Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2846: gift

This time Han Yu released a thin line of soul power, and finally saw the white light. It turned out that a hundred and eight swords were lined up in a formation, forming a sword formation under the command of driving.

"So strong!"

After one hundred and eight swords were collected in the sword mound, looking at this ordinary box, it was very unusual.

It is the Sword Nine Spirits, Sword Seventeen and Sword Eighteen, all of which have a little light.

Sword Eighteen exclaimed: "It deserves to be the sword formation from the three senior brothers. This power should be enough to deal with the people of the Great Perfection at the peak of the gods!"

Jian Sanjue said: "Little Eighteen is a bit exaggerated. It's almost impossible to deal with people who have reached the peak of the gods. It is enough to deal with people who have just stepped into the peak of the gods!"

Sword Eighteen laughed.

At this time, Han Yu turned the second mechanism "Jian Yu".

One hundred and eight round holes appeared on the side of the sword tomb, and a sword light rushed out from each hole, and then spread out like a fairy flower.

The one hundred and eight swords were spinning, crossing mysterious arcs, cutting the void into pieces.

Although the power of each sword light is not as powerful as the white light just now, it is more suitable for melee and large-scale killing and trapping of enemies.

Han Yu turned the mechanism again, and a hundred and eight swords rushed back like alive.

Han Yu discovered that although the levels of these one hundred and eight swords were different, they were all invincible after being blessed by the sword mound.

Han Yu put his hand on the third organ "burial sword", ready to try.

Jian Sanjue hurriedly stopped, saying: "The Burial Sword is to die with the enemy. If you activate this mechanism, the one hundred and eight swords will explode in an instant, and there will be no more sword graves. When needed. Use it again."

Han Yu was overjoyed, "Dianguang" and "Sword Rain" are so powerful, this "burial sword" is hard to imagine.

Han Yu thanked Jian Sanjue again.

Jian Sanjue said: "As long as you win this competition, you are grateful to me the most. Although you have a sword grave now, Tu Tianwei, as the first genius of the Yin-Yang Sect, naturally has many treasures on his body, so you can't take it lightly."

Han Yu nodded heavily.

Sword Sanjue rolled his sleeves, removed the dimension space, and reappeared in the hall.

Everyone turned their eyes to Han Yu, and they all wondered what the beauty of Jianzhong was.

Jian Sanjue said: "In this competition, I have troubled Junior Sister Nine and Xiao Shiba to take Xiao Ping for a trip. As for the rest of the disciples, they must not leave Wan Jianzong and stay in the sect."

Many people showed stunned expressions. This is a rare battle between heaven and earth. Many people want to see the style, so why not let people go?

However, no one dared to violate the order of Jian Sanjue, and doubts could only be buried in his heart.

Han Yu could hear something different from it.

The battle between Han Yu and Tu Tianwei is about the honor and disgrace of the two factions.

If one fails, it may directly start a war between the two factions.

It is too dangerous for ordinary disciples to go to watch.

Suddenly, Jian Shiqi said: "Senior Brother, I will take Ruoxi to cheer Xiao Ping."

Jian Sanjue looked at Jian Seventeen in surprise. Sword Seventeen and Sword Jiuling have always been at odds, and Sword Seventeen would say such things, which surprised him.

Jian Seventeen explained: "The third brother doesn't know, Xiao Ping and Ruo Xi have made a marriage contract. Ruo Xi is already Xiao Ping's fiancée, so she should help him out."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes glanced at Han Yu and Jiang Ruoxi in surprise.

Who would have thought that the two of them should have such a relationship.

Only Han Yu, Jian Jiuling, and Jiang Ruoxi frowned.

Especially Jian Jiuling, his face became colder than ever.

Jian Sanjue was taken aback and said: "The marriage of the beloved apprentice of Junior Sister Nine and Junior Sister Seventeen is really gratifying. You should indeed cheer Xiao Ping."

So, the selection was decided.

In the entire Ten Thousand Sword Sect, only Jian Jiuling, Sword Seventeen, Sword Eighteen and Jiang Ruoxi went to watch the battle, and the rest were not allowed to leave Wan Jianzong for half a step. Suddenly, the whole family was wailing.

Countless people look forward to the stars and the moon in this battle.

At the same time, Han Yu and Jiang Ruoxi's marriage also spread, causing quite a stir.

When they heard the news, Jiang Zitong, Fairy Tourmaline, Huo Siyan, Huo Ziwei and others felt uncomfortable.

They are all the proud girls of heaven, but compared with Jiang Ruoxi, they seem to be a lot bleak.

Suddenly feel ashamed!

The time was set to depart three days later, and Han Yu and Jian Jiuling returned to the Sword Spirit Palace.

Sword Seventeen asked Jiang Ruoxi to accompany Han Yu, and also went to the Sword Spirit Palace, but he was isolated.

At night, in Jian Jiuling's bedroom, Han Yu quietly arrived.

"You asked me to come to you at night, what's the matter?" Han Yu felt a commotion as he watched Jian Jiuling sitting cross-legged on the stone bed.

"The three senior brothers gave you heavy weapons, I have no reason not to give you things." Jian Jiuling said.

"You have given me your most precious things, you don't have to be so polite." Han Yu smiled.

Jian Jiuling became angry and couldn't help but said angrily: "If you talk nonsense in front of outsiders, I will tear your mouth."

After Han Yu smiled slightly, he returned to a serious look, and said, "You won't give me the colorful golden sword. With such a sword in hand, I can smash Tu Tianwei with a single sword."

Jian Jiuling said: "You want to be beautiful. You and Tu Tianwei are not allowed to borrow foreign objects that exceed the cultivation base of the two of you. Who can win depends entirely on your true ability."

Han Yu didn't even think about retrieving the colorful **** gold sword from Jian Jiuling, and Jian Jiuling didn't have this right.

Jian Jiuling raised his hand and turned it over, and a very delicate mirror appeared in his hand, saying: "This mirror is called two mirrors. Both sides are mirrors. They attack from the front and defend from the back. It is useful for the Yin-Yang power of Yin-Yang Sect. Take it with you just in case."

Han Yu took the two mirrors, looked carefully, and couldn't help but praised: "Good baby."

Jian Jiuling hummed: "How can there be any difference in the magic weapon that I personally refine?"

Han Yu retracted the mirror and said, "I think I still can't figure it out. Let's continue."

Jian Jiuling said in surprise, "Didn't you say you are ready?"

Han Yu smiled slyly: "Seeing you, I don't seem to be ready again."

"You..." Jian Jiuling wanted to get angry, but in the end turned into a big white eye and hummed, "Jiang Ruoxi is here, if she finds out nothing is bad, when you defeat Tu Tianwei, there will be time later."

Han Yu said, "What are you afraid of? I am your apprentice in their eyes. What's wrong with coming to talk with Master Bingzhuye before the battle?"

Jian Jiuling looked at Han Yu and shook his head, and said helplessly: "I really can't do anything with you." After speaking, he stood up slowly and walked over to help Han Yu undress.

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