. They all knelt to the ground and bowed to a man in black. They were all shocked.

Taoist Crow came out to see this scene, and instantly lost his soul. When Han Yu was besieged by many handles, they thought that Han Yu was finished, but Han Yu beat everyone with no power to fight back; when the magic clock appeared that day, they even thought that Han Yu would die without a place to be buried. However, everybody gave Han

Yu knelt.

What kind of power does this man have?

Everyone can't even think about it.

"Meet the Devil Emperor!"

The people of Yunzhuang knelt down one after another.

They didn't know what was going on, but even Moyun Cave knelt down. They had no reason not to kneel.

Soon, only Mo Yan, Mo Xue, and Taoist Crow were still standing.

Mo Yan thought for a while, and fell to his knees.

Mo Xue's face became extremely difficult to look, so she kneeled to Han Yu? She couldn't accept it.

Han Yu naturally wouldn't be careful to blame her, and said lightly: "Flat yourself!"

At this moment, it looked like a supreme emperor.

The demons just got up.

Han Yu disappeared in place as soon as he moved.

Carrying handles in Jiuzhuang and Eighteen Villages, he hurried back to Yunzhuang.

Han Yu stood in the original place of the Yunzhuang Hall, and the rest of the people all stood under the steps, looking up at Han Yu. Han Yu's gaze swept over the people, and finally looked at Moyun Cave, saying: "From now on, the Nine Villages and Eighteen Villages will no longer exist, and the demons will establish an empire. In the Moyun Cave, I will designate you as prime minister, and take charge of the cabinet and Demon Warrior Horse, give you a month to build

One of the strongest demon army. "

Moyun Cave hurriedly knelt down and said, "Thank you!"

Han Yu glanced at the crowd, and then said: "If there is anyone who doesn't obey the dispatcher, kill me!"

Many people were frightened.

In this way, pretending to surrender to Han Yu is not enough.

After giving orders, Han Yu directly answered his previous residence, believing that Moyun Cave would do the next thing.

The fact is also true, Moyun Cave dispatched troops and began to rebuild the demons.

"Devil Emperor, so majestic!" Taoist Crow sneaked to Han Yu's residence, showing his admiration for Han Yu for the first time.

Han Yu ignored him, sitting cross-legged quietly, thinking secretly.

Although he has subdued the demons, there are still many things waiting for him to do.

"Boy, you are now the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race. Give me an official and a half post. I don't want a high official, as long as it is a little higher than the Demon Cloud Cavern." Taoist Crow said in anticipation.

It is such a glorious thing to be able to command the demons.

"Okay." Han Yu smiled.

Taoist Crow was overjoyed, he thought Han Yu would refuse.

Han Yu said: "Since ancient times, the emperor has had a great inner chief, I will appoint you as the great inner chief!"

Taoist Crow's face instantly turned dark blue, and he turned and fled.

"Han Yu!" Suddenly, an angry voice sounded, and a Liying rushed in.

Who is not Mo Xue?

"I'm your Demon Emperor now, do you dare to call me by my name?" Han Yu looked at Mo Xue, oppressing the emperor's aura.

"Hmph, others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid. Our demons treat you very well, why do you want to do this?" Mo Xue asked.

"Why not?" Han Yu asked back.

"You let our demons worship at the feet of a protoss, this is a great insult to our demons!" Mo Xue shouted.


Suddenly, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd appeared, floating above Han Yu.

"Is this your magic weapon?" Mo Xue was stunned.

A person's destiny, and one's own origin, cannot be changed.

As Han Yu practiced "Six Paths of Reincarnation", six powers appeared in his body, and it was difficult to see the origin of the power.

"You are a demon?" Mo Xue exclaimed.

Heaven-swallowing devil gourd erupts with terrifying demon nature, what is it if it is not a demon?

"Is there any comments now?" Han Yu asked.

Mo Xue's face changed and changed, and he bowed to Han Yuyingying unnaturally: "Well, your Majesty!"

A month passed by.

In the newly built hall of Yunzhuang, Han Yu stood high, and the masters and geniuses of the demons stood in four rows below.

Mo Xue had completely surrendered to Han Yu.

Demon Electric and Demon Wind were also among them. The two of them looked at Han Yu with very complicated eyes.

Twenty years ago they were competitors, but now, Han Yu has become their emperor, they have become Han Yu's people.

They are not convinced, but the general trend can only endure temporarily.

Moyunku reported to Han Yu about the reorganization of the Mozu.

Under the drastic changes of the Moyun Cave, the demons have undergone earth-shaking changes. The nine villages and eighteen villages are cancelled, the nine cities and eighteen divisions are built, and the three armies are built, and they are completely moving towards imperialization.

In Jiuzhuang and Eighteen Villages, except for some people in Shui Village, they all obeyed the Empire and Han Yu.

And those rebels in the water village are now all arrested.

Han Yu asked to bring him to the hall, and all the defectors were pressed into the hall.

There are a total of seven people, Mogao impressively included.

"Han Yu, you are a protoss, how much He De is the emperor of my demon clan, I am not convinced!" Mo Gao yelled.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd appeared, and at the same time, he ran the mental method of the Demon Dao Chapter, releasing the origin of the Heaven-Swallowing Dao body.

Suddenly, in the hall, the demonic energy was overwhelming, and the demonic power was vast. Compared with the demons, it was simply insignificant.

"How is it possible, how can you be a demon?" Mo Gao exclaimed.

Except for Moyun Cave, Mo Yan, and Mo Xue, they all showed incredible colors.

"I am not only a demon, but my origin is the swallowing demon body!" Han Yu's voice sounded.

Suddenly, the demons vibrated.

It was Moyun Cave, Moyan and Moxue, all stunned.

After a while, the demons bowed down.

At this moment, no one dared to have different intentions, even the magic electricity and the magic wind, they were all convinced.

Swallowing the devil body, the sacrament in the devil.

Not to mention that Han Yu is still overpowering the demons and overwhelming the world. Even if Han Yu's strength is not very strong, many people are willing to serve him and work for him. "Push out and cut the sacrifice flag, and go to war on the gods!" Han Yu stood up, pointed to the east, and his fighting spirit rushed into the sky.

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