Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2591: People are better than people

Meng Lifu was so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped, and smoke appeared in the seven orifices. According to the current statistical rankings, he properly entered the top 20. He was so glorious and proud of the achievements of countless people. He was said to be unworthy. It is tolerable. ?

"Madun, you are deceiving too much!" Meng Lifu roared, if it weren't for being pulled, I'm afraid he would have rushed out to fight Mardun for 300 rounds.

Marton said with an innocent look: "Then you have wronged me. I'm telling the truth. How did you deceive you?"

Meng Lifu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The others must also be indignant, wishing to drown Marton with foam.

"Madun, since you are so defiant, you must be really capable, so you dare to gamble with me?" Meng Lifu gritted his teeth.

"What are you betting on?" Marton asked.

"Just bet on whoever ranks higher, who ranks higher, slap the lower rank, and slap one more, and so on, do you dare?" Meng Lifu asked viciously.

Many people are gloating over misfortunes. Regarding Marton, many people from the sword tide **** star know that Marton, who is the lowest in strength, how can he fight Meng Lifu?

After Meng Lifu finished speaking, he looked at Marton condescendingly. He wanted to slap Matton's face openly until he opened his face.

Marton shook his head and said, "Naive!"

Meng Lifu's expression changed and he said sarcastically, "Don't you dare?"

Marton said: "Why don't you dare? But such a naive bet is really shameful. If you want to bet, you can bet on the spirit, the lower ranking loses, the higher one is a spirit, dare you?"

Meng Lifu sneered: "Why don't you dare?"

"Madun is really a fool. If you slap you, you won't be beaten to death, but if you lose the spirit, he will definitely lose his fortune!"

"Meng Lifu's current ranking is nineteenth, and there shouldn't be much change. And Marton's ranking is probably beyond five hundred. Four or five hundred yuan of spirits will be paid if he sells him. Sorry!"

Under the gaze of countless gloating gazes, and amidst a lot of teasing and cursing, Marton strode forward, waving his big hand, and a large number of essence stones appeared.

"Like a big-tailed wolf, I really don't see the coffin without weeping... Hey? Am I right? He actually took out so many essence stones?"

"There are thousands of essence stones, right? This world is too crazy!"

Originally, countless people were not optimistic about Marton, but as the essence stones that Marton took out were piled up into mountains, everyone's eyes were widened, and they couldn't imagine everything they saw.

Both Ouyang Chun and Dugurou's mouth twitched.

Not to mention the disciples, but many elders were shocked, and several inner elders came to count in person.

According to statistics, Marton's essence stone is as many as 3,760 yuan, which is worth 5,999 yuan.

This result set the record of Wan Jianzong's nearly 1,000 entry test.

"How is it possible?" Meng Lifu stayed in place, murmuring about impossible.

Many people began to mourn for Meng Lifu.

Now everyone finally realized why Marton said those things before.

Yes, Meng Lifu does not deserve Marton to compete with him! Not that qualified!

"Meng Lifu really deserves it. Brother Ma is not as knowledgeable as him. He still wants to pretend to be forceful. Is he a fool now?"

"Yes, I don't take a **** and take pictures of himself. Is he qualified to compete with Brother Ma?"

In an instant, countless people turned back and began to flatter Marton and mock Meng Lifu.

Meng Lifu didn't have the courage to argue anymore, and his leg slumped directly to the ground.

According to the current ranking, Marton is properly the first place, and he is the twentieth. There is a nineteenth difference between the twentieth and the first, which means that he has to give Marton 19 pieces of spirit, and he can't get so many spirits after selling him.

"Boss Ma, I knew you would win the first place. It's really gratifying!"

"Brother Ma, you are so handsome, I found that I already like you!"

"Brother Ma, take me as a little brother, I want to bring you tea and water!"

Suddenly, Marton became the most shining star on the scene, and countless people surrounded him, all kinds of flattery, all kinds of expressions of love and worship.

Compared with Marton, even Ouyang Chun and Dugurou looked eclipsed.

"This Marton, how can Ho De be such a dazzling dark horse?"

Many people are familiar with Marton, so they doubt that Marton has achieved such a good result.

Of course, doubt belongs to doubt, but now no one dares to speak directly.

"Stop flattering, my results are not enough to get the first place!" Marton said with a calm expression on his hands.

"Well, yes, with such a good result, and still maintaining a normal heart, the future of this son is limitless!" An elder held his long beard, admiringly.

"Yes, who would have thought of killing such a dark horse, it is really gratifying!" Another elder smiled.

"Boss Ma, you are too modest, you are not number one, who is number one?" a young man said excitedly, excited because he stood closer to Ma Dun.

"Yes, Boss Ma, who the **** has that strength and can challenge your status?" A man smiled flatteringly, wishing to kneel for Marton.


There was a loud slap in the face. The man with a flattering face was slapped and slapped in circles by Marton.

"Fuck your mother's shit, I said I am not number one, so I am not number one!" Marton said angrily.

Everyone was stunned, wondering where Marton was singing.

However, even the man who was slapped in the face did not dare to be angry, and hurriedly nodded and bowed to apologize.

"Boss Ma, you have achieved such good results, is there anyone who can compare with you?" one person asked cautiously.

Others were praised for the first place, and it was too late to be proud and happy. It was a bit unbelievable that Marton was angry and hit someone.

"How am I doing?" Marton did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

His gaze swept across the crowd calmly, but at this time it gave everyone a very sharp feeling that many people did not dare to look at them.

"Your score has broken the record of nearly a thousand introductory competitions, do you think it is good or not?" Elder Du Yuanju said with a smile.

Marton at this time gave him a very honest feeling, which he liked.

"Boss Ma's grades are certainly good!"

"It's so explosive!"

Many disciples reacted, thinking that Marton was saying something ironic, and began to flattery again. Marton looked up at the sky, shook his head, and sighed: "What do you know is because he hasn't come yet, so you think my grades are good. If he comes, you will know my grades." How scumbag is, how unworthy it is."

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