Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2623: Helpless

Xuanyunxing and the people of the Five Elements Sect have all returned, and after this battle, they suffered heavy losses. Among the many elders, only Yin Haocang, Kong Wei and Zhang Tai Lian remained.

"Damn it, Xiao Ping is really guilty, and the old man can't wait to cut him a thousand times!" Yin Haocang jumped into thunder.

In the previous battle, although the Five Elements Sect and the Ten Thousand Sword Sect fought heavily, it can be said that both sides had some concerns and did not dare to kill. Only Han Yu was unscrupulous, holding the colorful **** gold sword, and slaying the Quartet.

"Elder Yin, although Xiao Ping should be killed. But I don't think we should go on fighting with the people of Wan Jianzong now, otherwise we can't afford it. I propose to report the matter to the sect and wait for the execution of the sect." Zhang Tai Lian said.

Yin Haocang thought for a moment and couldn't help but look at Kong Wei. Seeing that Kong Wei didn't want to express his opinion, he looked at Zhang Tai Lian and said, "Elder Zhang, then I will trouble you to run and report the matter here to the sect.

Zhang Tailian stood up, clasped his fist and said, "Don't worry, Elder Yin, I will go back quickly."

Yin Haocang nodded, stood up and walked to Zhang Tai Lian's body, holding Zhang Tai Lian's fist with both hands, and acting as if entrusted with an important task: "Elder Zhang, about Xiao Yangyun..."

Before Yin Haocang could finish speaking, Zhang Tailian rushed to say: "I understand that we are all responsible for Xiao Yangyun's death. I know what to say and what not to say!"

Yin Haocang smiled and said: "Then please ask Elder Zhang!"

After Zhang Tai Lian left, Yin Haocang and Kong Wei were the only ones left in the hall.

Yin Haocang looked at Kong Wei and said, "You really have nothing to say?"

Kong Wei smiled bitterly: "What else can I say?"

Yin Haocang sighed and said, "What I am worried about is that when Zhang Tai Lian returns to the sect, the people of Wan Jianzong have already left our five-element sect. If you want to catch them, it will be difficult to reach the sky!"

Kong Wei said: "If that's the case, what are we waiting for? First catch the people from Wan Jianzong."

Yin Haocang said: "This matter is simple to say, but it is difficult to implement. Xiao Ping's little thief killed so many of our elders and suddenly reduced our strength. Now, with our existing strength, we want to grasp How easy is it for them?"

Kong Wei said: "Elder Yin, although our strength is greatly discounted, this is the site of our Five Elements Sect. We can call upon the power of the major Star Alliance!"

Kong Wei paused and said again, "Whether it is for the benefit of the sect or for the sake of your future, Elder Yin, we can't let those people out of our territory!"

Yin Haocang smiled bitterly and said: "My future? Now whether we let Fan Xiangtai and others leave or arrest Fan Xiangtai and others, the sect will punish me severely, so why talk about the future?"

Kong Wei sighed and said: "Elder Yin, don't blame yourself. Although we are all wrong in this matter, and it is a big mistake, there is no room for recovery."

Kong Wei deliberately sold a pass without explanation.

Yin Haocang asked: "How to save it? Elder Kong, if you help me through this stage this time, Yin will remember it in his heart, and he will be a good return in the future."

Kong Wei smiled slightly and said: "Elder Yin is polite, this is what I should do. I wonder if Elder Yin has paid attention to the sword in Xiao Ping's hand?"

Yin Haocang said: "That sword is really powerful. I really want to see and see, but I was entangled by Fan Xiangtai before and I didn't have a chance."

Kong Wei said: "That sword is not weak for the high-level Celestial Soldiers, and it is also a sword made of colorful gods; the colorful gods and the five elements are close relatives..."

In Yin Haocang's eyes, a bright light gradually bloomed, and the haze in his heart was swept away.


On the other side, the people of Wan Jianzong are also discussing countermeasures.

Although Yun Xiaohan didn't want to leave alone, under Fan Xiangtai's order, he still had to shoulder the task of reporting the letter. Only Fan Xiangtai, Xie Yushen, Du Zhenguo, Yuan Can, and Han Yu were left in Wan Jianzong. Compared with the boundless territory of the Five Elements Sect, they were too small.

The three elders are discussing countermeasures.

Han Yu and Yuan Can sat cross-legged, adjusting their breath and mind.

Suddenly, Han Yu stood up and walked in front of Yuan Can.

Yuan Can opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Brother Xiao?"

Han Yu used his intrepid strength to conquer Yuan Can.

Han Yu said, "Did you forget something?"

Yuan Can said blankly: "No!"

Han Yu sneered, "Really not? Is it time to fulfill the gambling agreement you and I have made before!"

Yuan Can's face couldn't help trembling wildly. He didn't expect it was this time, and Han Yu still didn't forget his previous betting appointment.

Yuan Can is not a trustworthy person, but now he can't help but feel embarrassed. Next, I don't know how many collisions with the Five Elements Sect. For him, the essence is a life-saving treasure and must be kept on him.

He stood up and said sincerely: "Brother Xiao, I was wrong before, and I apologize to you. I will give you the ten-piece bet, but you have to ask Brother Xiao to allow him a period of grace before returning to Zong. The door, I will give it as many."

Han Yu shook his head, without any room for discussion, and said: "No, it must be now." Yuan Can couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in his heart. However, thinking of Han Yu's toughness instantly extinguished some bad thoughts. He sighed helplessly, and said, "Brother Xiao, I don’t have so many spirits in my body now. Even if I want to give it to you, I have no

Recruit. "

Han Yu said lightly: "Compensate with other things."

Yuan Can suddenly felt a chill in his back. At the beginning, Han Yu said that he had no essence and replaced it with other things. Many people focused on Han Yu's body.

Now Han Yu looked at him with cold eyes, but like ice skates.

Yuan Can took a deep breath and said, "Brother Xiao, how about I exchange credit points for you? In the sect, five thousand credit points can be exchanged for a piece of spirit. Can I use fifty thousand credit points instead?"

Han Yu said straightforwardly: "One hundred thousand!"

"What?" Yuan Can was shocked, this was a price start. The trace of admiration and favor for Han Yu in his heart disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Ping, you really want to deceive me like that?" Yuan Can asked with gritted teeth.

"If you don't want it, you can choose ten essences, you choose!" Han Yu said with a cold and merciless expression.

"Okay, you wait!" Yuan Canqiang endured the anger in his heart, took a cold look at Han Yu, and walked towards the three elders.

The three elders were a little angry when they learned that Han Yu had forced Yuan Can to fulfill his previous betting contract at this critical juncture.

Xie Yushen came over to persuade Han Yu, but Han Yu just refused to buy in. In the end, the three inner door elders couldn’t help Han Yu, the outer disciple. They could only hold their stomachs. The three inner door elders paid out, and each borrowed three pieces of Yuan Can’s spirit, and Yuan Can added one. Enough for Han Yu.

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