Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2622: Relationship breakdown

"Little thief, you dare to kill Xiao Yangyun and die!" Yin Haocang jumped into thunder, desperately rushing to the ring.


A palm blasted out, and the terrifying palm prints covered the sky, as if the sky collapsed.

"Yin Haocang, what are you doing?" Fan Xiangtai was so scared that his soul throbbed. He didn't expect Yin Haocang to actually do something to Han Yu.

Yin Haocang's strength was far above Xiao Yangyun, and the power of this palm was hard to resist.

Han Yu didn't change his face, and urged the colorful sword and sword with all his strength, smashing with one sword. The terrifying sword aura collided with the palm print and exploded one after another. Han Yu escaped a catastrophe.

Yin Haocang still wanted to do it. Fan Xiangtai had already come between him and Han Yu, raging, and roared: "Yin Haocang, you have repeatedly broken the rules, where do you put the majesty of my Wanjian Sect and your Five Elements Sect? "

Yin Haocang trembled, and most of the killing intent on his body was instantly extinguished.

The exchange meeting between the two factions has been going on for tens of thousands of years, and the two sides have always been more friendly. If the two factions fight against each other because of today's events, the senior officials of the Five Elements Sect will never spare him.

However, he couldn't afford the burden of Xiao Yangyun's death!

"Elder Fan, Xiao Ping killed me two of the Five Elements Sect. I must take them away!" Yin Haocang suppressed the anger and killing intent in his heart, and said gloomily.

"Hmph, the first time Xiao Ping killed someone, you have already obtained your forgiveness, but this time, you are completely responsible for it, no wonder Xiao Ping, why let you take it away?" Fan Xiangtai said strongly.

"Rights and wrongs, our Five Elements Sect will definitely give you an explanation, but not today, today I must take Xiao Ping away!" Yin Haocang said solemnly, his voice increased a little.

"What if I don't?" Fan Xiangtai's body shook, his aura raging, and the power of the gods in the later stage was suddenly revealed.

"Then offend it!" Yin Haocang waved, and the Five Elements Sect who was already ready to go, rushed to surround Fan Xiangtai and Han Yutuan.

There were already more people in the Five Elements Sect than in the Wan Jianzong. In addition, the Zheng family and some local celebrities also instantly stood on the side of the Five Elements Sect. The strength gap between the two sides instantly widened.

"Why, do you still want to be strong?" Fan Xiangtai trembled with anger.

"If you don't let it, then we can only offend..." Yin Hao said.

Just as the word "offend" fell, a scream suddenly sounded. Fan Xiangtai and Yin Haocang hurriedly cast their eyes, only to see an elder of the Five Elements Sect being directly attacked by Han Yuli.

Who would have thought that Han Yu would suddenly do something at this time.

Who can resist Han Yu who holds the gold sword of the colorful god?


"Xiao Ping..."

Yin Haocang and Fan Xiangtai were shocked.


Han Yu didn't give the opponent time to react at all, and he cut it down with a single sword, and an elder who was still in a daze was split in half in an instant.

"Xiao Ping stop!" Fan Xiangtai yelled in a cold sweat.

"Hmph, the Five Elements Sect has deceived us, what do you want?" Han Yu asked Fan Xiangtai back.

Fan Xiangtai's body trembled three times.

Bullied to the head of Wan Jianzong, what can we do? Kill!

"Kill!" Fan Xiangtai and Yin Haocang gave orders almost at the same time, killing them all.

Up to now, the only way to make a **** road!


The two men and horses collided fiercely, and as soon as they fought, it was earth-shattering.

The people of Wan Jianzong deliberately transferred the battlefield and all flew towards the sky. So that when the people of the Five Elements Sect remembered starting the big formation, they had already been killed in the air.

Among the many battlefields, Fan Xiangtai and Yin Haocang were the most terrifying. If people really block killing Buddhas and block killing Buddhas, within a hundred thousand li, the powerhouses in the early days of the gods were caught, and they were all seriously injured.

As a result, many shrimp soldiers and crabs will be shaken to death by the two just now.

In addition, the most terrifying thing is Han Yu.

Han Yu, holding the colorful sword and sword, and the powerhouse of the late stage of the gods, can kill the sky dimly, the sun and the moon are dull.

However, the battle came fiercely and went quickly.

After Fan Xiangtai and Yin Haocang's anger almost dissipated, they hurriedly stopped both sides. But even so, both sides have suffered heavy losses.

On Wan Jianzong's side, only Han Yu, Yuan Can, and Yun Xiaohan were the ten disciples who died.

In contrast, the losses on the Five Elements Sect were even more severe. Doesn't it mean that the shrimp soldiers and crabs will die countless, and the elders are all cut by Han Yu by three.

The six hurried away through the void, crossing hundreds of millions of miles before pausing for breath.

After taking a look and chatting with a few people, Fan Xiangtai was full of grief and indignation. He raised Han Yu and roared: "My child, all this is your sin. If it weren't for you, how could Zhang Hua, Guo Jia and others die!"

Han Yu pushed Fan Xiangtai away and roared: "Old Pifu, how come you don't have such a strong aura when you face the people of the Five Elements Sect?"

Fan Xiangtai trembled with anger.

Xie Yushen and Du Zhenguo hurriedly stood in between the two, fearing that the two would do it. Although Han Yu is only an outer disciple, who would dare to look down upon him?

"Elder Fan calmed down. Although Xiao Ping was a bit reckless, it is the Five Elements Sect who is shameless, don't blame Xiao Ping!" Xie Yushen persuaded.

"Yeah, although our loss this time is not small, the Five Elements Sect's loss is even greater. I think Xiao Ping did not make a mistake in the end and we should kill! How can our Ten Thousand Sword Sect be crumpled?" Du Zhenguo also persuaded Fan Xiangtai .

"Elder Fan, I also think Xiao Ping is not wrong." Yun Xiaohan said.

Yuan Can patted Han Yu on the shoulder and looked at Fan Xiangtai and said, "Elder Fan, I think Guo Jia, Zhang Hua, and Luo Kuo have knowledge of the underground, and they will not blame Xiao Ping, but only the people of the Five Elements Sect. People are too shameless."

Yun Xiaohan echoed: "Yes, Yuan Can is right. We must avenge them and kill those brazen people!"

Suddenly murderous, even though she was a woman, she did not dare to underestimate her, and she was in awe.

Fan Xiangtai calmed down a little bit and looked at Han Yu and said, "Xiao Ping, although you are not the major fault of the whole thing, you are also the fuse, and you have won this exchange meeting and you have merit, let you make up for it for the time being."

Xie Yushen, Du Zhenguo, Yuan Can, Yun Xiaohan and others are all happy.

Han Yu was expressionless. Fan Xiangtai glanced at the people and said: "The Five Elements Sect deceives others, and we have to ask for an explanation. But this place is too far away from the sect, and we can’t use the jade card to send things back here to inform the sect, we have to send One person rushed back to inform the sect of the affairs here, and sent someone to come

Support us! "

Fan Xiangtai looked at everyone one-to-one again. Seeing that everyone had no opinion, he finally set his eyes on Yun Xiaohan, saying, "Xiaohan, this important task is left to you!" Yun Xiaohan was shocked: "Why am I not? Others? I'm not leaving, I want to stay and fight with everyone!"

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