Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1174: have equal shares

Chapter 1174

During this period, Saint Promise Wuji rushed across Han Yu and Pang Xuan, and shouted in a low voice, "Just stay there!"

The Promise Saint Child was a little angry.

Han Yuneng has been undefeated in the fierce battle with him, which shows its horror. Pang Xuan running around would affect his concentration instead. He is not easy to protect.

Pang Xuan trembled in fright, hiding in the corner and shivering. It was the first time she saw the arrogant Son of Promise, so angry.

"Swish swish..."

Zhao Mingchen, Yu Qianshuang, and the masked woman gave up the fight in an instant and came to Han Yu to besiege.

"It seems that this ancient book is still a hot potato." Han Yu frowned.

Zhao Mingchen, Yu Qianshuang, the masked woman and the Wuji Shengzi have no grievances or hatred among them. The reason why they played against each other was because of this ancient book.

Whoever gets this ancient book, they will instantly turn enemies into friends and kill them together.

Han Yu glanced at the cover quickly, and the words "district" made his heart move.

"For you guys!"

Han Yu didn't have time to read more and threw the ancient book into the fifth palace.

He doesn't know whether this ancient book is mental or magical powers, but the two characters of ground rank are enough to prove its value.

Zhao Mingchen, Yu Qianshuang, and the masked woman turned decisively and rushed towards the ancient book. Han Yu's crisis is resolved.

The Promise Saint Child hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to kill Han Yu. Without killing Han Yu, he cannot fight for ancient books wholeheartedly.

Suddenly, Zhao Mingchen's attack could not be stopped, and he slammed on the ancient book. Suddenly, it seemed that time and space were frozen. Everyone was stunned. Everyone stared at the ancient book.

If the ancient books are destroyed as a result, it will be a huge loss.

Zhao Mingchen's face was already showing upset.

The ancient book flew out and hit the wall, and then fell to the ground unscathed.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the material of this ancient book was extraordinary.

As a result, the battle between the three people became more intense and unscrupulous.

Han Yu and Wuji Shengzi collided together again, like a comet hitting the earth, making a loud noise.


The two changed their shapes and shadows, and they could change positions dozens of times in one breath, and the speed of the fight was almost at its extreme.

"Pang Xuan must kill, and the ancient books must be seized!"

Han Yu settled his mind and looked for opportunities.


Suddenly, a finger sword of the Promise Saint Child left a deep bone scar on Han Yu's chest.

Han Yu turned around, and passed the Wuji Shengzi, his left arm swept out, hitting the Wuji Shengzi's back heavily. Han Yu's arm, like a swept iron rod, directly cracked the back bones of Saint Promise.

Han Yu took the opportunity to smash the Wuji Shengzi's shoulder with a cheating sweep, and smashed the Wuji Shengzi to the ground.

Then Han Yu's body rotated, turned into a fire top, and hit the Wuji Saint Child.

After the Promise Saint Child landed, he hurriedly bounced off, and Han Yu hit the ground with one blow, causing the fifth palace to tremble violently.

Sage Promise Wuji withdrew and backed away. In the process of going backwards, his hands were knotted.


A terrifying bird suddenly formed, raised to the sky with a long cry, flapped its wings, and charged towards Han Yu.

This is a mysterious intermediate-level supernatural power, which the Promise Saint Child can trust with his hands.

Han Yu decisively put away the Vulcan Drilling Legs, and performed the fire dragon dance, the huge fire dragon and the birds collided, and both burst into pieces.


At the same time, there was a loud noise like sandbags hitting the wall.

Zhao Mingchen stood up from the wall in embarrassment, with a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth. In the battle between the three, Zhao Mingchen was the first to be injured. Zhao Mingchen took a deep breath and joined the battle without hesitation.

The battle over there became more and more popular. Not worried about the destruction of ancient books, everyone let go of their hands and feet.

Han Yu and Wuji Shengzi are entangled again, and they fight each other with their own means.

Although Han Yu's physical body is strong, the Promise Saint Child does not react slowly and does not face Han Yu head-on. After fighting together again and again, the two of them can be said to be half a catty, and the injuries are not light.

Pang Xuan, who was hiding in the corner, felt more unhappy in her heart.

Since the battle, the Wuji Son has not suppressed Han Yu. This is by no means a good sign. If Han Yu is determined to kill her, even the Wuji Son will not be able to keep it.


Suddenly, the sword on the back of the Promise Saint Son broke out of its sheath, traversed two beautiful arcs, and struck Han Yu on both sides.

"Huh, fortunately, you are the saint son of the Promise Hall, who prides itself on being the leader of the younger generation, and is the first to use weapons. Shameless!" Han Yu sarcastically.

"I have been with the sword since I was a child, the sword is me, I am the sword, how can I be ashamed of it!" The Wuji Shengzi responded indifferently.

He has a belief in invincibility and does not think there is anything wrong with using the sword.

His sword is not something else, but his magic weapon, just like his arm.

The most important thing is that most of his magical powers are displayed with swords. Without a sword, his combat power will be greatly reduced. And Han Yu is already so strong that he must display all his combat power.

Two swords, like two poisonous snakes, killed Han Yu by surprise.


In a blink of an eye, six sword marks appeared on Han Yu's body.

The Promise Saint Child danced his double swords vigorously, without flaws. Han Yu's physical strength was completely gone.

Although Han Yu's fist has the ability to smash the top soldiers of the king, his fist will hurt, but the sword will not.

Han Yu retreated again and again under the persecution of the Son of Promise.

Pang Xuan couldn't help being overjoyed when she saw this, and secretly cheered the Promise Son.


The white sword brushed Han Yu's belly, and opened a slit in his clothes, leaving a faint scratch on the skin. If it hadn't been for Han Yu to avoid at the last moment, he would have been cracked.

"Damn it!"

Han Yu couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat, a backflip, stepping on the black sword with his feet, and flying away quickly with the help of elasticity.

The Promise Saint Child sneered, and followed Han Yu like a bone gangrene.

"Don't think that only you have weapons!"

With a move of Han Yu's heart, a bright purple brilliance bloomed from the center of his eyebrows, and a purple stick flew out from the center of his eyebrows, soaring rapidly, turning into a length of ten feet.

Han Yu grabbed it in his hand, clicked twice, and then clicked on the blades of the black sword and the white sword one after another, breaking the two blows of the Promise Saint Child.

The things in Han Yu's hands are like sticks, not sticks, one end is flat and one end is pointed. The whole body is crystal clear and exudes purple fluorescence, which is very strange.

This is the magic weapon that Han Yu has tempered with the Zixiao Divine Sand. At this time, it is only a rudiment, and it does not have the style of fighting and the power of the magic weapon. However, Zixiao Shensha is a divine material, extremely hard, and a sharp weapon in close combat.

The Promise Saint Child is a little surprised. Only those who have cultivated the power of the soul can use their soul to nourish the magic weapon, and generally use their blood to nourish them. Unexpectedly, Han Yu was still a person who cultivated the power of soul.

When he saw the embryonic shape of the spear in Han Yu's hand, he laughed and said, "With a magic weapon that hasn't been fully formed, I want to compete with this son?"

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