Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1165: Cloud Palace

Chapter 1165 Cloud Palace

Han Yu is now the eighth-layered cultivation base of King Wu, the magic weapon below the high-level king's soldier can be swallowed at will. Some advanced king's soldiers can swallow refining.

With the higher Han Yu's cultivation base, the more terrifying the energy consumed, and he was too stretched to supplement with medicinal materials. The special ability of the golden dragon undoubtedly opened up an important path for Han Yu's future cultivation.

In Han Yu Qiankun's bag, there are many unused magic weapons and refining materials, enough for the golden dragon to swallow for a while.

Han Yu just broke through and is not in a hurry to improve his cultivation level again.

Just like Gong Chaoyang said, Han Yu's current cultivation base is his luck when he meets the coming great world. He must walk steadily at every step, so that he can accumulate things when he hits the realm of the saint.

Han Yu took the golden dragon back into his body, stood up, and quickly left, rushing towards the interior of the saint's tomb.

A day later, Han Yu appeared on the top of a mountain inserted into the sky, quietly looking at the western sky.

In the western sky, above the clouds, there is actually a palace suspended.

The palace has no radiance, nor is it magnificent, it looks deep and depressed, like a wild beast that has been crouching for a long time, making all the visitors fear.

You can see the direction of people flying into the palace on the clouds, there should be the deepest part of the tomb of the saint, and the coffin of the saint is in that palace almost all times.

Han Yuzhan flew towards the palace.

Along the way, many people passed him by, almost all of them from the ancient forces. Most people, even if they are here, they dare not go in.

There is no doubt that inside will be the bloodiest competition in the tomb of the saint.

The palace seemed not far away, but Han Yu flew for more than two hours before landing in front of the palace.

The palace is completely floating in the void, like a floating island of ancient forces, and will never fall. Standing in front of the palace, the depressed breath is even heavier.

As strong as Han Yu, he seemed to feel a little heavy in his actions.

Everyone who came here was wary of each other, and they met in a hurry. Everyone was afraid of being killed by others.

Han Yu entered the arched palace gate. Inside was a big martial arts field. On the martial arts field, there were stone stands, steles, and arena.


Han Yu had just stepped into the martial arts field, and a loud noise came from the left, and the two men were fighting frantically in order to grab a magic weapon.

The magic weapon was suspended on a stone platform, and it was a Fangtian painted halberd. Judging from the aura it radiated, it was a high-level king's soldier.

Many people pass by and have to stop and watch, but when they see the two fighting, they both choose to leave.

"It's been three days and three nights, and the winner has not yet been determined."

"The two are evenly matched, no one can do anything about it. It's the two of them. If you change to another person, I'm afraid someone will intervene long ago."

People passing by talked a lot, and Han Yu heard some useful information.

These two are respectively the brilliant masters of the two ancient forces, and they have considerable prestige on the ancient level. Therefore, no one dares to intervene in their fight.

Han Yu naturally didn't mean to intervene, and continued to walk inside.

On the way, two more battlefields were encountered. The third place is the most lively, with more than a dozen people fighting for a piece of refining material. The refining material exudes light of blue, blue and purple. It is a high-level refining material that can refine a magic weapon of the emperor's rank. Such treasures are rare in ancient forces.

"It's worthy of the tomb of the saint!" Han Yu sighed secretly, and his blood was boiling. Only then entered the palace and encountered such a huge treasure, which shows that the treasure inside is even more extraordinary.

From the comments of people passing by, Han Yu learned that the older masters of the ancient forces had already reached the innermost part of the palace. They didn't move the treasures outside at all, leaving them for the younger generation to fetch and fight for.

This made Han Yu completely relieved, as long as he didn't meet the elder masters of the ancient forces, he was not afraid of anyone in the younger generation.

Han Yu entered the second palace without intervening in any competition for the first palace. Inside the second palace, there are countless rooms and attics. There are also many people fighting.

The people in the second level have a higher level of cultivation, and they are all masters of the fourth level and above. There are almost no people below.

The battle became more fierce, but the palace stood firm, no matter how strong the attack was, there was no room for the palace. Although there are many battles, they have almost no influence on each other.

The treasures of the second palace are more and more precious. Han Yu also saw two people from Wuwang Qizhong who were competing for a low-level imperial soldier. From the breath of the magic weapon, it can be judged that it was from one mouthful. The hand of a strong man in the first realm of Emperor Wu.

Han Yu discovered that there is a special energy circulating in this palace to protect the treasures inside.

Otherwise, for tens of thousands of years, the magic weapon of the king's army and the low-level king's army would have long been turned into scrap. On the contrary, the refining materials will be kept longer.

Because the energy in the Qi refining materials is restrained and not activated, not only will it not be lost, but it will also absorb the energy between heaven and earth and become stronger. But the magic weapon is different. After artificial refining, the internal energy is activated, and the external energy cannot be absorbed independently, and the storage time will be shorter.

Generally, a low-level imperial soldier-level magic weapon can be stored for five thousand years if it is placed in an open and thin place, let alone a king's soldier.

But the special energy in this palace kept these weapons well.

This is the saint's method, which is beyond human ability.

This low-level imperial soldier has attracted the attention of many people. Many people showed greed in their eyes, waiting for opportunities in secret.

The soldiers of the low-level royal, although Han Yu was also greedy, he did not stay too much.

This is only the second palace, the magic weapon inside is bound to be stronger than the outside.

Passing through the second palace, there is a huge garden in which there are many ancient trees and countless rockery and stone tablets.

Someone bombarded the rockery, some bombarded the stone tablet. It can be seen that there should be huge treasures within the rockery and stone tablets.

Han Yu's soul power was released, and he found a secret book hidden in a stone stele, and a magic weapon buried in a rockery. It can be seen from the spilled energy fluctuations that it is by no means a thing.

Han Yu wandered in the garden, looking for treasures that had not been taken over by anyone, before reaching an arch, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

"This place has already been occupied by our Bright Holy Land. Fellow Daoists, please go to other places." The young man stood in front of the arch, holding his hands, very arrogant, his tail knocking to the sky.

Han Yu glanced at the palace gate. Inside was a small garden. Only three young men were bombarding frantically around a stone table. All of a sudden, there was a loud noise.

The three young men are all the sevenfold cultivation base of King Wu, but they can't shake the stone table at all, there must be a huge treasure there.

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