Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2847: with no doubt

The territory of Wan Jianzong and Yin Yangzong are adjacent, and the boundary line is very long. Between the two factions, there is a long, narrow, wild star field that separates them.

One of the wild star regions is called the Lone Star Region, because this star region has only one star. This star city is located in the center of this star field, and it has been stationary since ancient times.

Normally, no one comes here at all.

Because here is not only a vast and endless dark space, it is easy to get lost, but also a barren land with no cultivation resources to find.

It can be said to be a place where birds do not shit.

But that lonely star is very beautiful, like a azure jewel inlaid in the night, exuding a soft light, people call it "beauty star".

It's like a worldly independent beauty, sleeping quietly.

In recent days, countless people are coming here, and everyone is radiating strong or weak light, so that the Lone Star Territory, a dark place forgotten by people, shines better than normal Star Territories. Still bright.

However, no matter how powerful a person is, compared with that beautiful star, there is a feeling of firefly compared with Haoyue.

However, there were more and more people, and in the end, one third of the empty Lone Star Territory was filled with figures.

Everyone takes the beauty star as the center, and surrounds the beauty star in the middle as if the stars hold the moon.

But these people are not here to watch the beauty stars, but to watch the First World War.

This war can be said to be a worldwide concern.

With the arrival of powerful characters and the appearance of core disciples of the ancient sects, the atmosphere of the scene was lifted to its peak time and time again.

There are no traces of the Nine Martial Arts in the world, except for the people of Wanjian Sect and Yin Yang Sect.

People from the Five Elements School, the Six Dao School, the Great Sage School, the Dao Emperor School, the Time Space School, the Ling Tian School, and the Wu Shi School appeared one after another.

Seven of the nine major sects appeared at the same time, just to observe a competition. This has not been seen in the God Realm for a long time.

Even the competition between Tu Tianwei and Fengshenxiao five years ago was not as grand as it is today.

Just because this test was set ten years ago, it was a test between Tu Tianwei, a disciple of Yin Yang School and Xiao Ping, a disciple of Wan Jianzong.

Just because this competition is a life and death battle.

Just because this test is about the honor and disgrace of the two factions, it may also involve the overall situation of the world.

Therefore, the world is shaking.

Just as the famous old people appeared, and the arrogance of the ancient sects arrived, a group of people were directly drowned in the boiling, and they were quickly drowned in the sea of ​​people. .

"Oh my God, why are so many people here?" A stubborn man, his eyes widened as he stared endlessly everywhere he looked.

He can swear to heaven, he has never seen so many people.

"Uncle, don't look at whose fight this is." A beautiful woman, with her chin slightly raised, said proudly.

The man was taken aback, then he laughed and said, "Yes, there should be such a scene."

"No matter where he is, the world is watching!" A graceful and noble woman, her eyes flowed, full of pride, admiration, and some tension.

There are more than 30 people in this group, but in this crowd, there is simply a drop in the ocean.

This group of people came from Dongyang Star Territory, Han Yu's relatives and friends.

Even if Han Yu once explained to them, don't come to watch the battle.

But eventually they came.

They all learned the magical technique of the spirit race, even if they were surrounded by masters of the **** race, no one found them unusual.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the west, like hundreds of millions of chariots driving through the sky, and the sound can be heard tens of millions of miles apart.

For a while, everyone's eyes looked west.

I saw the distant western sky, a spot of light gradually enlarged, and it didn't take long for many people to see an army like an army coming from ancient times.

An ancient and splendid chariot was driving in the front, with only three people standing on it, all of whom were extraordinary and mighty.

A huge flag was inserted on the chariot, the flag was hunting and hunting, the Tai Chi pattern on it seemed to be alive, and the yin and yang fish seemed to be circulating.

"The people of Yin Yang Sect are here!" countless people exclaimed.

Behind that ancient and brilliant chariot, followed by a dense array of chariots, there were a total of ninety-nine vehicles. On each of the chariots stood nine people, all heroic and powerful.

This team of people seems to be patrolling the mortal world under the heavens, arrogant and powerful, making people fearful.

The chariot was crushed all the way, and anyone who stood in front of the chariot respectfully stepped aside far away, even some of the seniors who had been famous for a long time, consciously stepped aside.

Some people even worshipped the chariot, as if they had met the emperor.

This army is indeed like an emperor's division, invincible.

"What a big battle, Yin Yang Sect came with the determination to win, deliberately demonstrating to the world, demonstrating to Wan Jianzong!" Countless people sighed.

"With such a big battle, you are not afraid of Tu Tianwei's embarrassment after losing?" someone whispered.

"Huh, Tu Tianwei will lose? What a joke!" Someone immediately retorted.

"Tu Tianwei is a mortal born of the immortal fetus. He has even reached one hundred and eight levels in a different dimension. He is the supreme one. Not to mention Xiao Ping is not his opponent, there are not many people in this world who are his opponents!" Sighed in admiration.

"This is a test without suspense!" One person said very confidently.

Some people who are still unclear about it, people from a small place couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked: "Since it is a competition without suspense, why is the whole world shaken by it, and so many people come to watch the game?" One person held his head high and slanted. Glancing at the people from these small places, he said with a little disdain: "If you say that you are here to watch the battle, you are actually here to watch Tu Tianwei alone. Tu Tianwei is a person of concern in the world, and his every move will cause a sensation. This battle is about Onmyoji

The honor and disgrace of Wan Jianzong are related to the overall situation of the world, and the people of the world are naturally very concerned. "

"Uh... so many people have nothing to do with Xiao Ping?" asked a person from a small place.

They heard that the genius of Onmyoji Sect was going to fight with the genius of Wan Jianzong, they came to watch with enthusiasm. Unexpectedly, there was such a big gap between genius and genius.

"Perhaps the people from Wan Jianzong have something to do with Xiao Ping." One said disapprovingly. While talking, the Onmyoji Sect's army came to the West of Beauty Star and stopped thousands of miles away. Even if it stopped, its momentum was like a rainbow, shocking nine heavens and ten places.

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