Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2167: Generous

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Fengshenzi's face changed and changed. People in the distance did not dare to breathe.

Suddenly, Feng Shenzi turned around and left, disappearing in a blink of an eye. When Jian Ruhong saw this, he was so scared that he hurriedly chased Fengshenzi to the sky.


Xiao Horn backhanded the knife into the scabbard, turned around and looked at Sun Dahou and others.

At this time, it looked like a peerless swordsman. But that cute and cute look didn't match the lonely and cold swordsman.

When everyone looked at the little corner, they were all in a daze, then overjoyed and couldn't help but cheer.

A mortal game was resolved by Xiaojiao three times. Simple three knives, but also incomparable three knives.

Everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Little Horn flew over and looked at the old man and said: "Leave this guy to me."

Little Horn stretched out his small paws and took Han Yu from Tian Lao. Han Yu's body was much larger than it, but it held Han Yu's body without difficulty.

Tian Lao asked, "Little guy, can you help him recover?"

Little Horn's ability to endure the old, but knows that he has pulled Han Yu back from the death line several times.

Xiao Jiao said: "If it's a physical injury, I can help, but his consciousness dissipates and causes the current situation. I can't help it, but don't worry, this guy is so hard to die."

When Xiao Jiao said this half-jokingly, everyone couldn't help but smile, and the mood instantly improved a lot.

After that, everyone began to heal the wounds on the spot, and now there is a little horn sitting here, and he is not afraid of Fengshenzi going back.

After three days had passed, Han Yu's eyes quietly gave birth to some anger, his eyes turned, and everyone was overjoyed.

After another two days, Han Yu was able to sit up, but his eyes were lost.

Everyone's hanging heart was rare to let go, which shows that Han Yu has begun to recover, but the recovery speed is relatively slow and requires a process.

After everyone's injuries were almost healed, they began to repair the terrain here. After a series of battles, the mountains and rivers have been broken here, but to the quasi-emperor, it is nothing at all.

Ten days later, the shattered earth turned into an endless expanse of plains. Lingyin and Sun Shenzi also attracted several rivers from other places to reshape the landscape.

Han Yu can stand up and walk around, but like a fool, he can only move around mechanically, his eyes are still very dull, and he doesn't speak.

The rest were busy and began to rebuild the city. According to Tian Lao's intention, he still builds a group of evil cities of heaven and earth, and when Han Yu wakes up, let Han Yu form an array. Over the past few years, a lot of quasi-imperial soldiers have been collected. By then, the quasi-imperial soldiers will be used to provide a steady stream of energy for the base of the formation. The power of the large formation will be improved a lot.

It's so easy. Although there were many quasi-emperors this time, the speed of building the city was much slower than the previous time. Everyone has spent a lot of energy in each city. The defense of the city alone can withstand the attack from the strongest in the early stage of the emperor, plus the power of the formation will become completely different.


After the Tiangangdi evil city group was built, everyone's focus was placed on the Bafang City. Combining the power of many quasi-emperors, the defense of the Bafang City was even more terrifying, and finally the palace was the palace.

Needless to say, the size of the palace is much smaller than that of Bafang City, but everyone has spent ten times the strength to build it. Under Sun Dahou's proposal, the imperial palace was built directly with refining materials, and the imperial palace was refined into a quasi-imperial soldier.

Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Sun Godzi even used their blood to pour the walls of the palace, making the palace more rigid than ever.

Nangongxue and Zhang Daojun looked trembling. Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu and Sun Shenzi are not only quasi-emperor powerhouses. One of them is the blood of god, the other is the blood of emperor, and the other is the blood of divine beasts. Their blood is the supreme treasure in this world. Come to refine a palace, you can't even think about it in normal time. And it's not Jane

With the blood alone, they also poured a strand of blood into the original Qi.

You must know that the origin qi of the bloodline is the foundation of a person's life, and it is also the invincible capital of the beasts and emperor bloodlines. If you lose a strand, you have to fall from the altar.

But Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Sun Shenzi are not afraid. They are now the incarnation of Han Yu. Losing a ray of blood and origin energy will not have any impact on their own future. When Han Yu breaks through, they also break through as usual.

Incorporating the four bloodlines and the origin qi, the palace has become a magic weapon. If the people of the Protoss know, I am afraid they will break through their heads to **** it.

It can be said that the current imperial palace is no worse than weapons refined with magical materials.

Although the materials for refining the palace are not top-notch, it combines the power of the twelve quasi-emperor powerhouses, and incorporates the blood origin qi of the four incarnations, even a piece of scrap iron, it turns decay into magic. After the palace was refined, Xiaojiao personally tested the hardness of the palace, and the sword that dominated the world didn't hurt the palace at all. Xiaojiao said frankly that it is difficult to break through the palace even if a powerful person in the late quasi-emperor is killed, and as Han Yu's cultivation base increases, he can continue to sacrifice to the palace.

, So that the level of the palace becomes higher.

In this way, Han Yu's family has an extremely safe place to settle down in a real sense.

When Narcissus, Phoenix and others returned, they saw Han Yu gradually get better, saw different Tiangangdi evil city clusters, different Bafang cities, and shocking palaces. They were surprised and wept with joy.

Their lives have been threatened again and again, and the escapes have made them tired, and now they can finally settle down here with peace of mind.

From this day on, the Imperial League did not propose to allow Han Yu's family to "evacuate" to the Imperial League. Today's Bafang City, even though it is better than the defense of the non-God Alliance, it is not easy to break open.

In addition, the Bafang City not only improved its defense, but also its status in the hearts of the human race and monster race in the world.

Under the attack of the Protoss masters several times in succession, the Bafang City not only did not fall majestically, but also let the Protoss go down again and again. Now it has become a holy land in the eyes of countless humans and monsters.

Its status surpassed all the forces and cities in the Zhongtian Continent.

Many humans and monsters have traveled thousands of miles long distances just to take a look at Bafang City and worship the sacred place in their hearts.

After the Bafang City was built again, countless foreign guests came from all directions almost every day, and countless people stood outside the city gate to admire.

Bafang City became a holy city; the palace in Bafang City became a holy palace; the people living in the palace became sages. Countless believers worship the Holy City, the Holy Palace, and the sages in three steps.

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