Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2377: Big shot

Han Yu was overjoyed. In all likelihood, the little guy from Xiaojiao came. Han Yu was about to pick him up personally. Suddenly Xuan Xuan ran in and said, "Big Brother Han, Lang Haotian sent someone to spread the letter and let Xiao Taiyi go. See a big man in the Milky Way star field."

Han Yu frowned slightly. Could it be that Xiao Taiyi's superior is here? This is not good news for them.

When Lang Haotian wanted to see him, Han Yu could ignore it completely. Lang Haotian couldn't find out what was wrong, but if his superiors came, he would show his feet if he didn't see him, and Dongyang Star Territory would no longer be calm. Although Han Yu is not afraid, for the overall situation, it is the best policy not to head-to-head with the Protoss for the time being.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "Xuan Xuan, I want you to help me do something."

Xuan Xuan was overjoyed and said, "Brother Han, you say."

Han Yu said, "There are masters in Jiuyang Continent. I originally wanted to pick them up in person, but now that something happened again, I have to stay here and think about the countermeasures. Could you please go to the border for me and pick them up? ."

Xuan Xuan said: "No problem, don't worry, Brother Han, I will bring them here safely."

Han Yu nodded and let Xuan Xuan do it. Han Yu was very relieved.

After Xuan Xuan left with Gu Song, Han Yu and Shi Shan went to see the people sent by the Milky Way Starfield.

"Who are you?" Han Yu asked in a deep voice.

He is now transformed into Xiao Ping of the Protoss, Xiao Taiyi's distant relative and nephew, and is now the second-most figure of Dongyang Tianxing after Gu Ziyu who is transformed into Shishan.

"I am Yun Xingsheng, the disciple of the Three Guardians of the Milky Way Star Territory. I am hereby sent to Master Xiao by the order of Master Lang." The man looked at Han Yu and Shishan with a slanting glance. , Quite disdain.

"What letter?" Han Yu asked.

"Huh, what's your status? Let me see Master Xiao." Yun Xingsheng snorted coldly, rather dissatisfied.

Just now because Xuan Xuan is a girl, he also revealed some information. Now seeing Han Yu and Shi Shan, she doesn't have the slightest affection at all, it's completely despised.

"If that's the case, then you go away, Master Xiao is not something you can see with a cat and a dog." Han Yu said solemnly.

"You're looking for death!" A chill appeared on Yun Xingsheng's face, but he held back when he thought that this was the territory of the Dongyang Star Territory, and said coldly: "You have delayed my major event. Be careful that you can't eat."

Han Yu sighed in a deep voice: "Go!" Yun Xingsheng was shocked and his face turned pale, he couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, looked at Han Yu in surprise, thinking that it was not the rumor that the masters of Dongyang Star Region were dead. ? Why is there such a thing as Han Yu? It turned out that he couldn't see through. But thinking of his identity and mission, men no longer harm

Fear, he said coldly: "Master Lang asked me to send a letter to Master Xiao, and immediately go to Yinhe Tianxing to see a big man, boy, if you waste time, let alone that big man blames him, it is the anger of Master Xiao, you can't bear it. Up."

Han Yu thought to himself, even Lang Haotian called a big man, that is definitely their immediate boss, this is bad news.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "We, Mrs. Xiao, have something important to go out. We are not in Dongyang Tianxing now."

"Not here?" Yun Xingsheng was a little surprised, didn't he say that Xiao Taiyi was seriously injured and dying, and was healing? How could it not be.

Han Yu went on to say, "You go back to your life. When Master Xiao comes back, I will report your words to Master Xiao."

Yun Xingsheng asked, "What is Master Xiao going to do, and when will he be back?"

Han Yu said, "How do I know what Master Xiao is going to do, let alone when I can come back."

Yun Xingsheng glanced at Han Yu contemptuously, and said: "If this is the case, then I will go back to my life first. Once Master Xiao comes back, I will tell him the matter quickly. This will benefit you and Master Xiao."

After speaking, Yun Xingsheng turned his back and walked away proudly.

Han Yu and Shi Shan returned to the core area.

"Brother Han, paper can't contain fire. This time you can send the people of the Milky Way Star Territory away. If the so-called big man comes in person, we will probably show the stuff." Shishan was a little worried about Han Yu.

Han Yu was also very dignified, and said: "You go call Huo Ling and Grandpa Rong, we have to discuss this matter carefully."

Not long after, Huo Ling and Rong Aotian rushed to the central hall, Shi Shan had already told them what had happened before.

"Xiaoyou Han, we already know things, do you have any good ideas?" Rong Aotian asked.

"No." Han Yu shook his head.

Rong Aotian said: "I actually thought of an idea, I should be able to hide from the sky and survive this disaster."

Both Han Yu and Huo Ling's eyes lit up, and Han Yu said, "Senior, please."

Rong Aotian said: "Let Huo Ling turn into Xiao Taiyi and meet that big man." Han Yu and Huo Ling frowned, and Han Yu said: "If it is normal time, maybe it will work, but now it is clear that the big man is If the teacher in Laixing asks the crime, he will take action if he fails, and it is easy to expose. If it is here, we are not afraid even if it is exposed, but if we go to the Milky Way

Once the sky star is exposed, I am afraid it will never go back. "

A ray of wisdom flashed in Rong Aotian's eyes, and said: "Then we won't go to the Milky Way Star, just wait for them here, they don't recognize us, and if they recognize us, let them be buried here!"

Han Yu nodded, Dongyang Sky Star is their fortress, and he must not take a half step. Rong Aotian's conversation turned, and said: "Of course, the best ending is to prevent those people from seeing any clues. With our spirit race's magical technique, as long as they don't start fighting, even if the opponent is a strong man in the middle of the gods, I also look at the flaws very much. But we don’t go to meet that big man, then

Once a big man descends on Dongyang Tianxing, he will definitely be furious, and he will be exposed with "Xiao Taiyi". But if the big man can come to Dongyang Tianxing without getting angry, it will be difficult for him to see our disguise. "

This is easier said than done, but it is even more difficult.

Dongyang Star Territory suffered heavy losses, and the above sent someone down to recruit Xiao Taiyi over. Xiao Taiyi didn't go yet. It would be strange if the other party was not angry.

However, Rong Aotian already had a clever plan. Upon learning of his plan, both Han Yu and Huo Ling nodded and thought it was feasible.

Afterwards, Rong Aotian passed a secret method to Han Yu and Huo Ling. This secret method is called the Promise of Wanchang Magic Jue. As long as this secret method is cultivated, Han Yu and Huo Ling can freely transform various races like the spirit race, not only their appearance. The body can be changed freely, even the breath, blood, etc. can be changed. It took Han Yu and Huo Ling only three days to cultivate the Promise Wanchang Technique to a great extent, which was far more advanced than the method Han Yu had previously mastered. Compared with the illusion of Rong Aotian, Shi Shan and others, it is not bad at all.

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