Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2241: Retreat

Huang Qiu cut down with a sword, the sword gas shocked Jiu Xiao, Feng Shenzi hit it with a knife, was torn apart by the shock, and flew upside down with a muffled snort.

Huang Qiu followed closely, with swordsmanship reaching the sky and awe-inspiring killing intent. It wasn't in the slightest because the other party was Fengshenzi that he was half-hearted, but he was even more frantic and violent.

On the other side, Lingyin, Xuanwu and Lingxun fought wildly. Lingxun was hit hard by Fengshenzi one after another, and his strength fell sharply. Lingyin and Xuanwu had the upper hand for a while. However, Lingxun was also crazy, because he discovered that Lingyin turned out to be the blood of their spirit family.


Suddenly, Fengshenzi vomited blood and hurried away.

After fighting Huang Qiu with seven moves, he was severely injured and he was not an opponent at all.

At the level of Huang Qiu, with the existence of a half-step true god, even if the wind **** child is invincible in the same realm, it is difficult to be his opponent.

Upon seeing this, Baihu and Sun Godzi hurriedly abandoned their opponents to help Feng Godzi.

"The king character attacked and killed!"

From a distance, the white tiger displayed the ultimate supernatural power, the huge king character smashed into the void and killed, the terrible killing intent turbulence the sky, making the gods and demons retreat.

Huang Qiu frowned, abandoning Feng Shenzi, spurring the sword, and slashing with a backhand.

The terrible sword qi was turbulent, and a solid layer of heaven and earth marks appeared on the surface of the sword qi, which seemed indestructible.


Sword Qi cut above the king character attack and kill, making a terrible sound like a metal transfer. There was a violent tremor on both sides, and then they burst together.

Both sides groaned and flew backwards.

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the white tiger. Its king character attacked and killed, and was the first to attack, but it was broken by the opponent's sword, half a step of the true god's ability, which was terrifying. Its strength is far above the immortal god.

"The setting sun is like blood!"

Sun Godko followed closely and launched a terrorist attack.

The blood-red sword aura came through the void, and the terrifying killing intent was no weaker than the King of Words attack.

Huang Qiu let out a cold snort, and slashed again with a sword. The same is the terrifying sword energy wrapped in the marks of heaven and earth.

The two swords collided and burst into pieces, and both sides were shocked and groaned.

The face of Sun Godko instantly became ugly.


Fengshenzi didn't hesitate to cast Fengshen's anger and hit him.

This time, Huang Qiu was hit and his face turned white, and a blood stain came out of the corner of his mouth. But Fengshenzi also suffered heavy losses and instantly lost his combat power.


Huang Qiu was angry, and the sword was cut down.


A **** light flew up, and Fengshenzi's left arm was cut off and hit the ground fiercely. Huang Qiu was not merciful, and slashed with a single sword.


Bai Hu once again displayed the King Character Attack and Kill Destiny, and Huang Qiu had to take back the blow of the must-kill Feng Shenzi and slashed towards the King Character Attack and Kill Destiny.

Fengshenzi hurriedly fled into the Dragon God City and went to heal.

In another place, there was a sudden scream. The left wing of the Golden Winged Roc was pierced into a blood hole by the opponent's sword. Under the siege of two powerful quasi-emperor peaks, the Golden-winged Roc seemed extremely difficult. Immediately afterwards, I heard the old madman yelling like crazy. Under the siege of the three great masters, the old madman came and went, opening and closing the giant axe in his hands. However, even though the old lunatic is powerful, the masters of Jiuyang Continent are second only to the existence of Dugu Yijian, but the opponent is not weak.

Being suppressed, it is difficult to turn over.


The sword light is like water, and as fast as lightning.

Under the siege of the two Protoss masters, Li Weibai relied on his superb swordsmanship to barely draw a tie with his opponent, but this was only temporary. Li Weibai knew his situation best. Over time, he would Was suppressed, so that the look at this time, unusually solemn.

The battlefields of Xuanwu, Lingyin, and Lingxun have also entered a fever pitch. The horror of Half-Step True God was not a lie, so much so that Lingxun was traumatized by Fengshenzi. At this time, he gradually turned around the balance and fought equally with Xuanwu and Lingyin.

With multiple battlefields, the only ones that are relatively easy are the battlefields where the single sword and the golden remain unchanged. But Dugu Yijian only drew a tie with the opponent, he could not help the opponent, and the opponent could not help him.


An explosion sounded earth-shattering.

Bai Hu's King Character Attack and Kill Jue once again collided with Huang Qiu's sword, and the two sides collapsed again. Bai Hu was shocked and coughed up blood, his combat power plummeted instantly, and he wanted to use the king's character to attack and kill again, but found that he was unable to do what he wanted.


Sun Godko immediately launched a terrible attack.

Huang Qiu gave a long roar, the sword pierced out, and the two sword qis collided, exploded, and collapsed crazily again.

Baihu and Sun Godzi didn't even think about it, and hurriedly flew towards Dragon God City.


Huang Qiu let out a cold snort, took a deep breath, and carried the sword in chase.


Blood splashed, Ling Yin was pierced by a sword in her lower abdomen, and then kicked by Ling Xun, exploding blood.

Xuanwu took the opportunity to use his supernatural powers. As soon as he started his hand, Lingxun shot through the tortoise shell, and hit the tortoise shell of the tortoise shell. The turtle shell almost shattered.

It and Lingyin did not even want to rush into Dragon God City, hoping to use the complex terrain of Dragon God City to deal with Lingxun.


The Golden Wing Roc made a long roar, and after shaking back the opponent, it also flew into the Dragon God City decisively.

Seeing that several battlefields were defeated one after another, Du Gu Yijian's expression became extremely ugly.


Dugu Yijian did not hesitate, and decisively ordered. The sound shook the entire Dragon God City.

Suddenly, ambushing in Dragon God City, the masters of the early, middle and late stages of Emperor Zhun all soared into the sky and flew towards Golden Crow City.

At this time, from the passage opened up on the space barrier, some Protoss masters rushed out, like a tide.

"Block them!"

Dugu Yijian stepped back and drank loudly.

The incarnations of the old madman, Li Weibai and Han Yu all began to move the battlefield, and then stood side by side with Dugu Yijian, forming a line of defense, giving the other masters a chance to escape.

In this way, the pressure on everyone increased instantly.

The opponent concentrated fire to kill them, plus more than a dozen masters who came from behind, it was completely suppressed.

When they retreated to the Golden Crow City, the five incarnations of the old madman, Li Weibai, Golden Winged Dapeng and Han Yu were already scarred. If this continues, I am afraid that they will all fall for less than half an hour.

Even with Dugu's sword, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"You all go!"

Suddenly, Dugu Yijian screamed wildly, and the whole person turned into a terrible sword aura, trying to stop all the gods with his own strength.

"Hmph, in the incomplete world of Nine Suns Continent, you are a peerless genius who can take that step to reach the half-step martial emperor realm, but wanting to stop us with your power alone is just a dream!" Huang Qiu sneered.

The three masters of Huang Qiu, Lingxun, and Jin Chang killed at the same time, smashing the sword energy formed by Dugu Yijian, Dugu Yijian fell out, vomiting blood, and suffered severe injuries. "Brother Dugu, go and stay together, stay together!" The Golden Winged Dapeng took Dugu Yijian to the Golden Crow City at a very fast speed. A group of masters stood on the Golden Crow City, did not flee, stood side by side, murderous. They must use their bodies to block the army of the gods, and give the rest of the masters of the Nine Sun Continent time to leave; to give the geniuses of the Nine Sun Continent time to enter the burial pagoda for refuge.

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