Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2232: Immortal god

"I thought this body was perfect, but I didn't expect three more perfect ones to come, which made it hard for me to choose." Zhao Wending's face showed a weird smile, and his voice was very sharp and unpleasant.

The word seizing house soon appeared in Han Yu's mind, causing Han Yu's head to tremble, and the whole person suddenly became desperate.

"Look at your appearance, the owner of this body has a special relationship with you!" Zhao Wending's mouth again made that disgusting voice.

"Are you the **** of immortality?" Feng Shenzi asked in a low voice.

"Yo, there are still people who know this god." The Immortal God was a little surprised. He took a closer look at the Wind God, and said in surprise: "God? Going with the human race?"

"No, you have both the breath of the gods and the human race in your body. You are after the gods and the human race? No, you are his incarnation?"

Suddenly, in the eyes of the undead god, two surprising rays of light shot out.

Then he looked at Lingyin and said, "You are also a **** race, and you are also his incarnation. When did the **** race be so unbearable, they were refined into an incarnation by a human race!"


What responded to him was Han Yu's punch from the world.

Tianlei Ba fist.

The terrible fist shattered the void, shaking the sky and the earth.

Heaven-swallowing devilish energy and the power of heavenly thunder are horizontal and horizontal, terrifying.

"What a strong magical nature, there are actually two different powers in the body. This flesh body likes it!" The immortal **** was surprised at first, and then he was overjoyed. Seeing Han Yu as if looking at a peerless treasure, it was terrifying to Han Yu. His punch turned a blind eye.

He raised his palm and patted Han Yu with a fluttering palm.

In an instant, with the palm of the undead **** as the center, countless runes gleaming with strange light and exuding the aura of the avenue suddenly appeared. These runes quickly formed a glove on the palm of the undead god, and then that hand Collided with Han Yu's fist.


A terrifying loud noise came out, and a powerful wave of air swept through the sky. Lingyin and Fengshenzi were both swept by the air wave and flew backwards.

Han Yu snorted, the sky-swallowing devil energy and the power of the sky-thunder on his fist were instantly wiped out, his arms numb, and his body flew backwards.

The Immortal God slowly retracted his palm, nothing happened.

"The power of Tao!"

"The power of the law!"

Han Yu and Fengshenzi exclaimed at the same time.

Once it reaches the Martial Saint level, you can use the power of Tiandi Daohen, but that power is very weak, and it is of little use in actual combat. Only the existence of Emperor Wu and the true **** level can bring the world marks into their hands and turn them into terrifying attacks.

This method is also known as the power of Tao; in the God Realm, it is called the power of law.

The power of Dao (law) is a special means of the emperor realm (shen realm), just like a quasi-emperor using the power of the void.

It's just the power of Tao (law), which overrides all powers. So that the opponent just used the power of Dao (law) at will and easily broke Han Yu's Tianlei Ba Fist.

"Some eyesight, since you can see the means of the original god, you should know the gap between you and the original god, don't struggle in vain, your physical body can be favored by the original god, it is your luck." The undead **** sees Looking at Han Yu, he looked high.


Han Yu snorted heavily, and with a thought, the Daowen Golden Sword appeared in his hand, slashing with a sword force.

Under the urging of Han Yu, the golden sword of Taoism turned into a length of tens of thousands of feet, with great power to open up the world, and the sound of the avenue sounded, suppressing everything.

"The magic weapon of the gold refining of the Taoist pattern is a magic weapon that is not bad. I like it." The undead **** didn't feel threatened at all, and actually grabbed the gold sword of the Taoist pattern with his bare hands. Around him, the marks of heaven and earth appeared again, forming a glove on his hand.


The Daowen gold sword smashed into the hands of the undead god, and it made a sound like metal switching. The palm of the undead **** did not suffer any damage, but firmly grasped the sword.

This is incredible, you must know how sharp the Daowen Golden Sword is, and the general quasi-imperial soldiers are like mud.

"He is not in the realm of true gods!" Suddenly, Feng Shenzi exclaimed in surprise, "his current realm is very strange, surpassing the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, but has not yet reached the realm of true gods, and belongs to a strong man who has stepped into the realm of true gods. "

"The eyesight is good, the nirvana of the original **** has been rebuilt, and now it is indeed half a step away from the real god. But what about it? Are you opponents of the original god?" the undead **** said disapprovingly.

"As long as you are not a true god, you are not invincible!"

"Fengshen is angry!"

Fengshenzi turned his body and turned into a terrible tornado hitting the immortal god, and the shot was the ultimate magical power.

Rijinzi quickly retreated to the side and began to use his assassin.

Han Yu held the Taoist gold sword with both hands and shook the sword violently.

Knowing that the other party was not a strong man in the true **** realm, Han Yu suddenly gained confidence.

Under Han Yu's many strong earthquakes, the heaven and earth marks on the hands of the undead **** became indeterminate, showing signs of collapse. This also shows that he is not yet a strong man in the true **** realm.

The immortal **** can only let go of the Dao-patterned golden sword and fully resist the anger of Fengshen.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two crashed crazily, and the undead **** snorted and flew backwards. A lot of the marks on the body were knocked out, but there were no injuries.

Both Han Yu and Lingyin's expressions sank. The Immortal God is worthy of being a strong man who stepped into the realm of the true gods. If he were to be a normal emperor pinnacle, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die with this blow.

Fengshenzi continued to kill, Fengshen's anger swept the world.

"Undead knife!"

The undead god's palm is like a knife, and a terrible big knife is turned into a murderous, and it is cut with a single knife.

With that momentum, it almost seemed to cut the world in half.


Fengshen's Fury was cut in half by the Immortal Knife, and Fengshenzi fell out and couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood, with a look of horror on his face: "Extreme power?

The immortal **** said lightly: "The immortal sword is a magical power created by the god, killing countless enemies, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the mood of Han Yu, Lingyin and Fengshenzi instantly fell to the bottom.

Self-created extreme magical powers can be easily obtained, faster and simpler than Han Yu and Fengshenzi. After all, the rebellious third type of time and space is suitable for Han Yu, and Fengshen's Fury is suitable for Fengshenzi, and it is not as good as the self-made magical powers.

Above the utmost magical powers, the **** of immortality is more dominant than Han Yu and the **** of wind.

"The third type of time and space against life!"

Han Yu didn't dare to delay, he quickly formed seals with both hands, and displayed his own assassin.

In an instant, the immortal **** was shrouded by Han Yu in a special space, the void solidified, and time flew by.

"Chop!" The undead **** cried secretly, and the undead knife slashed down, and the rebellious third type of time and space collapsed in an instant. Han Yu's face turned white and his throat was sweet, but he swallowed the blood back.

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