Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2592: Marton's boss

The scene was so quiet that the needle fell audibly, and everyone's eyes widened, unable to believe what they heard.

Marton's results have broken the highest record for nearly a thousand years. If it is still scum, then the results of the others are not as good as rubbish?

Who is it that can make Marton feel so embarrassed? He is really like Marton said. He will achieve unprecedented results. When his results are revealed, will Marton's results become scumbags?

"Ma Ma Ma... Brother Ma, who are you talking about?" a person asked in shock.

"He is my boss!" Marton said.


The scene instantly felt like a depth bomb was dropped, setting off an endless frenzy.

"I decided not to compete with you for Dugurou!"

"What do you mean? I'm not fighting with you!"

"I won't fight with you first!"

"I won't fight with you anyway!"

The two elders who were vying to accept Dugurou as their disciples before quarreled again, leaving people speechless.

After a long period of commotion, the scene gradually calmed down. There were already many elders who secretly extended an olive branch to Marton and wanted to accept Marton as a disciple. And Marton's reply was very uniform, and he had to seek the consent of his boss.

Who is Marton's boss, whether it is a male or a female, lingers in everyone's mind for a while.

Fairy Tourmaline stepped forward. Although her trophies were not as much as Marton's, she also surpassed Ouyang Chun and temporarily ranked second. Another dark horse came out, but now everyone is more curious about the boss in Marton's mouth.

Meng Lifu directly vomited blood with anger, and the rank of Fairy Tourmaline was higher than him and lower than Marton, which increased the gap between him and Marton by one more, and he gave Marton a piece of spirit.

"With the ability of tourmaline, it is impossible to obtain so many essence stones. She and Marton are so close, is it also the light of Marton's boss? Could it be Marton's boss, Xiao Ping..." Huo Siyan Suddenly, there was a bright light in his mind.

Once this idea appeared, it lingered for a long time.

In his opinion, among the many new disciples, only "Xiao Ping" can create such an amazing miracle.

As the tourmaline fairy finished counting, all the disciples present had finished counting. However, the elder of Wan Jianzong did not announce the end of the introductory competition, and was patiently waiting for the boss of Marton.

In the past, no ranking statistics within a specified period of time was considered a waiver. But this time, no one said anything, everyone defaulted to making an exception for Marton's boss.

And this was three days and three nights. Not only was no one dissatisfied, everyone was more curious about Marton's boss.

On the morning of the fourth day, one person flew out of the monster battlefield.

This person was wearing a white robe, carrying a sword on his back, and his face was delicate and unsmiling.

Almost everyone present knew who this person was.

"Xiao Ping, is he the boss of Marton?"

"Impossible, Xiao Ping only ranks tenth in the freshman list, it is impossible to be Marton's boss!"


"Boss, you are finally here!"

When everyone was talking about it, Marton suddenly rushed out of the crowd and rushed towards Han Yu, like that, it was like a small attendant.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Xiao Ping, really is Marton's boss.

After everyone froze for a while, they suddenly swarmed towards Han Yu like a king of tens of thousands of bees, and soon surrounded Han Yu.

"Sure enough, it's him!" Huo Siyan was relieved, but her heart still couldn't help but tremble.

"Xiao Ping, right, this elder is willing to accept you as a disciple!" Before the disciples could use their flattery methods, an Inner Sect elder shocked many people and came to Han Yu with hope.

"I have a higher status than him in the inner door. You worship me as a teacher, it is better than worship him!" Another elder rushed over and looked at Han Yu with a look of sweetness.

"Don't listen to him nonsense, my status is higher than him. As long as you worship me as a teacher, I can let you not participate in the inner disciple assessment and directly promoted to the inner disciple!"

"I can too. Not only can I not allow you to participate in the inner disciple assessment, I can also assure you that you will be promoted to the inner disciple immediately after returning to the sect, and you will be my closed disciple!"


"Go away, don't come and grab me!"

"If you want to fight, who is afraid of whom!"

The two elders blew their beards and stared, and directly fought.

Everyone was stunned. Traditionally, only the disciple begged to worship the elder's door, but now it's back. The elder fought to **** the disciple, and it was the inner door elder.

Everyone looked at Han Yu, that envy.

Ouyang Chun clenched his fists tightly. Originally this kind of attention was his, but he was robbed by Marton and Han Yu.

Dugurou glanced at Ouyang Chun, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a sneer. But when looking at Han Yu, those bright eyes shone with a strange brilliance.

"Okay, it's not a shame!" an old man with a fairy wind and bones scolded, this person is Elder Yun Congfeng, the leader of this reinforcement is also the person with the highest status and the strongest on the scene.

The two elders stopped, but they still disliked each other.

Yun Congfeng walked to Han Yu and said, "Little friend Xiao, you see, they all have to listen to me, you still worship me as a teacher!"

Everyone was dizzy, thinking that Yun Congfeng would be reserved, but he didn't expect it to be so direct.

Han Yu naturally refused.

The Inner Sect elder rushed to accept him as a disciple and promised various benefits, but Han Yu refused. Looking at the history of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, I am afraid that this is the only one.

Under the attention of the public, Han Yu carried out the statistics of the spoils and undoubtedly won the first place.

With Han Yu's ranking settled, Du Yuanju announced the final ranking of this entry test, and then the top ten awards were issued.

Han Yu first received 10,000 credit points; Marton was second, received 9,000 credit points; Tourmaline Fairy was third, received 8,000 credit points... After the rewards were issued, Du Yuanju announced the end of the competition.

This time, as many as 1,000 new students participated in the introductory competition in Wan Jianzong, but there were only more than 600 people left at this time, and the loss was not uncommon.

Du Yuanju and many outer door elders led the new students back to Wan Jianzong, while Yun Congfeng and others stayed in the monster battlefield, waiting for reinforcements to arrive, preparing to launch a major purge on the monster battlefield.

What they didn't know was that when their reinforcements arrived, the monster battlefield might be empty.

Many disciples boarded the fairy map and returned to Wan Jianzong.

This array of immortal images came from the hands of the Heavenly Destroying Master of the supernatural power level. The transmission channel is very stable, and everyone can come and go freely in the transmission channel.

The place where Han Yu stood was undoubtedly the most crowded place.

Needless to say, Han Yu is the number one, it is definitely very popular; in addition to the second Marton, the third tourmaline fairy is also with Han Yu, no one is more attractive than Ouyang Chun and Dugu All around Rou seemed deserted. Dugurou looked as usual, but Ouyang Chun's expression became more and more gloomy.

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