Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2642: Wait for the boss to come back


Marton spat out blood on Meng Lifu's face.

"court death!"

Meng Lifu was furious and prepared to break Matton. At this moment, a ball of light fell from the sky and smashed Meng Lifu away.

"Well, you Meng Lifu, dare to hurt my brother, insult my boss, you are looking for death!" An angry voice came.

"Brother Di? Why are you here?" Marton was surprised and delighted. It was Di Qing who came.

"I found out that something was wrong with you, so I followed it secretly, and something really happened." Di Qing said.

Marton is a little ashamed. Recently everyone has been working hard for Han Yu's affairs. He was too embarrassed to trouble Di Qing and others, so he never said.

Meng Lifu slammed heavily on the ground, a ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face instantly became ugly.

Although Di Qing had a mediocre aptitude, but an old disciple of Wan Jianzong, and his strength was only higher than Meng Lifu, Meng Lifu didn't dare to face it head-on.

"Brother Di, this is my personal grievance with Marton, don't you still want to get involved?" Meng Lifu stood up and asked with the anger in his heart.

"You and Brother Ma's grievances, I don't care, but if you dare to insult my boss, you have to pay the price!" Di Qing shouted, his momentum suddenly rose, and his sharpness was instantly revealed.

"Your boss? Could it be..." Meng Lifu's eyes widened.

"My boss is Xiao Ping, and Xiao Ping is my boss!" Di Qing said proudly.

Meng Lifu was shocked. He didn't expect Di Qing, an old student, to recognize Han Yu's new student as the boss.

The corners of Meng Lifu's mouth twitched abruptly, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Di, Xiao Ping is over, I advise you not to have anything to do with him!"

Di Qing was furious: "You idiot, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

Meng Lifu could not help being furious, and roared: "Di Qing, I give you face, don't take yourself too seriously, I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise Brother Ouyang will never let you go."

"Brother Ouyang?" Di Qing's face changed slightly and asked, "Are you sent by Ouyang Chun?"

Meng Lifu snorted, his chin slightly raised. He didn't say yes or no, but the people present could tell the answer from his expression.

Di Qing's face became difficult to look, Ouyang Chun's level figure, he still has no strength to contend. However, the other party has already deceived the door, how can he shrink?

"Ouyang Chun? My boss's subordinates are defeated, dare to come out and make trouble?" Suddenly, a cynical voice sounded.

Hearing the voice, Marton and Di Qing were overjoyed.

"Brother Su!" the two cried out in surprise.

Su Zhouzhou walked with his hands on his back and strode, his white clothes fluttered, like an immortal.

"Inner disciple?" Meng Lifu was frightened.

"An inner disciple, who is also Xiao Ping's younger brother?" Meng Lifu was frightened.

"He who insults my boss, die!" As he said, Su Zhouzhou waved his right hand and a wave of anger hit Meng Lifu.

At first glance, the wave of air is not very good, but it is as sharp as a knife and is invincible.

"No! You can't kill me, I have Brother Ouyang as my backer, Brother Ouyang will never let you go!" Meng Lifu yelled in fright. The air wave cut off his skull like sword air, shattered his holy palace, and wiped out his soul.

A genius in the early days of the gods fell.

Not to mention the people of the Xu family and the Wei family, even Di Qing and Marton were frightened.

"You bunch of rubbish, don't you know that Marton is the younger brother of my boss Xiao Ping? You dare to deal with his family, that is not to give my boss face!" Su Zhouzhou glanced at the Xu family and the Wei family.

The people of the two big families were suddenly scared.

Even the masters of the early days of the gods and the outer disciples of the Wan Jianzong said that they would kill if they were killed. Who would dare to fight against such a **** of killing?

As for the boss in the murderer's mouth, what kind of supernatural power is, at the height of the Xu family and Wei family, it is impossible to guess!

"My lord, spare my life!"

People from the two big families all knelt to the ground and begged for mercy.

"Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are inevitable!"

With a wave of Su Zhouzhou's sleeves, a wave of air swept out, turning into countless air currents and flying into the bodies of the two big families, instantly smashing their Dantian.

All of a sudden, various screams came and went.

Only one person was not injured, and that was Xu Lin.

"Go back and tell Ouyang Chun, let him keep his tail obediently!" Su Zhouzhou looked at Xu Lindao.

How dare Xu Lin say nothing, nodding repeatedly.

The people of the Ma family are still dreaming, unable to believe what they saw.

The Xu family and Wei family, who had forced them to desperately, were ruined by raising their hands. And such a fierce man, like Marton, is the younger brother of a mysterious and powerful man.

The boss in their mouth? How awesome is it?

The Ma family's weakness limits their imagination!

However, they knew in their hearts that Marton had such a powerful boss and so many powerful brothers, it would be difficult for the Ma family not to rise.

Marton was pleasantly surprised and led Su Zhouzhou and Di Qing into the Ma family.

"Senior Brother Su, you are really banished to the world. If I can have one of your thousands of styles in my life, I will die without regrets!" Marton envied.

Su Zhouzhou shook his head and said, "What am I, compared to the boss, I am nothing!"

Both Marton and Di Qing nodded deeply thinking they were.

The indomitable, stalwart man appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Compared with him, Su Zhouzhou is nothing, and compared with him, Madun and Di Qing are really rubbish.

And they turned out to be that little brother, one of the closest people.

It is the blessing they have cultivated in their eight lifetimes.

"Junior Brother Ma, did you talk to the boss about this matter?" Su Zhouzhou asked.

"No, now the boss has important matters, I dare not bother him." Marton shook his head.

Both Su Zhouzhou and Di Qing nodded, admiring Marton's approach.

Su Zhouzhou said: "Ouyang Chun has a deep grievance with the boss. He dare not deal with the boss. He will definitely attack us. Although a storm has been temporarily resolved, the real storm is still behind."

Marton asked, "Brother Su, can't you even deal with Ouyang Chun?" Su Zhouzhou sighed, "Ouyang Chun alone is easy to deal with, but Ouyang Chun has already worshipped the elder Yu Yang as a teacher. Although Yu Yang has many The most junior elders of the Taishang elders, but they are also full of disciples. Many disciples have already held important positions in the outer and inner sects. Ouyang Chun wants to deal with us.

It is not difficult. "

"Then what shall we do?" Marton asked anxiously.

Di Qing also looked at Su Zhouzhou with some worry.

"Wait, wait for the boss to come back!" Su Zhouzhou's eyes suddenly burst into bright light.

Both Marton and Di Qing nodded seriously. No matter how great the tribulation, how many difficulties are waiting for them, as long as Han Yu is there, they are fearless.

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