Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2207: Eight-phase battle formation

Only the slender man, robe and long hair, fluttering in the wind, this scene seems to have become eternal.

This scene naturally cannot be eternal, but it will always be imprinted in the depths of everyone's soul.

After a while, it was Han Fengwu's scream that brought everyone's minds back to reality. Han Fengwu really wanted to jump over, but was held back by Sun Dahou.


At this time, the voices of cold air came one after another, whether it was a human, a monster or a protoss, looking at Han Yu, there was more or less awe.

"Little thief, I'm going to kill you!" Xiong Chenghua roared, murderous.

"Dare you!" Honghu yelled at Baidi City.

In the direction of the Protoss, Jin Buhui grabbed Xiong Chenghua and said in a low voice: "Brother Xiong, this son will kill, but not now."

At this time, I saw Han Yu with his left hand on his back, his right hand pointing as a sword, pointing to the Protoss master, indifferently said: "Who will fight me?"

Who will come? Who dare?

Even if Han Yu had just been promoted to the late stage of Quasi-Emperor, but that invincible might has penetrated into the soul of every Protoss master.

Even Xiong Da can kill with a punch, who else can resist Han Yu's punch?

No one in the Protoss challenged, Bian Yang Yan, Jin Buhuo, etc., did not dare to send people, even if they were as strong as the Protoss, they couldn't bear the consumption.

In Baidi City, everyone was excited and unbearable. Many people could not help but yell up to the sky, Han Yu, won another round for them, and gave them a bad breath.

What if you have more protoss? As long as we have Han Yu, one man is the one who is in charge of everything!

Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Winged Dapeng all had joy in their eyes, but no one spoke. They knew that Han Yu was measured and determined.

"I am coming to attack my Nine Suns Continent with great strength, so dare you?" Han Yu said coldly, quite ironically.

How did this scene look similar.

Protoss wants to surrender? It's not that easy!

Sun Dahou clenched his fists excitedly, and his body trembled.

All the Protoss had a gloomy face, looking at Han Yu murderously, but no one spoke. Now speaking, it is undoubtedly selfish.

"The Protoss of the late quasi-emperor, let's go together!" Han Yu retracted his hands, put his hands on his back, and said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's faces twitched.

This time, no one dared to question Han Yu, no one dared to mock Han Yu.

Honghu and Li Weibai glanced at each other, feeling quite fortunate that "Han Yu is still on our side."

Protoss masters are going crazy, tolerable or unbearable, Han Yu deceives people too much.

However, the previous scene of Han Yu killing more than fifty people of the same realm with his own power lingered in the minds of many protoss masters, as if a basin of cold water was poured on their heads, which made many people's sanity overcome. impulse. The Protoss has a total of more than 30 powerful late-stage quasi-emperors, seven of them were beheaded by Long Diao, and one was killed by Han Yu. They were severely injured and could no longer fight. At this time, there were twenty-four who could fight. Twenty-four late quasi-emperors deal with one late quasi-emperor, no matter what era or location

, That's all wins. But at this moment, the Protoss side did not dare to act rashly. If there is nothing wrong with these twenty-four people, there will be no need to fight in the fourth round. Even if the Protoss wins the fourth round, will they still be able to continue to attack Baidi City? It is simply impossible to rely on the seven quasi-emperor peak powers and a group of quasi-emperor early people. Protoss people are arrogant, but don’t


"Before, he was half-footed into the late quasi-emperor, so he could fight forty or fifty people of the same realm with his own power. It can be said that he has a great advantage above the realm. But he has just broken through the standard. There is no advantage in the realm of the late emperor."

"Yes, he just broke through the late quasi-emperor, his strength is limited after all."

Many Protoss in the later period of the quasi emperor began to convince others and themselves.

"If he half-footed into the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, even if we join forces, we will definitely not be his opponent. But he just broke through the late Zhun Emperor, I think we have a great chance to defeat him."

Han Yu just broke through this point and became the only hope of the Protoss master, which can also be said to be the only shortcoming of Han Yu.

Time passed quietly, and now that the Nine Suns Continent was declared victory, the Protoss had no excuse. But in Baidi City, no one spoke. At this moment, the premature announcement of victory seems to have been unable to satisfy them.

Bian Yang Yan, Jin Buhuo, Xiong Chenghua, etc. gathered all the masters of the late quasi-emperor and began to arrange troops for them. After secretly discussing with many experts, they felt that they could defeat Han Yu by using Han Yu to break through this shortcoming.

It took a full half an hour before the experts of the Protoss negotiated, and a group of three rushed out and carefully outflanked Han Yu. Han Yu didn't intend to do anything, and let these protoss surround him.

After surrounding Han Yu, the master of the Protoss was secretly relieved. They formed eight groups in three groups, and surrounded Han Yu from eight positions, so that they could display the eight-phase battle formation.

If Han Yu started to disrupt their rhythm, whether they could form an eight-phase battle formation is still unknown.

"Han Yu, you are too arrogant, take the initiative to let us form a battle formation, today is your death date!" one person shouted in a deep voice.

"Really? Let's do it, let me see what power your eight-phase battle formation has." Han Yu said disapprovingly.

"Do it!" Bian Yangyan said lowly in the distance.

I want to talk nonsense with Han Yu, get rid of it first.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, a series of terrifying auras rushed into the sky, and the eight-phase battle formation began to move.

"Oops, how can Xiaoyou Han put himself in jail?" Honghu changed color. This eight-phase battle array gave him a sense of danger.

Both Li Weibai and Jin Wing Dapeng frowned, showing their worries.

"Hmph, I thought I could win the previous battle, but this one too? Looking at the eight-phase battle formation is undoubtedly watching others pinch a knife to his neck and seek his own death!" Di Jun sneered repeatedly.

The eight-phase battle formation composed of twenty-four powerful men in the late quasi-emperor's period, even he dared not stun the front, and did not believe that Han Yu could resist it.

"I have never had a chance to kill him, now I take the initiative to send it to the door, why not do it!" Xiong Chenghua couldn't help laughing.

"Keep alive, he's still useful."

Bian Yang Yan secretly transmitted voice to the masters of the Protoss.

Before he started, he was still a little worried, but now the eight-phase battle formation has successfully combined and surrounded Han Yu Tuantuan. He does not believe that Han Yu has the power to break through the eight-phase battle formation.

The momentum of the eight-phase battle formation is soaring like a volcanic eruption. When it soars to the apex, it makes everyone change their colors. Such a powerful and terrifying battle formation, looking at the world, how many people can break through with their own power?

Honghu? Li Weibai? Golden Wing Roc? Bian Yang Yan? Xiong Chenghua? All the powerhouses at the peak of the quasi emperor had no bottom in their hearts.

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