Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1185: Here comes another brother

Chapter 1185

"Zhao Mingguang is sinister and vicious, Han Yu falls into his hands this time, and he will die if he doesn't die!"

"The grievances between the younger generations, the older generations do it, the Zhao family is a bit too much."

"Han Yu's assassination of Zhao Mingchen and Zhao Mingxi's mounts was first, and he was not bright. Zhao Yuchuan took action, only to seek justice, not to Han Yu's life, it is not a shameful thing."

People talked secretly.

Under normal circumstances, the masters of the previous generation treat the next generation in this way, and they will inevitably become the laughingstock of the ancient level. However, Zhao Yuchuan had a reason, and everyone felt it was understandable.

After all, Han Yu's abilities are there. With the abilities of Zhao Mingchen, Zhao Mingxi, and Zhao Mingguang, I am afraid it is impossible to get justice. What if the little one can't get justice? Don't care about it, it is natural to come forward.

Zhao Mingguang kept torturing Han Yu, doing everything he could.

Han Yu was pressed by him from one wound to one wound, and his whole body was blood flowing, turning into a blood gourd. Some people can't stand it anymore.

However, Han Yu's unusually hard breath, he said nothing, and looked at Zhao Mingguang coldly.

"The surname Zhao, I will ask for ten times the suffering of my brother today!" Sun Dahou was furious. Zhao Mingguang is too vicious, and it hurts when he looks at him, and his hair is all horrified.

"Hmph, take care of yourself first." Zhao Mingguang glanced at Sun Dahou coldly, pressing his finger on the wound on Han Yu's chest.

Han Yu's breastbone had already been shattered, Zhao Mingguang pressed such a button, and suddenly the sound of broken bones sounded, and blood kept surging out.

On Han Yu's forehead, cold sweat rolled like raindrops, and his teeth trembled because of pain.

As for Zhao Mingguang, there is no mercy at all. The more painful Han Yu's appearance is, the more he enjoys and the happier he is.


Sun Dahou was furious, murderous, and roared to the sky. I wanted to break free from the shackles of the beam of light, but the beam of light was too evil, no matter how hard Sun Dahou tried, he couldn't break free.

Sun Dahou's eyes were crimson, and a pair of tigers stared wide. He looked at Zhao Yuchuan with hatred and shouted, "Let go of my brother! Otherwise, I will kill one of you from the Zhao family in the future."

If ordinary people say this, it will inevitably cause everyone to laugh. But Sun Dahou has a certain degree of deterrence when he says this. At least few of the younger generations of the Zhao family are Sun Dahou's opponents.

Zhao Yuchuan frowned and said, "Mingguang, it's almost done!"

Suddenly, a grinning smile appeared on Zhao Mingguang's face, and said: "The surname is Han, what will be the consequences if you say I will give you a sword from Dantian!"

Zhao Mingguang also refers to the sword, and the sword mang swallows.

"Boy, dare you!" Sun Dahou was taken aback. Dantian is the foundation of a person's cultivation. If it is abolished, it will be over.


The corners of Zhao Mingguang's mouth rose slightly, and the sword quietly pierced Han Yu's dantian.

"The surname Han, you should have thought that there will be today!" Zhao Mingguang felt happy. Abolishing Han Yu's dantian is more refreshing than killing Han Yu.

Han Yu didn't change his face and looked at Zhao Mingguang coldly: "Zhao Mingguang, if Han Yu doesn't die today, I will definitely break your body into pieces in the future!"

At this moment, a storm suddenly formed around Han Yu, which hit Zhao Mingguang's chest directly.


Zhao Mingguang let out a scream, spurted blood in his mouth, his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken line. Next to Han Yu, a figure suddenly appeared.

Everyone was surprised, who dared to deal with Zhao Mingguang so hard in front of Zhao Yuchuan. Although Zhao Mingguang was not killed, it was enough for Zhao Mingguang.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw the visitor clearly, and the people in the Promise Hall felt even more incredible.

This person was wearing a white robe and carrying a large black iron sword. The whole person was as hard and cold as his sword. It was Gong Chaoyang of the Promise Hall.

At this time, everyone discovered that many elder masters had come out of the cloud palace, and it seemed that the exploration of the tomb of the saint had come to an end.

"Gong Chaoyang, what do you mean?" Zhao Yuchuan frowned and asked coldly.

"A martial emperor triple master, holding a top-tier emperor's soldier, and working on a junior, I also want to ask, what do you mean?" Gong Chaoyang said, his voice was colder than his.

"What should I do, I'm afraid you can't control it?" Zhao Yuchuan said solemnly.

Regarding seniority, Gong Chaoyang was still his predecessor, but Gong Chaoyang actually severely injured Zhao Mingguang and made him angry.

"Is that if I killed your Zhao family's young man, you can't control it?" Gong Chaoyang said strongly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Zhao family was shocked.

Who does not know that the ancient forces, Gong Chaoyang is an alternative, has always acted unscrupulously, not playing cards according to common sense. Moreover, he did what he said.

"What the **** do you mean? As far as I know, Han Yu and your Wuji Temple have a lot of grievances, right?" Zhao Yuchuan's expression became serious.

"My grievances between the Promise Hall and Han Yu have been wiped out in Malgobi. Now, he is my brother!" Gong Chaoyang said.

When I said the word brother, I felt a little strange.

This remark made a lot of people shocked. Gong Chaoyang is a figure of nearly two hundred years old, and it is incredible that he is a brother to Han Yu.

The Son of Promise stood there blankly, with mixed flavors in his heart.

"It's no wonder that after he returns, he will order no one to move Han Yu. It turns out that there is still such a reason. I don't know what Han Yu has to make him, who has always been arrogant, worship him?"

There are countless question marks in the heart of Saint Promise.

"Huh!" The beam of light shining on Han Yu and Sun Dahou retracted.

"It's up to your face today, and spare him once." Zhao Yuchuan looked at Gong Chaoyang and said.

However, Gong Chaoyang ignored him and hurriedly supported Han Yu.

Looking at Han Yu's festering wound, Sun Dahou's lungs were exploding, and he glared at Zhao Yuchuan and said, "Our brother will definitely ask for the account today."

Zhao Yuchuan put away the demon mirror, and dismissed Sun Dahou.

Although Sun Dahou and Han Yu have shown extraordinary potential, people from the emperor family never knew how to write.

"Master, do you want me to kill Zhao Mingguang to give you such a bad breath?" Gong Chaoyang gave Han Yu a voice.

Han Yu shook his head, Zhao Mingguang, he will do it himself.

A strong energy entered Han Yu's body, and Gong Chaoyang began to heal Han Yu's injuries.

The people around did not leave, looking at Gong Chaoyang and Han Yu strangely. Such two people are actually brothers. Both were curious about how Gong Chaoyang and Han Yu became brothers.

If we let everyone know that Gong Chaoyang and Han Yu are not brothers, but a master-disciple relationship, and if Han Yu is still a master, I am afraid the entire ancient level will explode.

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