Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1184: Villain

Chapter 1184

The blood on Sun Dahou's hand splashed on Han Yu's face, making Han Yu's heart tremble. He wanted to hide, but it was too late.

The beam of light fell on Han Yu's body, instead of knocking Han Yu into the air, it actually set Han Yu in place, making him unable to move instantly.

The rest of the people changed incomparably, and Sun Dahou's power had already been revealed, and he was hit and flew by one blow, showing the horror of this beam of light.


Sun Dahou flew up from the ground, and the Ruyi measuring stick appeared in his hand, raised it high, and smashed it fiercely towards the beam of light.


The beam of light trembled, the Ruyi measuring stick was bounced, and Sun Dahou almost fell when he kicked backwards, tearing his palm.

"who is it?"

Sun Dahou was furious and cast his eyes deep into the grave.

I saw the source of the beam of light, a middle-aged man dressed in a white robe and full of spirits, walking towards him. Like a **** who walked down in nine days, holding a bronze mirror in his hand. The beam of light radiated from the bronze mirror.

"Take a demon mirror!"

Many people exclaimed and recognized the bronze mirror. It was to open the last hurdle of the tomb of the saint, and the magic weapon of the Zhao family was in the magic mirror. It is said that the Zhaoyao Mirror was made by imitating the Zhaotian Mirror of the Imperial Soldiers, and it was accompanied by the Zhaotian Mirror all the year round, and already possessed a touch of divinity of the Zhaotian Mirror.

Although Han Yu was not hurt by the beam of light, he felt a creepy feeling. It seemed that the beam of light could penetrate his body and expose all his secrets to the world.

"Who are you and why are you attacking us?" Sun Dahou asked.

The incoming people put him under a lot of pressure, and he paced around, as if the emperor came to the world, possessing the power to rule the world, this is a master of the martial emperor realm.

"Zhao Family Zhao Yuchuan!" The man responded lightly.

"Hmph, you are a member of the Zhao family, and you can sneak attacks and bully the small with big things. It's really shameless!" Sun Dahou cursed unceremoniously.

Zhao Yuchuan ignored Sun Dahou and looked at Han Yu.

"Han Yu, Han Yu, you are dead this time!" On Zhao Mingguang's face, laughter began to bloom.

The three brothers and sisters hurried to Zhao Yuchuan.

Han Yu stared at Zhao Yuchuan, Zhao Yuchuan gave him a very familiar feeling, between the eyebrows, and Qin Yin's mother a bit similar. However, as a senior expert, he even started on Han Yu, making Han Yu look down on him from the bottom of his heart.

"Are you Han Yu?" Zhao Yuchuan asked, feeling the contempt in Han Yu's eyes, and frowned slightly.

"It's me!" Han Yu responded strongly. Although he was frozen, he could still speak. And he is not afraid.

Zhao Yuchuan nodded and said, "I will not kill you, but today I want to ask you for an explanation."

Zhao Mingguang said, "Uncle Chuan, how about handing him over to me?"

Zhao Mingguang looked at Zhao Yuchuan hopefully, he could not help but want to go over and insult Han Yu.

"Don't be impatient." Zhao Yuchuan said.

Sun Dahou flew to Han Yu, stood side by side with Han Yu, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Zhao Yuchuan looked at Han Yu and said, "The mounts of the three of them were beheaded by you. You should make compensation and apologize for the sake of reason."

Han Yu sneered: "What is the specific reason, you can ask them and see if they are embarrassed to tell me what happened that day."

Zhao Yuchuan looked at the three of Zhao Mingchen, Zhao Mingchen's expression became a little complicated, Zhao Mingxi still looked arrogant, Zhao Mingguang sneered again and again, and shouted: "What else is there to say, you secretly kill our mount, it is indisputable. Fact, what else do you want to quibble?"

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted softly.

"Uncle Chuan, such a despicable villain, don't dirty your hands and let me deal with him." A vicious color flashed deep in Zhao Mingguang's eyes.

"Dare you!" Sun Dahou frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

Zhao Mingguang couldn't help being frightened, and looked at Zhao Yuchuan for help. With Sun Dahou over there, he really didn't dare to pass.

"If you are wronged, you have a debt, this matter has nothing to do with you, get out." Zhao Yuchuan scolded.

"If you want me to get away, you can ask about the stick in my hand first!" Sun Dahou leaped away, the Ruyi measuring stick in his hand soared rapidly, fell from the sky, and slammed it at Zhao Yuchuan.

Zhao Yuchuan was as small as an ant under the huge stick.

However, Zhao Yuchuan was just a fan of his sleeves, and a wave of air hit the Ruyi measuring stick and flew out of Sun Dahou's hand, smashing several mountains along the way.

Zhao Yuchuan is a master of Wu Huang's triple layer, and he is not what Sun Dahou can match.

Zhao Mingguang sneered and walked towards Han Yu step by step. With Zhao Yuchuan backing him, he could take revenge and vent with confidence.

"Damn it!"

Once again, Sun Dahou slumped and was very angry. He looked at Zhao Yuchuan murderously and guarded Han Yu's side.

"Silly big guy, don't know what is good or bad. Uncle Chuan has been merciful to your subordinates twice. If you still don't get out of the way, do you want Uncle Chuan to shoot for the third time and kill you?" Zhao Mingguang looked at Sun Da sarcastically Monkey Road.

"A weak person who hides behind others dares to ridicule Lao Tzu. Where is your courage?" Sun Dahou was furious.

Zhao Mingguang's face trembled, his fists clenched tightly, and his heart was very angry, thinking: "I am not your opponent, I will not face you head-on, but I will take the humiliation today to Han Yu tenfold. Body."

Thinking of this, Zhao Mingguang secretly sighed, and his face gradually became more exciting. Regardless of Sun Dahou, he looked at Han Yu and said: "The surname is Han, if Uncle Chuan said that if he doesn't kill you, he won't kill you. But what you did All of this will cost a heavy price. Today is when your retribution will come."

"Huh!" On the mirror of the demon, a beam of light gushed out again, stopping the Monkey King. Zhao Mingguang became even more unscrupulous.

He rushed over, kicked Sun Dahou's waist and snorted coldly: "Aren't you arrogant just now? Come hit me!"

"The surname Zhao, you'd better beat me to death today, or I will beat you so hard that even your mother does not recognize you." Sun Dahou was furious. Being held down by the demon mirror, Sora has the ability to use it.

"Hmph, I'll clean up you later!" Zhao Mingguang walked towards Han Yu, looking bad.

"Zhao Yuchuan, is this the style of your Zhao family? The young ones can't beat them, but the old ones come out to support you. I haven't seen anyone who bullies you too much." Han Yu stared at Zhao Yuchuan and yelled.

Zhao Mingguang is sinister and vicious, and Han Yu falls into his hands and is in a bad situation.

"This is just to ask for an explanation. If you don't kill you, it's all your kindness." Zhao Yuchuan didn't feel ashamed.

"Have you said enough?"

Zhao Mingguang's finger pressed against the wound on Han Yu's shoulder, and Han Yu suddenly sucked in pain, blood flowing through the wound.

"This is just the beginning, I will take good care of you!" The corner of Zhao Mingguang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cold smile.

Zhao Yuchuan frowned. He didn't like Zhao Mingguang's acting style like a fox and a tiger. However, Han Yu killed the three mounts, causing the Zhao family to suffer a heavy loss. He taught Han Yu a lesson, and it should be, so he didn't say anything to stop it.

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