Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2641: Ma family crisis

"Have you not responded yet?"

Sword Tide God Star, within a certain ancient family, the ancient hall is full of vicissitudes, just like this family, seemingly glorious, but in fact it is already at sunset.

In the main hall, the old man sitting in the main seat trembled, and everyone sitting at the bottom bowed their heads and did not respond.

"Are you all deaf? Cough cough cough..."

The old man was furious and began to cough violently. The man sitting in the first position on the left hurriedly stood up and rushed to help the old man beat his back, but was pushed away by the old man.

"Ma Zhi, Dun'er is your son. Where has he gone, don't you, a father, know?" The old man stared at the man and asked.

"I...oh..." Ma Zhi sighed.

He also contacted Mardun and sent someone to Wan Jianzong to look for it, but there was no news from Mardun.

"I thought that after Marton entered the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, our Ma family would reappear brilliantly and would no longer be angry with the Xu family and the Wei family! Unexpectedly, hey..."

"Marton is the second super genius in the Wan Jianzong entry test. Will he be developed now and don't let us relatives go?"

In the lobby, everyone said something to you, some sighed, and some complained about Marton.

At the beginning, after Marton was selected by Wan Jianzong, how proud and proud they were.

At the beginning, Marton won the second place in the entry contest, how glorious the Ma family was. Not to mention the Xu family, the more powerful Meng family, Yang family, etc., all came to win over the Ma family.

Who thought that the good times would not last long, the Ma family didn't take long. The other two families of Zhanwu City, the Xu family and the Wei family, suddenly joined forces to deal with the Ma family. The Ma family was originally weak among the three families, but now it can be resisted. In just one month, the Ma family was forced to a dead end. .

And their only life-saving straw, Marton, has been unable to contact. Ma Zhi heard that the people started cursing Ma Dun, and he couldn't help but roared: "You only care about yourself, who thought about Dun'er? The Xu family and the Wei family dare to join hands against our Ma family at this time, don't you? Do you think it’s weird? We can’t get in touch right now, don’t you think about it

Was it not that he didn't want to respond to us, but that he was in trouble? "

Everyone was silent.

"Father!" At this moment, a man who was not too tall appeared at the entrance of the hall, but his figure was the old man.

Everyone in the hall hurriedly cast their eyes and saw that the pillars of the entire Ma family had returned. They were all overjoyed.

But only Ma Zhi could see that Marton was tired.

"I know about the family, I will meet them!" Marton said, his eyes swept over the tribe with cold eyes, and turned away.

"We will go with you!" The Ma family became extremely excited. They wanted to see what the Xu family and Wei family would look like when they saw Marton.

The people of the Ma family filed out under the leadership of Marton, and they just came out of the mansion when they just met the men of the Xu family and the Wei family who were coming aggressively.

After seeing this, both sides stopped and confronted each other.

In terms of momentum and number, the Ma family is far inferior to the Xu family and the Wei family.

"Hey, it turns out that Marton is back!" A man in the Xu family suddenly sneered.

This person was named Xu Lin, the most outstanding genius of the Xu family, who used to be inferior to Marton, and was also a disciple of Wan Jianzong.

Seeing this person, Marton felt sick.

After the introductory test, Xu Lin looked for Marton with a silly face and became Marton's younger brother, but he changed his face in a blink of an eye.

Marton ignored Xu Lin, his gaze suddenly became sharp, and he looked at the Xu family and the Wei family’s head. The blade-like gaze made both the Xu family head and the Wei family head feel uncomfortable. Look at each other.

Zhanwu City is a small city above the Sword Tide God Star, and the Patriarchs of the three major families are only the cultivation base of the true **** peak, and the Madun Heavenly God's early stage is definitely the existence of the number one master in Zhanwu City.

After Marton glanced at the two of them, his body shook, and the strong aura of the gods in the early stage was instantly revealed, turning into a big wave and slapped towards the two big families.

Except for the two big family patriarchs who were struggling to support under the strong pressure of the gods in the early stage, the rest were shot to the ground, including Xu Lin.

The Ma family was overjoyed and straightened their chests instantly.

Matton's not too tall body, at this time, in their eyes, it is almost like the Great Pillar, standing upright.

"In the early days of the gods?"

The Xu family and the Wei family wailed and were shocked. They had heard that Marton had broken through the realm of the early days of the gods. They didn't believe it. They didn't expect it to be true. It was just like a dream.

"Fuck, dare to deal with our Ma family again, I'm not polite to you!" Marton's eyes widened, and his domineering side leaked.

Both the Patriarch Xu and Patriarch Wei were so frightened that they retreated.

"It's a big tone, a **** who relies on someone else's superiority, dare to speak out!" At this moment, a cynic voice sounded.

Among the Xu family and Wei family's crowd, a man walked slowly with his hands on his back, like the ruler of the heavens and the earth, over the world.

Suddenly, a breath of fresh breeze blew over the Xu family and the Wei family, and the pressure on them disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Meng, you are here!" Xu Lin was overjoyed, got up with a grunt, and hurriedly greeted him.

The person here is not someone else, but an old acquaintance of Marton, Meng Lifu.

"Madun, I once sweared that if you took my things, I will make you repay it ten times!" Meng Lifu looked at Marton with a bitter expression, and in the depths of his eyes, he was still gloating.

This kind of schadenfreude is entirely due to the failure of Marton's patron "Xiao Ping".

The Ma family suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the Xu family and the Wei family would join forces. It turned out that the Meng family was behind.

Suddenly, they couldn't help but feel anxious. In their eyes, the Meng family was like a giant.

"Meng Lifu, I didn't expect that you would dare to come and do it right with me. You are not afraid that my boss will destroy you?" Marton glanced at Meng Lifu in disdain.

When Meng Lifu saw Han Yu, he was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy. His image had already collapsed in Marton's heart.

Marton didn't say that Han Yu was okay. As soon as Han Yu revealed Meng Lifu's scars, he couldn't help but a look of hideousness appeared on his face, and said bitterly: "Marton, do you still count on your boss? Xiao Ping It's already hard to protect yourself at this time."

"Kneel down, slap thirty times, and tell everyone that Xiao Ping is a rubbish, and he will be my running dog from now on. I will spare your life!"

"Meng Lifu, you are rubbish!" Marton raged!

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Meng Lifu's gaze exploded, and he rushed over, shaking his fist, three punches blasted out in the blink of an eye!

"Boom boom boom..."

Marton shook three punches with it. After the three punches, he snorted and flew upside down like a sandbag, hitting the ground heavily, vomiting blood. Meng Lifu came to Marton in a flash, stepped on Marton's chest, and said condescendingly: "Say, Xiao Ping is rubbish!"

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