Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2166: A sword that dominates the world

Everyone's hearts were stunned, and they hurriedly retreated behind the little corner.

Fengshenzi is really too powerful, and only the small horns in the field have the ability to fight him. Even the horned dragon jumped away from Xiao Horn's shoulders and onto Huo Qilin's back, fearing that it would affect Xiao Horn's performance.

"Are you that **** Feng Shenzi?" Xiao Jiao glanced at Feng Shenzi diagonally, even more arrogant and arrogant than Feng Shenzi.

Fengshenzi's face was instantly pale, murderous.

Before the Fengshenzi could speak, Xiaojiao said: "As long as you can catch my knife, this king can spare you not to die today!"

What is domineering, this is domineering.

Sun Dahou, Bai Hu, etc. were so excited that they looked at Xiaojiao like an idol.

"It turns out to be cute and cute, it's just appearance." Lei Jiaojiao couldn't help but slander.

"I can't help myself!" Fengshenzi was so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped, and there was smoke in the Qiqiao.

Little horn is not nonsense, slowly raising the knife in his hand, the golden knife that is one foot long is not scary. But everyone changed colors, especially the sword like a rainbow, and the soul trembled.

Having seen Xiaojiao's two swords in Naha just now, no one dared to doubt the power of Xiaojiao's sword.

"Swish swish!"

Except for Xiaojiao and Fengshenzi, all of them retreated quickly. Lingyin and Sun Shenzi found Nangongxue and Zhang Daojun, and retreated quickly. Nangongxue and Zhang Daojun were both seriously injured at this time and fainted.

If Fengshenzi hit them at random just now, I am afraid he would have died in desperation.

Soon, Xiaojiao was shrouded in the dazzling golden light, and the terrifying aura was more turbulent than a volcanic eruption, soaring into the sky.

A knife gas spouted from the one-foot-long knife, one zhang, two zhang, three zhang... one hundred zhang... one thousand zhang... ten thousand zhang... Finally, it seemed to have rushed out of the nine clouds and entered the starry sky of the universe. , To smash Jiutian Xinghe.

Everyone retreats and then retreats, feeling unsafe after quitting thousands of miles away, and continues to retreat.

Everyone was staring at the sword energy that went into the sky, and many people were throbbing in cold sweat.

Feng Shenzi's complexion instantly became serious, and his hands quickly formed seals. Suddenly, in front of him, like a bottomless black hole, madly swallowing everything around him, before long, a shield was condensed in front of Feng Shenzi.

This is a rectangular shield with countless mysterious and mysterious runes growing on it, containing a terrifying atmosphere of the Great Dao, just that aura can crush everything. The atmosphere is majestic, with nothing to break.


The terrible sword qi slashed, splitting the sky in half, as if to cut the earth apart.

This sword was even more terrifying than the two swords that killed two quasi-emperor mid-term powerhouses just now. It was a sword that truly dominated the world. Under that sword aura, everything in the sky and the earth seemed to be weak. No matter how hard it was, it seemed that it was not enough to light everything.

The powerhouses in the early stage of the quasi-emperor who were thousands of miles away felt a burst of horror.

Sun Dahou, Wang Zhong, and Jiandao Yi looked at each other and saw the deep shock in each other's eyes. I'm afraid that even if all the early masters of the Zhun emperor they were present together, they couldn't resist this incomparable cut, even if Zhang Daojun and Nangong Xue were added, it seemed weak.

"Is it a strong man in the late quasi-emperor?" Wang Zhong asked.

He had seen that Xiaojiao's cultivation base was in the mid-term state of the Emperor Zhun. But this knife was really terrifying, making him wonder if Xiaojiao had deliberately hidden his cultivation base, and this knife exposed his true strength.

"This is the method of the Hongmeng Saint Beast!" Sun Dahou sighed.

It is not unreasonable that the demon ancestors of the ancient times can command all monsters and convince the beasts.

Between the sacred beast and the sacred beast, it can be said that no one accepts anyone, but in the great world like the ancient times, they all willingly worshipped at the feet of the demon ancestor.

Even the great sacred beast Phoenix of the Feng Clan, the existence of the demon emperor level, admires the demon ancestor, and can't pursue it for a lifetime. In the end, it regrets sitting and turning, showing the demon ancestor's style.

The little horn is a descendant of the demon ancestor, and the blood of the sacred beast in the body has completely recovered.

Suddenly, Han Yu, who had been stiff as a wood, trembled slightly, and a light flashed quietly in those hollow pupils. It seems to be stimulated by the powerful momentum of the small horn.

But now everyone was shocked by Xiaojiao, and no one noticed this brief scene.

Feng Shenzi yelled, holding his hands to the sky, and the huge shield flew up to protect him below.


The sword energy that opened up the world slammed on the shield fiercely, making a terrible metal transfer-like loud noise. The shield was pressed down and dropped three to four meters in height before it slowly stopped.

"Blocked?" The faces of Sun Dahou and others changed drastically.

The horror of Xiaojiao's sword can hardly be described in words. However, Fengshenzi actually blocked it, and its terrifying degree was simply unimaginable.

The son of the true **** is definitely not a vain name!

However, although Feng Shenzi blocked this domineering knife, it was very difficult. With both hands supporting the sky, his body began to tremble slightly, and the sweat beads on his forehead fell involuntarily.

"Get me up!"

Fengshenzi made a long roar, and the terrifying vitality rushed up, and the shield slowly rose, actually trying to push the sword away.


Little Horn roared, very domineering. After the shield rose for a certain distance, I felt the power of the sword qi increased sharply, and was slowly pressed down again.


On the shield, those mysterious and mysterious runes were constantly being wiped out by the sword aura.


Suddenly, a crack appeared on Xiaojiao's sword energy.

"Hahaha, the sacred beast, no matter how strong you are, you are not the opponent of this god!" Fengshen laughed.

The distance, Lingyin, Sun Dahou, etc. were all shocked. Isn't Xiaojiao an opponent of Fengshenzi?

However, Fengshenzi was too happy, his laughter had not yet fallen, cracks also appeared under the shield, and the speed of spread was faster than Xiaojiao Nazue's sword energy.

Fengshenzi smiled stiffly, no longer dared to be distracted, and fully resisted.

The two stood in a stalemate for the tea time, and suddenly there was a loud bang, and the terrifying sword energy and the hard shield collapsed at the same time. The powerful waves swept away, and Xiaojiao and Fengshenzi were shocked and flew backwards.

In less than ten breaths of time, it was razed to the ground within a radius of ten thousand miles, and even Bafang City became history. The people who had been fighting for thousands of miles were swept by the wind and waves. They held up the vitality shield to stabilize their figure and were not injured by the energy storm.

The energy storm swept through for a long time before it stopped. In the void, Xiaojiao and Fengshenzi were separated by dozens of miles, looking at each other. At this moment, between heaven and earth, the two of them are unique.

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