Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1175: Upgrade again

Chapter 1175

Generally, cultivators who reach the eight or nine levels of King Wu's life have long been tempered. And Han Yu's magic weapon was actually just an artifact. While the Promise Saint Child was surprised, he couldn't help showing a touch of contempt. It seems that Han Yu's method of tempering his life magic weapon is really too weak.

Han Yu sneered, and the spear was quickly pointed out, turning into countless spears to cover the Promise Son.

If it is a general magic weapon, Han Yu hasn't fully tempered it successfully at this time, it is really weak to burst. But the material for refining this spear is Zixiao Shensha, one of the hardest things in the world, the magic material for refining.

There is no need to think about it, because it is not easy to use the purple sand divine sand and leave it to someone who is destined, it is not easy for Han Yu to refine the purple sand divine sand into a spear embryo.

The Promise Saint Child curled his lips in disdain. Han Yu's combat power had already made him take it seriously, but this magic weapon of life instantly made him look down on.


The black and white swords swung together, like two long snakes, agile and terrifying.


The two magic weapons, crazy handover. Suddenly, there was a confrontation of more than 30 moves.

The spear is in Han Yu's hands, as if alive, fiercely like a dragon going out to sea, it can stir the world.

From the initial contempt, the Promise Saint Child slowly turned into surprise.

The long spear in Han Yu's hand hasn't really formed a magic weapon yet, and it doesn't have the power of a magic weapon. The level is far lower than his Liangyi Excalibur. However, after several hard hits, the purple long spear was actually unsuccessful. damage.

There is only one possibility. The material for this purple spear is extremely high-grade and extremely hard.

The Promise Saint Child didn't dare to imagine what level of refining material would have such power.

He even thought of a terrible fact, that is, why Han Yu's magic weapon still looks like a ghost now, it should not be a problem of Han Yu's ability, but a problem of the material itself.

"What is the material of your spear?" The Promise Saint couldn't help asking.

The better the refining materials, the more terrifying the refining magic weapon, and the long spear in Han Yu's hand made him fascinated.

"The spear that kills is naturally made from the material used to kill." Han Yu sneered again and again, the sneer in his eyes made the face of Saint Promise Wuji a little hot.

He laughed at Han Yu's magic weapon just now, and seemed a bit too ignorant.

But soon, the Son of Promise returned to calm. No matter what level of material the spear in Han Yu's hand is refined, it has not yet formed a real magic weapon, and it is just a piece of iron.

The Promise Saint Child's hands shook, and above the black and white sword was the light. The black sword spit out black horses, turning into a snake entanglement, and the white sword spit out white horses, turning into a white snake entanglement.

"Boom boom..."

The two swords kept hitting the spear, shaking Han Yu's arm a little.

Although the spear was hard, the disadvantages showed up instantly. The magic weapon has its own power, and the spear in his hand is just an ordinary weapon. Although it will not damage, it is far worse than the power.

"Swish swish..."

The double swords of the Promise Saint Child were alive, flying around Han Yu, looking for a chance to give Han Yu a fatal blow. Han Yu kept swinging his spear to repel the double-sword attack.

Magic weapons have spirituality, but ordinary weapons do not.


Shuangjian's attacks were pervasive, and Han Yu's clothes were pierced with several holes one after another.

Han Yu let out a muffled grunt, and suddenly a layer of golden scales was quickly covered on the purple spear, and he displayed the Dragon Killer Spear.

Soon, the purple spear turned into a golden fish scale spear, and the golden light contained some strange black energy. The invisibility of killing was quietly released.

"Tier Nine Martial Skills?"

The Promise Saint Child was stunned. When a master of this level fought, Han Yu unexpectedly displayed Tier 9 martial arts, which made him a little bit unbelievable.

Han Yu's cultivation level has risen, and the third stage of the Dragon Lord Bible's Dragon Killing Jue goes further, and the power of the Dragon Killing Spear has also increased a lot, from the eighth rank to the ninth rank. However, even if he reached the ninth rank of martial arts, he was still too weak in this level of confrontation.


Suddenly, the sound of the dragon chant sounded. Five gases of black, white, red, blue, and gold gushed out of Han Yu's body, turning into five dragons, half of the body wrapped around the spear, and half of the body wrapped around Han Yu's. On his body, Han Yu looked like a dragon warrior.

The breath exuding from the golden spear, from the ninth-order martial arts, instantly soared to the point where the mysterious low-level magical powers.

The sense of solemnity became even more thrilling, so that the three people who fought in the distance all felt their hearts and looked at them. Seeing Han Yu's majestic appearance, they all showed a look of surprise.

The Promise Saint Child was even more astonished, from martial skills to supernatural powers, such a method, he has never seen, unheard of.

Dragon Qi is sacred and inviolable, but Zhanqiu exudes a sense of solemnity, and the black energy hidden in the depths, it seems that every strand has the potential to crush the eternal blue sky, which makes people feel uncomfortable at first glance.

The Dragon Killer Spear and the Purple Long Spear fit perfectly.

With the blessing of the Dragon Spear and the Five Dragon Qi, the purple spear already possesses its own power, no less than a general high-level king's soldier.

"Boom bang bang..."

The battle has become completely alive, and the two swords are constantly shaking, without losing the wind.

The Promise Saint Child was forced to retreat again and again.


The left shoulder of the Promise Saint Child was wiped by Zhan Rob, and the powerful Qi instantly shattered his sleeves, leaving a terrifying scar on his arm.

Promise Shengzi had to retract the sword and turn the attack into defense.

His eyes flickered, looking at Zhan Qiang, Long Qi and Han Yu, Han Yu's method was really weird.

The perfect fusion of the hardness of the purple spear and the spirituality of the Dragon-killing Spear allowed Han Yu to regain the upper hand.

After several fights, Han Yu found the opportunity again, Zhanqian avoided the double-sword defense, and pierced the right thigh of the Son of Promise. The Promise Saint Child had no time to resist, so he could only dodge and dodge.


The Dragon Killer spear brushed his thigh, and directly scraped off a large piece of flesh and blood, showing the dense white bones and blood flowing.


The Promise Shengzi cried out in pain, rotating his left foot and kicking Han Yu's head, Han Yu raised the battle grab to block, the Promise Son kick kicked above the battle grab. The force of the impact bounced the two quickly away.

In the process of flying out, Wuji Shengzi swung seven swords continuously, and the seven sword auras intertwined to kill Han Yu.

Han Yu swept away his spear, and the seven sword qi bursts to pieces. After landing, the Son of Promise staggered a few steps, and his right foot hurt.

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