Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2240: Half-step true god

In the border city, the Protoss struck again, and the void barrier between the God Realm and the Nine Suns Continent was pierced again.

Dugu Yijian is carrying the five incarnations (Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, Sun God Child, and Feng God Child) of Li Weibai, Old Madman, Golden Wing Roc, and Han Yu to resist. The opponent's offensive was very terrifying, and there was a feeling that he couldn't hold back.

"This time the Protoss has at least sent two or more powerful men who have stepped into the realm of the true gods to attack. Unless there is a strong man from Emperor Wu, they will not be able to stop their military peak at all." Feng Shenzi said with a solemn expression.

It can be seen from the supernatural powers called by the opponent that there are some traces of heaven and earth, and the power is very terrible. This is a method that only half-step true gods have.

On the Nine Sun Continent, although there are nine masters, only Dugu Yijian has reached that level, stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu with one foot and becoming a half-step Wu Emperor strong, but he can't resist it at all.

"Have you been in contact with Han Yu?" asked Dugu Yijian. He confronted an unknown master of the Protoss with seven strokes, and was shocked to pale and look very ugly.

"It's too far apart to get in touch." Lingyin said.

Go to the temples of the gods, separated by endless stars. Even if Han Yu is in close contact with several avatars, he cannot get in touch through such a long distance.


Suddenly, a fist mark wrapped in the mark of heaven and earth escaped from the attack of Dugu Yijian and came out of the black hole, shattering the supernatural powers of the white tiger, and hitting the white tiger. The white tiger screamed and exploded. He spit out blood and flew away.

"Go to Dragon God City, wait for them to come." Dugu Yijian made a decisive decision. Now that the number of opponents is not known, it is difficult to make a detailed challenge strategy.

Everyone immediately stopped and flew back to Dragon God City. Fengshenzi became invisible for the first time, ready to be caught off guard.

Not long after, several figures rushed out of the black hole. The three old men rushed to the front. "The existence of the three half-step true gods." Seeing the three old men, the Fengshenzi changed his color slightly, and hurriedly transmitted the sound to a few people: "The person on the left is the half-step true **** of the Jin family, and the person in the middle is the Fengshen Palace. The half-step true **** Huang Qiu is the third disciple of the **** of wind, my third brother; the person on the right is from the spiritual family

Half a step is really awkward. "

These three are relatively well-known figures in the God Realm, and Feng Shenzi has also happened to have seen them. For Huang Qiu, that is even more familiar.

After the three half-step true gods, they followed the seven powerhouses of the peak of the emperor. The ten people soon came to the outside of Dragon God City and faced the master on the wall.

"I just said why the people who came the previous few times were all annihilated. It turned out that there was a half-step martial emperor in the Nine Sun Continent." Jin Changchang stared at Dugu Yijian and said gloomily. .

He thought that the murderer who wiped out the Protoss army several times was Dugu Yijian. Didn't he know that Dugu Yijian was awakened by Han Yu and walked out of his own kendo to take this step.

Dugu Yijian is worthy of a cultivating genius. He is the only figure in Jiuyang Continent who has taken this step since ancient times.

Dugu Yijian made a heavy cold snort, and his eyes slowly swept over the three half-step True God Realm powerhouses.


Huang Qiu in the middle gave a cold drink and rushed to kill him directly, without a word of nonsense at all.


On Dragon God City, Dugu Yijian didn't talk nonsense, and rushed out first and pounced on Huang Qiu.

Dugu Yijian pointed both hands as a sword, and both hands rushed out the terrible sword light, one hand against Huang Qiu, the other hand stopped Jin unchanged.

"I want to block the two of us with my own power, knowing whether I live or die, I will do you!" Jin Bianchang originally pounced on other people, but seeing that Dugu Yijian actually killed him together, he could not help but sneered and decisively turned towards Dugu Yijian. Pounced.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three of them fought frantically, with supernatural powers, the world and earth marks rushing towards their faces, and in a blink of an eye they fought dozens of strokes, and they fought so dimly.

The others also pounced on their opponents.

Xuanwu and Lingyin confronted Lingxun, and Baihu, Sun Shenzi, Li Weibai, the old madman, and the Golden Winged Dapeng pounced on the seven quasi-emperor peak powers of the Protoss, preparing to make a quick decision to help the others.


Lingxun bombarded with two punches in succession, causing Xuanwu and Lingyin to groan and fly away.

"Just because you two want to stop me, you can't help yourself!" Lingxun curled his lips in disdain, and slowly followed Xuanwu and Lingyin into the air, not looking at them at all.


Suddenly, a tornado appeared out of thin air and struck from behind Lingxun. It was too abrupt, and the speed was extremely fast. When Lingxun reacted, the tornado had already violently hit his back.


With a loud roar, Lingxun flew out, his face turned pale, and he opened his mouth and vomited blood.

Although he is a half-step true **** realm, Feng Shenzi's shot is the ultimate **** ventilating and angry, and it is a sneak attack, nowhere can it be held.


Xuanwu opened his mouth and spit out a big seal, and hit Lingxun overwhelmingly. Lingxun was beaten upright without standing still.


A sword aura went up into the sky, and Lingyin slashed with a sword, hitting Lingxun's waist, almost cutting Lingxun in the middle.


Immediately afterwards, Fengshenzi used Fengshen's anger to kill again, and Lingxun was knocked out and hit the city wall directly, vomiting blood.

The three incarnations of Han Yu cooperate very tacitly. Once they do it, they will not give each other a chance to breathe.

Although Lingxun's cultivation base is equivalent to that of the Immortal God, he does not have the ability of the Immortal God to use the ultimate supernatural powers at will, how to resist?

"The Son of God!"

Huang Qiu, who was fighting Dugu with a sword, suddenly exclaimed, with an incredible expression on his face.

The spirit card left by Fengshenzi in Fengshen Palace has been blown up, indicating that Fengshenzi is dead, but now, he can see Fengshenzi standing in front of him alive, and he also displays the skills of Fengshen.

If only the appearance is similar, Huang Qiu will not be so, but not only looks exactly the same, but also displays Fengshen's anger, who is not Fengshenzi? Huang Qiu was a little unbelievable.

"He is not Fengshenzi anymore. He has a human aura in his body. If I expected it well, he has been refined into an incarnation by humans." Ling Xun roared.

He was very aggrieved, dignified and half-step true God, he was actually crushed and beaten by three weak people, it is simply unimaginable.


Huang Qiu was furious, decisively abandoning the sword of Dugu, and rushed towards Fengshenzi. Dugu Yijian wanted to intercept, but he had more than enough energy.

"Your opponent is me, please block me first!" Jin Chang hummed.

Fengshenzi changed color slightly, turned his head decisively, and displayed Fengshen's rage towards Huang Qiu.

"Sure enough, you are no longer the son of God." Huang Qiu was both sad and angry, slashing with a broad sword in his hand.


The terrifying sword light smashed on the tornado, and both burst into pieces. Feng Shenzi fell out, his face a little pale.

The use of Fengshen Fury three times in a row has already consumed him a lot. "I want to see, who knows the life and death, dared to refine the **** child into an incarnation." Huang Qiu was angry.

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