Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2831: One move determines the outcome

"Friends of the Nine Daoists, I didn't expect you to come." Qi Ye arched his hands at Jian Jiuling, looking casual, but it also showed that the relationship between the two seemed to be good.

Jian Jiuling arched his hands and said flatly: "Come and see!"

Qi Ye smiled slightly.

Yang Ruqing suddenly said, "What's so good about Friends of the Nine Daoists in the contest between the two juniors?"

Jian Jiuling glanced at Yang Ruqing, and said faintly: "Naturally, I'm here to see if Tu Tianwei is worthy of the name."

Yang ruthlessly said unceremoniously: "Whether Tu Tianwei is worthy of the name will soon be known. The Nine Daoists can come all the way, I think you are worried about your disciples?"

Jian Jiuling snorted heavily without saying anything, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The yang is ruthless and enough to stop, without saying much.

Standing in the Six Daozong camp, Han Yu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jian Jiuling, who had been "stocking" him, would have such a concern for him.

It didn't take long for the two principals to finally come. Arrived almost at the same time.

Tu Tianwei turned into a thunder and lightning, shattered the void, and appeared very domineering. His domineering aura moved countless people; and Fengshenxiao, with his hands behind his back, stepped into the sky, with a light red halo on his head, like a banished immortal descending. World, chic and comfortable.

It can be seen from the breath of the two that they are both in the realm of the peak of the gods.

Tu Tianwei's breakthrough was not a rumor. "It deserves to be an immortal mortal, with a qualification comparable to the supreme Tu Tianwei. Although he has just broken through the peak of the gods, his momentum is incomparable. I am fighting against him, and I dare not say that I can overwhelm him!" A strong man at the peak of the gods Sigh, sincerely praise. He has broken through thousands of heavenly gods

Over the years, but facing Tu Tianwei who had just made a breakthrough, he still felt pressured.

"Isn't it, I have an invincible posture. However, Fengshenxiao is not bad, and that temperament is really like a ban on the immortal, and it is rare in the world!" Another strong man at the peak of the gods sighed.

At this moment, let alone ordinary people, the Qi Ye, Yang Wuqing, and Jian Jiuling couldn't help but be moved.

Whether it is Tu Tianwei or Fengshenxiao, they are all first-class geniuses. I am afraid that it will not be long before they can be on an equal footing.

The gazes of Han Yu and Jian Jiuling locked on Tu Tianwei almost at the same time.

Tu Tianwei's tall and mighty body contained incomparable strength, which made the expressions of Han Yu and Jian Jiuling more solemn.

"I have long heard that Brother Tu has immortal thunders in his body, all strong and unbreakable, I don't know if I will be lucky enough to see the last one today?" Fengshenxiao is personable and gentle when speaking.

However, none of the people present dared to underestimate him.

"Brother Feng is absurd, I also heard that Brother Feng has obtained the true teachings of Shendao and possesses the mighty power of the sky, so I want to see it today!" Tu Tianwei said lightly.

There was no smoke or fire in the conversation between the two, but as the voice fell, the eyes of the two rushed out of a horrible beam of light, and then they slammed together.


The collision of eyes is like the collision of stars, shaking the earth.

Everyone instantly became quiet, all staring at the two people in the battlefield carefully.

The two of them faced each other far away, and no one did it, but they could feel that their bodies were like volcanoes, and they started to erupt.

Tu Tianwei was already domineering, and at this time he was more and more showing his domineering spirit; and Fengshenxiao, the whole person also changed, and his whole body was blooming with a pale red light, as if he had defeated the world in nine days.


Suddenly, a terrible thunder and lightning sprang from Tu Tianwei's body, which turned into a net of thunder and ran across his body, exuding a devastating atmosphere.

The power of thunder and lightning on Tu Tianwei's body also exudes a special aura. Although the aura is very weak, it has an aura that covers nine heavens and ten earth, and all things are living in the people.

Those who were closer to Tu Tianwei couldn't help but retreat back, for fear of being accidentally injured by Tu Tianwei's invincible immortal thunder.

Han Yu clearly felt that breath, which was derived from the power of "Xian".

At this moment, the "symbol" imprinted in Han Yu's body seemed to become alive, exuding mysterious power.

This "symbol" was originally refined by Han Yu from Tu Tianwei's immortal thunder.

Han Yu hurriedly suppressed the "symbol", as if he was trying to come out.


Suddenly, behind Fengshenxiao's head, a huge whirlpool appeared, and within that whirlpool, a sacred aura exuded, which made people want to worship.

In addition, it also exudes terrible swallowing power, which seems to swallow the world.

This black hole is even more terrifying than the black hole caused by the appearance of the Seventh Lord just now, possessing the power of devouring the sky and the earth.

Feng Shenxiao looked like a nine-day fairy in charge of killing at this time.

People closer to Fengshenxiao also began to retreat quickly, for fear of being swallowed by the all-encompassing black hole.

Did Qi Ye look at it and nodded slightly, his expression of admiration cold.

"Tu Tianwei summoned his immortal thunder when he shot, and Fengshenxiao took the shot and displayed the reincarnation of the gods. Do the two want a move to determine the victory or defeat?" a strong man at the peak of the gods was surprised.

Fengshenxiao and Tu Tianwei did have this idea.

They are all top geniuses in this world, and they think they are not weaker than others. And they are exchanging and discussing, doing their best to use the strongest killer move to determine the victory or defeat, directly domineering and simple.

Fengshenxiao stared at the fairy thunder on Tu Tianwei's body, his eyes scorching up to the sky; Tu Tianwei stared at the black hole behind Fengshenxiao, his eyes were deep and imposing.

The black hole behind Fengshenxiao turned faster and faster, like an ancient chariot pushing across the sky with a loud rumbling noise.

The immortal thunder on Tu Tianwei's body stretched away from the sky, gathered together, as if weaving ropes.

A strand of fairy thunder is scary enough, still growing infinitely, its lethality is simply unimaginable.

The two confronted each other for tea time, suddenly their eyes condensed, and at the same time they let out a loud drink.


The black hole behind Fengshenxiao's head drove through the void like a chariot and crashed into Tu Tianwei.

It's hard to break and swallow everything.

At this moment, several Celestial Peak powerhouses couldn't help but shed a cold sweat. They fantasized themselves as Fengshenxiao opponents, but found that they could not withstand this attack at all.

Tu Tianwei's Immortal Lei turned into a spear, piercing the void and crashing into the black hole.

Similarly, the powerhouses who pretended to be Tu Tianwei's opponents couldn't help being shocked. Even if they tried to solve the problem, they couldn't resist this blow.

At this moment, Han Yu also thought of it.

If it were him, could he block Feng Shenxiao and Tu Tianwei's blow? The answer is obviously no, even if Han Yu reveals his identity and displays the Zhenshentian monument, he will definitely not be able to stop the terrifying attack of these two people.

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