Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2376: Dongyang Starfield changes ownership

This underground secret room is Xiao Taiyi’s small treasury. Although the scale is far inferior to the treasure house on Dongyang Sky Star, the contents in it are all top treasures. Even the King of Drugs can only be regarded as the lowest treasure here. . There are few materials for cultivation, but there are also seven holy medicines, which add up to hundreds of pieces of low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade imperial marrow. There are the most cheats, and there are hundreds of cheats for mental cultivation and magical powers, all of which are above the lower level of the heavenly rank. There are even seven secrets for the ultimate magical powers, of which the intermediate-level ultimate magical powers

There are two books.

Just taking out the things in this small vault can cause a sensation in several star regions, making countless gods and powerhouses crazy.

"Tsk tusk tusk, Xiao Taiyi is really rich, there are countless treasures in the universe bag, and this small vault is even more dazzling." Han Yu sighed.

Take off the Qiankun bag and unceremoniously take all the belongings as his own.

Not long after, Han Yu searched all the belongings in the small vault, swept through the power of the soul, and found that there were hidden compartments in the small vault.

"The property outside is top-notch existence, what kind of treasures will there be in the secret compartment?" Han Yu was full of expectation. Han Yu studied carefully and found a way to open the secret compartment. After the secret compartment was opened, there was a bookshelf inside. There are seven layers in total, and only one layer is placed on a folded animal skin roll. This made Han Yu disappointed. He thought there would be more precious treasures and practice secrets.


The animal skin roll was folded at will, and it seemed that even if it was placed in this secret compartment, it was not taken seriously.

Han Yu rolled the animal skins down and opened it to see that it turned out to be a map, and it looked like it was just a corner, without any value. Han Yu glanced randomly and rolled up the animal skin.

No matter what the map on this hide scroll is about, it is worthless to Han Yu now.

Han Yu released the power of his soul and scanned the small vault again, and found that there was nothing valuable in the small vault. He went to the center of the small vault. There was a raised stone platform, and a futon was placed on the stone platform. Usually Xiao Taiyi chooses to rest here.

Han Yu sat up and sat cross-legged, took out a lot of training materials, and began to devour refining.

Rong Aotian was still healing in the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, Han Yu did not use the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, but with the horrific swallowing power of the Heaven-swallowing Dao Body, even without the assistance of the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, Han Yu's speed in refining the genius and earth treasures can be called abnormal .

One day later, Han Yu refined countless treasures of heaven, material and earth, and his physical body had reached saturation. He had to break through to the early stage of the Emperor, otherwise his physical body would no longer be able to swallow aura.

Han Yu thought for a while and communicated with Rong Aotian: "Senior, I am about to break through the early stage of the Emperor of Heaven. I want to use the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd to help me. During this time, I can't help Senior."

Rong Aotian smiled and said: "You have helped me too much. Even without the help of Xiaoyou Han, I can heal my wounds quickly. Don't worry about Xiaoyou Han."

Han Yu smiled slightly and let Rong Aotian out.

At this time, Rong Aotian was full of red light, with extraordinary aura, and didn't look like he was injured at all. This is naturally the credit of Han Yu. Without Han Yu, if Rong Aotian had healed himself, it would be difficult for him to restore his peak state even with the refining holy medicine.

After Rong Aotian left, Han Yu used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd to practice.

Within the Sky Swallowing Devil Gourd, Xiao Taiyi's body has not had time to refine, just wait for this time.

The energy contained in the body of the strong in the early days of the gods and the terrifying power of the great power are just the peerless treasures that impact the barrier and create a breakthrough opportunity.

A nebula appeared within the Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd, and it was moving like crazy.

Even the body of the strong man in the early days of the gods was still refined, and in only seven days, Xiao Taiyi's body was completely refined by the sky-swallowing demon gourd, and then under Han Yu's control, the terrifying energy and Dao The force rushed out and poured into Han Yu's dantian.

Han Yu's physical body had already reached a saturated state, and it didn't take long before it swelled up in pain.

Han Yu used this terrifying power to attack the barrier ten times, all of which ended in failure. After Xiao Taiyi's physical body had consumed all the power, Han Yu had to stop. "It deserves to be a breakthrough in the great realm. Before, I only absorbed and refined the Taiyi Profound True Qi that Xiao Taiyi left in the fire spirit. Not only did he break through from the late Emperor Wu to the peak of Emperor Wu, but also directly reached the perfect state. Now, I am refining. With so many treasures of heaven, material and earth, refining Xiao Taiyi’s

The physical body didn't even take that step. "Han Yu sighed secretly.

"Of course, this has something to do with my breakthrough just now. It seems that things that I can't rush to break through now have to consolidate the current state and wait until the time is right to take that step."

Han Yu was able to get to this point at a price that ordinary people could not imagine, and he also knew the truth that haste is not enough.

This time the breakthrough failed, not only because it was a hundred times more difficult to break through the great realm, but also because his own cultivation base was not solid.

After all, it was less than half a year for Han Yu to break through to the pinnacle of Quasi Emperor.

In the following days, Han Yu began to practice Heavenly Fire Dao.

For ordinary people, with Han Yu's cultivation base, it is impossible to cultivate intermediate-level extreme supernatural powers, and rash cultivation may be countered by terror. But for Han Yu, it doesn't matter at all, he can cultivate and display even high-level extreme abilities, let alone intermediate extreme abilities. Han Yu’s power of comprehension is already super strong. Coupled with Huo Ling’s occasional guidance, it took Han Yu only 13 days before and after to complete the true form of the first type of fire dragon in the sky fire. Calling horror means that Huo Ling exclaimed. What made Huo Ling even more shocked was that Han Yu showed

The true form of the fire dragon that came was even more terrifying than the one he showed.

This is because of the horror of Han Yu's Heaven Swallowing Dao Origin Qi. The Heaven Swallowing Dao Origin Qi is a fusion of the power of the sky thunder, the devil energy of the sky swallowing, and the mark of heaven and earth.

When Han Yu reached Dacheng, the two had a discussion and displayed the true shape of the fire dragon. As a result, the true form of Fire Spirit's fire dragon was smashed by Han Yu, and Han Yu's true form of fire dragon still gathered and roared.

Huoling's heart is extremely bitter, and it is really human to death. Tianhuo Dao is a magical power created by Fire Spirit. According to common sense, no one is more suitable for cultivating Tian Huo Dao than him. Even if it is displayed by a powerful person with a realm one level higher than him, his power is not necessarily stronger than what he displayed. .

However, Han Yu not only has a lower cultivation base than him, the true form of the fire dragon displayed is more powerful than his, and it is impossible to describe Huo Ling's mood in words.

Next, Han Yu stopped cultivating Tianhuo Dao, but began to ponder the Tianhuo Dao. Han Yu felt that Heavenly Dao Tyrant Fist should also be able to evolve several moves. This is the magical power that truly belongs to him, and it takes some effort to study. One day, Shi Shan came to report that the boundary between the God Realm and the Nine Suns Continent had changed, and it was suspected that a strong man had crossed the boundary from the Nine Suns Continent.

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