Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2233: Undead


A roar was shaking the earth, and a killing intent swept across the sky.

I saw a big cyan dragon, carrying a murderous sword, hitting it towards the immortal god. This collision seems to break through the eternal blue sky. Lingyin displayed his assassin, Azure Dragon Slashing Emperor Art.

The undead **** urges the undead knife to slash down.


The Immortal Knife and the Azure Dragon Slashing Emperor Art were exploded at the same time, the Immortal God stood motionless, but Lingyin groaned and retreated under his feet.

"Although he can use his extreme magical powers at his fingertips, he is not a powerhouse in the realm of true gods after all, and his physical body has just come from his home. The physical strength does not match the strength of his soul, and he can't stand the endless consumption. !"

Fengshenzi's face was crazy, his body twisted, and Fengshen's anger was displayed again, and he slammed away.

The terrible tornado, like a blue dragon, is shaking the sky and the earth.

The Immortal God snorted heavily and displayed the Immortal Sword again.


The undead sword smashed down, smashing Fengshen's anger to pieces. Fengshenzi fell out, vomiting blood.

Fengshen's anger was broken by the undead **** twice in a row, causing him to be seriously injured. However, the corner of Fengshenzi's mouth rose slightly, and a smile appeared. This is the fourth time the Undead God has used the Undead Sword. It can be clearly felt that the power of this time is far less than the first time.

"The third type of time and space against life!"

Han Yu didn't hesitate, and Lightning displayed magical powers that would kill him.

"Don't die, cut it again!"

The undead **** yelled, once again smashing the rebellious third-type time and space, but you can see that his face turned pale in an instant, and he began to gasp quickly.

As Feng Shenzi said, even if he is an immortal god, even if he is an immortal sword, he created it, but he will not be in his heyday after all, and he will not be able to display such terrible magical powers for a long time.

"Qinglong Slashing Emperor Technique!"

Lingyin followed Han Yu and launched an attack.

Although his speed with the ultimate magical powers is far behind Feng Shenzi and Han Yu, there are Feng Shenzi and Han Yu holding the Immortal God in front, and he has too much time to perform his ultimate moves.

The Azure Dragon Slashing Emperor Art smashed into the void, with a terrifying aura.

There was a look of anger on the undead god's face, and there was no such calm and calm as before without seeing anything in his eyes, which showed that the undead **** was almost unable to hold on.

He shouted angrily and slashed the Immortal Knife, and then the two great supernatural powers collapsed at the same time. The Immortal God and Lingyin both snorted and flew backwards. The undead **** trembled, Ling Yin couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

I have to say that the immortal **** who stepped into the realm of the true **** with half his feet was too strong. Not only did he forcefully crack the six attacks of the ultimate magical powers, but also shook Han Yu and the two incarnations.

"Hey, I see how long you can stand it!" Fengshenzi sneered, and displayed Fengshen's anger for the third time.

Feng Shenzi was seriously injured. The Fengshen Fury displayed this time was far less powerful than before, but the Undead God still brows wildly, roaring, and displays the Undead Sword for the seventh time.


This time, the Undead God did not split Fengshen's Fury, and the Undead Sword and Fengshen's Fury exploded at the same time. Both the Fengshenzi and the Immortal God were hit hard, and the Fengshenzi fell out of the storm and was dying and lost his combat power. It turned into a gas and entered Han Yu's Dantian.


The undead **** vomited a mouthful of blood, and rushed out of the storm embarrassedly, fleeing without looking back.

"Huh, where to escape!"

Han Yu flashed the rebellious third-style time and space to imprison the undead god.

The hair of the undead **** dimmed instantly, eroded by the power of time.


The undead **** burst into tears and used the undead sword for the eighth time.


The rebellious third type of time and space and the Undead Sword collapsed at the same time, Han Yu and the Undead God both suffered heavy injuries, both coughed up blood, and the situation was extremely bad.

It is also because Han Yu's defense and strength are above the Fengshenzi, otherwise he will be like Fengshenzi, directly injured and collapsed.

Lingyin started, without giving the undead **** a chance to breathe, once again used the Azure Dragon Slashing Emperor Technique.

The immortal **** is going crazy, no matter how strong he is, he can't stand such a round of bombing, right?

The Undead God breathed a sigh of relief, and displayed the Undead Sword for the ninth time.

The two extreme magical powers still exploded at the same time, and both of them suffered heavy injuries. Lingyin was like Fengshenzi, severely injured and dying, returning to Han Yu's dantian. Han Yu was holding a gold sword with Dao pattern and rushed to kill him.

Now, if Han Yu can still use the third type of time and space, he will definitely be able to kill the undead **** with one move, but Han Yu's current state can no longer support him to use the ultimate magical powers again, and can only rush over and immortal The **** of melee.

The undead **** was also seriously injured, even if Han Yu fought head-to-head, he didn't have the courage to fight and flee quickly.

The two chased each other, and it was thousands of miles in a flash. The speed of the Immortal God was not slower than Han Yu.

With a thought to Han Yu, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd appeared, bursting out the power of horror-swallowing, and immediately, the speed of the Immortal God was greatly affected.


A sword light flashed, Daowen's golden sword power slashed down, passing by the undead god, and almost cut off the left shoulder of the undead god.

The undead **** roared again and again, and hurriedly mobilized Heaven and Earth Daohen to defend himself, but he took Han Yu's three swords without being injured. Then suddenly turned around and blasted Han Yu with a punch.

Han Yu was caught off guard, was hit in the chest with a punch, and flew away, vomiting blood with a wow.

The immortal **** saw that a punch did not break Han Yu's chest, could not help being taken aback, and quickly turned around and fled to Yaoyao.

"Today you can't escape!" Han Yu took a deep breath, urging the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and the Nine-Headed Heaven-Swallowing Demon rushed out, roaring to kill the Immortal God.

If the immortal **** was in its heyday, these nine-headed swallowing beasts would not be enough for his teeth. But at this time, the undead **** was seriously injured, and for a while, he would not be able to swallow the beast, and was injured several times by the beast.

Han Yu quickly swallowed a few medicinal plants, and before refining it, he rushed to the past with a gold sword with Dao pattern.


The sword is heavy, slashing the sky and the ground.

The undead **** had two fists hard to beat four hands, and soon he was covered with bruises.

Even if there is a clothing defense formed by the scars of heaven and earth, how can it withstand Han Yu's endless hacking and endless attacks by the nine great swallowing beasts.

"Tian Lei Ba Fist!"

Han Yu rushed to the back of the undead **** and threw a punch.


The world marks on the back of the Undead God were all wiped out, and the fists hit the vest of the Undead God heavily. The Undead God's back was squashed with a punch by Han Yu, screamed, coughing up blood in his mouth, and flew out to smash several bone mountains one after another. Han Yu shook his body, took a deep breath, and quickly killed him.

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