Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2832: The terrifying Tu Tianwei

In the distance, Jian Jiuling's face became extremely ugly.

She was confident that Xiao Ping would be able to defeat Tu Tianwei if it were to fight against the realm.

But now, she really saw the horror of Tu Tianwei.

I'm afraid that even if he fights against the realm, Xiao Ping is not Tu Tianwei's opponent, right?

Jian Jiuling didn't know, her heart was very nervous.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, even Qiye and Yang Ruqing.

The two will determine the outcome with one move, and which one is stronger and weaker will be revealed soon.

Fengshenxiao's attack is majestic and crushes the heavens; Tu Tianwei's attack is unparalleled and invincible.

The two have a feeling that the strongest shield meets the strongest spear.

Finally, the two magical powers collided together, and there was no terrifying sound. I saw the black hole burst out with incomparable swallowing power, and it was actually a long spear that turned immortal thunder into a spear bit by bit.

It didn't take long for the whole spear to be swallowed by the black hole, and the black hole was still ramming towards Tu Tianwei like a broken bamboo.

"Tu Tianwei lost? Fengshenxiao won?"

Everyone was stunned, and the disciples of the last Six Dao Sect burst into cheers, and the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect couldn't believe it.

"Fengshenxiao is worthy of being a peerless arrogant of the Six Dao Sects. The reincarnation of the gods has been cultivated to the point of perfection, and even immortal thunder can be swallowed at will."

"Yeah, it's too strong, swallowing everything, crushing everything, who can contend with such supernatural powers?"

"Tu Tianwei finally broke through the peak of the Heavenly God after Fengshen Xiao, and there are still some gaps!"

Many people think that Tu Tianwei was defeated.

But Han Yu didn't see the slightest loss on Tu Tianwei's face. Moreover, the three big men, Qi Ye, Yang Wuqing and Jian Jiuling, did not say a word.

"Does Tu Tianwei still have a follow-up?" Han Yu had seen Tu Tianwei's immortal thunder and was very powerful.

Although Fengshenxiao's divine reincarnation is very powerful, it seems a little unrealistic to swallow Xian Lei so easily.

The facts are as Han Yu thought.

When the black hole was about to hit Tu Tianwei, many people had already concluded that Tu Tianwei had lost, the black hole suddenly exploded, and a lightning bolt with the thickness of a finger came out from it, slashing towards Fengshen Xiao, smashing into Fengshen Xiao at an unparalleled speed. Body.

"Huh?" Fengshenxiao's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing an incredible look.

Although he saw the black hole explode and saw the immortal thunder strike, but he couldn't cope with it. He could only watch the immortal thunder strike him.

Although this fairy thunder was not as strong as before, Feng Shenxiao's body was still split, flying backwards, blood flowed.


Countless people exclaimed, many people did not expect that it would end like this.

Saw Tu Tianwei's sleeves rolled up, and the air wave from the black hole exploded instantly disappeared. He was unscathed, arched his hand at Fengshen Xiao, and said, "Brother Feng, let it go!"

Fengshenxiao's face has become extremely pale, and his eyes are shining with unwillingness, but in the end he can only bow his hands and say: "Brother Tu is powerful, let me admire you!"

The disciples of the Six Dao Sect were very disappointed. The invincible existence in their hearts was defeated by Tu Tianwei, while the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect cheered and were very excited.

In the crowd, Han Yu quietly clenched his fists.

Feng Shenxiao made it difficult for him to defeat, and Tu Tianwei made him feel more pressure.

"It's not as well known as meeting each other, it's worthy of the terrifying existence of the immortal birth!" Countless people sighed.

Suddenly, Yang ruthlessly smiled and arched his hand to the seventh master, saying: "Seven brothers, victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs, don't worry about it."

The Seventh Master laughed and said: "Feng Shenxiao was defeated by a genius like Tu Tianwei, it is not wronged!"

Yang Wuqing was quite proud and looked at Jian Jiuling and said, "Friends of the Nine Daoists, how about it?"

Hearing that, everyone looked at Jian Jiuling meaningfully.

Everyone knows that six years later, Xiao Ping and Tu Tianwei had a battle, and it was a battle of life and death. It was about the honor and disgrace of the two factions. Jian Jiuling was Xiao Ping's master, and everyone knew what Yang Ruqing meant.

Jian Jiuling said solemnly: "The posture of Tu Tianwei is rare in the world."

Allowing the opponent's master to comment in this way shows how talented Tu Tianwei is.

At the same time, everyone felt that Jian Jiuling was worthy of being a master of Megatron for tens of thousands of years, so few people had such a mind.

Yang ruthlessly said with a smile without a smile: "Compared with the noble disciple, who is stronger and weaker?"

This answer does not require Jian Jiuling to answer, everyone knows it. But everyone was very curious about what Jian Jiuling would answer.

Jian Jiuling said coldly: "You will know after the battle!"

Yang gave a ruthless sneer, no longer being aggressive.

Seventh Master said: "Brother Yang, Friends of the Nine Daoists, please go to my Six Dao Sect!"

Yang Ruthlessly bowed his hand, they came to Liudaozong to communicate, so naturally they were going to Liudaozong.

Jian Jiuling said: "I still have important things to do, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, looking quite embarrassed.

This is the first time Han Yu has seen Jiu Ling, a domineering and self-respecting sword, and was forced to such a situation.

"For the sake of you caring about me so much, I will do it for you today with this tone." Han Yu thought.

The battle ended and Han Yu returned to Wan Jianzong.

"Junior Brother Liu, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Suddenly, a lukewarm voice came from behind.

Han Yu is no stranger to this voice, and you don't need to look back to know that it is Yun Songyu.

Han Yu stopped slowly and turned to look at Yun Songyu with cold eyes.

There were many people who followed Yun Songyu, and Xu Huahui was naturally there.

"What's the matter with you?" Han Yu asked coldly.

"The young disciples of the Onmyoji Sect came to my Liudaozong to communicate. As soon as they met, they defeated Senior Brother Feng and stepped on my Liudaozong head. As Senior Brother Modaoshan, don't you want to say something?" Yun Songyu said coldly. .

Although the two sides aimed to communicate, Fengshenxiao almost represented the Six Dao Sect and was defeated by Tu Tianwei. This made it seem that the Six Dao Sect was inferior to the Yin and Yang Sect. How could the pretentious disciples of the Six Dao Sect be reconciled.

"What do you mean?" Han Yu asked.

"Naturally defeat the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect and seek face." Yun Songyu said solemnly.

"I can't beat Tu Tianwei, I can stand you up!" Han Yu said very bachelor. Yun Songyu snorted heavily: "Of course, Tu Tianwei doesn't need to worry about you or me, but other disciples, we can't let them be too arrogant. So after our discussion, we decided to hold a competition with the disciples of Liudaozong, you As a big brother Modaoshan, you should honor and disgrace Zongmen

Resistance on the shoulders. This first battle is up to you. "

Han Yu sneered: "You are old, dare to arrange for me?"

After Han Yu finished speaking, he turned and left. "Liu Yi, what is your attitude? This is our responsibility as a sect disciple. If you dare to be timid, don't blame us for being rude to you!" a disciple shouted. Suddenly several disciples showed their shape and surrounded Han Yu Tuantuan.

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