Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2208: massacre

Suddenly, several screams sounded, and the heads of the three Protoss masters exploded almost at the same time in the east of the eight-phase battle. With the death of the three of them, the eight-phase battle formation instantly collapsed, and the terrible breath seemed to recede.

"What's going on?" Everyone was stunned.

Especially the people of the Protoss, it is hard to imagine how such a change would happen.

"Boom bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, the heads of the three masters in the southeast direction exploded one after another and died on the spot. As if there was a sword invisible, it flew to smash their heads. Moreover, the sword that could smash into pieces in the holy palace of the late Emperor Zhun was definitely not an ordinary sword.

In this instant, six masters died, and the others were terrified and panicked.

"The sky is open!"

The seven top masters of the Protoss at the same time displayed the magical power of the sky, and before long, a vertical eye appeared on everyone's forehead.

They had realized that something invisible had killed the six masters. However, when they displayed the supernatural powers, they saw nothing. Because Fengshenzi had already been taken back into his body by Han Yu.

Fengshenzi will be Han Yu's big trump card, and he doesn't want to be exposed to the gods' masters too early.

A golden sword appeared in Han Yu's hand. He lifted it up high and smashed it down. The terrifying sword aura that went up to the earth suddenly slashed down with an incomparable aura, tearing the three people in the West.


The remaining quasi-emperor late masters instantly lost their thoughts of fighting, and fled in panic in the direction where the Protoss master was.

Han Yu sneered, and a pair of golden wings appeared on his back. In an instant, he surpassed all the masters of the Protoss with a sigh, blocking their way.


Jianmang cut down, slashing thousands of miles with a single sword.

Before one person realized what was happening, his body was chopped to pieces by Han Yu.


Of the seven peak powers of the Protoss, three of them rushed over. Now they can no longer break or break the rules. First save the Protoss master. If you can kill Han Yu by the way, it would be an unexpected joy.

In Baidi City, countless people gritted their teeth and cursed. As for Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Winged Dapeng, the three peak powers had long expected that the Protoss would break the rules, and the moment the Protoss mastered their hands, they also set off.

The Golden Wing Roc is the fastest, and the wings are cut down like a heavenly sword, and at the same time intercepting the three powers of the peak of the emperor.

The three of them snorted coldly, and at the same time they shot the Golden Wing Dapeng. The Golden Winged Roc was shocked and flew backwards, but shortly afterwards, Honghu and Li Weibai arrived and culled the past.


The screams sounded, a strong man of the late Protoss Quasi-Emperor was smashed to death by Han Yu with the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and then he was admitted into the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd. From within the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd, the nine-headed Sky-Swallowing Beast was thrown out, and its strength was not inferior to that of the general quasi-emperor late powerhouse.

What about the large number of Protoss Zhundi in the later period, at this time, it was like a frightened sheep, chased and killed by Han Yu.

"Boom!" A terrifying sword slashed down, easily smashing a person's supernatural powers and magic weapons, and then slammed it down, and the person's body was directly exploded in half.

Another master of the late quasi-emperor died in the hands of Han Yu.

Han Yu truly explained what is invincible in the same realm, true invincibility, that is, even if it has just broken through, it is unmatched in the same realm!

Before long, there were only ten of the 24 Protoss masters left.

Nine head swallowing beasts entangled one each, while Han Yu carried his sword as if harvesting straw, and began the final finishing touch.


On the side of the Protoss, another quasi-emperor pinnacle rushed out, Di Jun started!

Han Yu frowned. He didn't expect the people of the Protoss to be so despicable.


Suddenly, from Baidi City, a terrifying sword intent burst out, the sword intent called the sun and the moon without light, and the galaxy trembled. Then everyone saw that a purple streamer rushed out of Baidi City at an incomparable speed and slew towards Di Jun.

This purple streamer is like a peerless divine sword, that sword intent is terrifying.

Let Han Yu feel a familiar aura, this is a sword!

"Dugu a sword?"

The expressions of the seven strongest protoss changed suddenly.

"Dugu Yijian, you are finally willing to show up!" Di Jun shouted in a deep voice, hitting the purple streamer with a palm.

The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the quasi emperor can shake the earth at will, and can destroy Xinghe with a flick of his finger. The horror of his full strength and palm can hardly be described in words.


The streamer easily smashed the palm of his hand and swiftly attacked and killed Di Jun.

"Dugu a sword!"

Di Jun made the last sound in his life, and his body exploded.

The purple streamer passed directly through his body. When he transformed into a body, it was a man wearing a black long coat.

One move, with only one move, Dugu killed a master of the same realm.

"Dare to break the rules and kill without mercy!" Dugu Yijian said coldly, his voice was not loud, but he had the power to alarm the nine heavens and ten earth, making the master of the Protoss face pale.

"Kill!" Bian Yang Yan let out a low voice, and then took the initiative to kill with a sword.

Now I still care about the rules of the shit, let's kill it first. At this moment, the Protoss performed shamelessly to the extreme.

In Baidi City, countless people rushed to the top with anger, but also frightened. The Protoss has six powerhouses at the peak of the emperor, but there are only four on the Nine Sun Continent. Can you resist it?

But soon, their worries were resolved a lot, because Dugu Yijian used his own power to withstand the three of Bian Yangyan, Jin Buhuai and Xiong Chenghua.

"It deserves to be the supreme powerhouse of our Nine Suns Continent, this battle power is shocking!"

"If Senior Dugu hadn't been attacked and injured by a traitor, the Protoss would have never crossed the boundary. Now Senior Dugu has recovered to its peak, it's time for us to collect debts."

At Baidi City, everyone trembled with excitement.


No one stopped, Han Yu's reaping the lives of the Protoss masters was a massacre.

The remaining masters of the Protoss were so frightened to see that they did not dare to help. Although they had a large number of people, most of them were from the early stage of the quasi-emperor. A few of the quasi-emperors were seriously injured in the middle and late stages. They were not enough for the power of the peak of the quasi-emperor and not enough for Han Yu.

Bian Yangyan, Jin Buhuo, Xiong Chenghua, etc., watched as the Protoss masters were beheaded by Han Yu, their eyes were cracked, and they roared up to the sky. Bian Yangyan and Jin Buhua went crazy and attacked Dugu Yijian, Xiong Chenghua took the opportunity to leave the battlefield and slew Han Yu.


Everyone on Honghu, Li Weibai, Golden Wing Roc, and Baidi City was shocked in a cold sweat. "Han Yu evil thief, die!" Xiong Chenghua sneered, and the Zhangzhang's big knife in his hand moved and slashed at Han Yu.

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