Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1166: Two options

Chapter 1166: Two Choices

Han Yu glanced at the man lightly, then turned and left.

"Friends of Taoism stay." A polite voice came from inside the arch, and the three people bombarding the stone table stopped, all sweating profusely, and one of them came over.

"What's the matter?" Han Yu turned around and asked faintly.

"I want to ask fellow daoists to do me a favor in Li Wenshi, Holy Land of Xia Guangming!" the man said politely.

"How can I help?" Han Yu asked lightly.

"We encountered an ancient artifact here, but it was inlaid in the stone table and couldn't be taken out. Li wanted to ask a fellow daoist to help us break the stone table." Li Wenshi looked at Han Yu with some hope.

He asked Han Yu for help, not casually.

Han Yu alone, is the seventh layer of Wu Wang's cultivation base (Han Yu hides his cultivation base), his combat power is not weak, but he can't take the treasure from them, so he asked Han Yu to help.

Han Yu held up his hand and asked, "What good do I have?"

Han Yu's soul power has already discovered the treasures inside. They are a hip flask and four wine glasses. They are all blue and white porcelain objects, exuding a not weak breath, and the weakest are the treasures of the low-level imperial soldiers. He also looked very greedy, but the other party did not offend him, and he would not rob him.

"If the daoists help, we are willing to pay an eight-grade drug as a reward." Li Wenshi said.

Han Yu curled his lips and turned to leave.

Compared with those wine vessels, an eight-pot medicine is not worth mentioning. The opponent's abacus is too delicate.

"Friends of Taoism stay." Li Wenshi stepped forward to stop Han Yu.

"I can help a ninth-grade medicine." Han Yu made his request very simply.

Li Wenshi thought for a while and said: "Okay, deal."

Han Yu smiled faintly, and followed Li Wenshi into the small garden. The decoration of this garden is very chic and delicate, coupled with the wine vessel on the stone table, it can be guessed that this place should be the place where the saint’s former friends would rest and meet.

A hip flask and four wine glasses are neatly placed on the stone table, and the bottom is inlaid in the stone table.

On the hip flask is glazed with a green fairy flying pattern, which is lifelike. Above is the sky, below is the magnificent sea. The four wine glasses are glazed with green ripples. The workmanship is superb.

"It's worthy of being a saint. Even the drinking vessel for drinking is of the emperor's soldier level." Han Yu sighed.

Li Wenshi smiled faintly, quite proud, because they discovered these wine vessels first.

"I don't know what you call a friend?" Li Wenshi asked.

"Han Yu!" Han Yu said lightly.

"Where is Brother Han?" Li Wenshi continued to ask.

"Ranxiu." Han Yu said casually.

In Li Wenshi's eyes, a strange light flashed. The other three people heard that Han Yu was just a casual cultivator, and all showed disapproval expressions.

Han Yu was too lazy to pay attention, anyway, he was here to earn extra money, not to make friends.

Li Wenshi quickly arranged for the four people to stand in four directions, and then bombard the stone table together.

"Boom boom boom..."

One by one, the magical powers hit the stone table one after another, and the ground was trembling, but the stone table was unharmed.

Han Yu was secretly frightened. Although this stone table was not a magic weapon, the material used to make it was so unusual that Han Yu might only be able to split the stone table with a full blow.

Ten minutes later, Li Wenshi asked everyone to stop, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said helplessly: "It seems that you have to invite a few people to come."

Han Yu said: "We can try, four people attack one point at the same time, in this case, maybe we can hit the stone table."

Li Wenshi's eyes lit up, he hammered his palms, and said, "Yeah, why didn't we think about it. This stone table is very hard, we can't shake it with our strength, and we scattered and bombarded like this, and we can't have the effect of joining hands. Han Brother, this proposal is good, let's try it!"

Several people quickly stood up, and then bombarded a spot together.

Everyone is a master of the Wuwang level, and they are very keen. Although this is the first time they have cooperated, almost every hit falls on the spot on the stone table at the same time.

After more than ten bombardments, there was a sudden click, which made all the people overjoyed, and the stone table cracked a gap.

"If you work harder, you will succeed!" Li Wenshi was overjoyed.

Several people bombarded fiercely for five or six minutes, and the stone table finally exploded, and both the flask and the wine glass fell out. Several people's attacks hit the wine vessel, and it had no effect at all.

The three of Li Wenshi and others took the shot immediately and took the wine vessel in their hands, for fear that Han Yu would **** them.

In fact, Han Yu didn't have the thought of grabbing at all. He could get a Nine-Rank drug when he moved his hands. Why not do it?

Several people gathered together with their wine vessels, agitated.

After a while, Li Wenshi turned around to look at Han Yu, arched his hands and said, "Thank you Brother Han for your help."

Han Yu said indifferently: "It's all about getting what you get."

Li Wenshi took out a glowing medicinal material from Qiankun's bag to Han Yu, and said, "Brother Han, this is your reward."

Han Yu didn't reach out to pick it up, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked meaningfully, "What I promised just now was a ninth-grade medicine. How can it become an 8-grade medicine now?"

Another person said: "You didn't use much strength. If you give you an eighth product, you have already taken a big advantage."

Seeing him like that, it seemed that he was gifted to Han Yu by giving Han Yu an eighth-grade medicine.

If Han Yu came from the ancient forces, they would naturally not dare to do so, but Han Yu is a casual cultivator, and he doesn't pay much attention to Han Yu.

They don't believe in a casual cultivator, so they dare to say more.

Han Yu's face sank, and he said coldly: "It is promised that it is a Ninth-Rank Medicine, it is a Ninth-Rank Medicine. Don't say I helped you get the treasures, even if you didn't help much, you shouldn't go back.

Li Wenshi smiled and said, "Brother Han, you can't say that. Today we can be regarded as making friends. This is a good thing for you."

His implication was that Han Yu would not be able to make friends like them in normal times. Han Yu Sansheng is fortunate to make friends with them.

It's not the first time that Han Yu has seen the self-righteousness of these ancient forces.

"Either give me the ninth-grade medicine or leave the wine vessel behind." Han Yu was sullen.

Li Wenshi's face sank, and he said, "Han, you don't give me brother's face too much, right?"

The three of them set up their positions, in a posture that no matter how nonsense they are, they will start their hands. The man guarding the gate also walked in, and the four stopped Han Yu back and forth.

"Give you two choices, first, get out with the eighth-grade medicine, and we will not owe each other from now on; second, we will send you away!" Li Wenshi said in a low voice, not as enthusiastic and polite as at first.

Han Yu said, "I will also give you two choices. First, give me the Nine-Rank Herbal Medicine honestly, so that we will not run into river water; second, leave the wine vessels in your hands!

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