Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1145: Family and friends get together

Chapter 1145

Ma Chaoran and the others seemed to have entered a dreamlike state. They all couldn't believe what they saw, and the Suzaku army that made them helpless, just fell apart because of Han Yu's arrival.

Moreover, Han Yu didn't make any moves at all!


Hearing only a rapid sound of breaking through the air, Han Yu and Xue Rui both disappeared from the stands, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"Where did that kid go?" The chicken master was uncertain.

"Hey, Zhuque Country is playing with fire and self-immolation!" Ma Chongxie smiled.

Yuzhou, Suzaku Kingdom.

One morning, the news of the emperor's sudden death suddenly spread, and the whole country was shocked. Moreover, all the Lu people disappeared overnight.

However, Suzaku Kingdom did not enter the turmoil.

The emperor’s nephew succeeded to the throne and stabilized the country’s situation. No one knows where the emperor's sons have gone.

After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he issued an edict to review the issue of sending troops to the Holy Kingdom of Silai, which was supported by the people of the whole country. At the beginning, the Vermillion Bird Nation sent troops to the Xilai Holy Nation, but few people supported it.

The Holy Kingdom of Xilai is also celebrating the sky, and the whole country is full of joy.

In contrast, inside the palace, it seemed calmer.

Han Yu quietly landed in front of Ma Su's bedroom and walked in. There was no guard around Ma Su's bedroom, which was deliberately arranged by Ma Su.

Han Yu rarely came back, and didn't want the others to disturb their interest.

Inside the palace, Ma Su, Shuixian'er, and Shui Ling'er were chatting. At this time, Shui Ling'er had healed from his injuries, and Xiaojiao was not here. He took a comfortable bath in Jiulongchi. Seeing Han Yu walk in, all three of them were overjoyed. Ma Su and Shuixian'er rushed into Han Yu's arms without any taboo.

Shui Ling'er was a little embarrassed and left quietly. She had already repaired Qi Tianjia, but she was not afraid to go outside to attract God's punishment.

Han Yu returned to the palace at noon. Only in the afternoon took Narcissus and Ma Su out of the palace. You can see that the pretty faces of the two women are reddish, and their faces are full of happiness.

To another palace, Qin Tianyuan, Hu Tu, Xiao Zhang, Liu Qingfeng, Han Yi, Han Gan, Han Yong, Jiang Lixuan, Shuifei, Shui Linger and others all came. And this time there were more people here, but Ma Su had already ordered that the people closest to Han Yu be here. Otherwise, a palace won't fit.

"Xiaoyu!" Han Yi was the first to rush over and hug Han Yu tightly.

Although he and Han Yu are not brothers, they are better than brothers.

"You are our pride! The pride of our Han family!"

Han Gan and Han Yong also came over, and the four brothers embraced each other. Now the Han family has only four of them left.

Everyone looked at the four people, and they were very moved.

Han Yi, Han Gan, and Han Yong are the people who have died; and Han Yu, needless to say, they have seen the path they have traveled along the way.

It is no exaggeration to use the four words "not easy" to describe the four brothers.

After a long hug, the four people separated.

The others couldn't wait to say a few words to Han Yu.

After chatting for more than half an hour, everyone sat down and looked at Han Yu with all the attention, asking Han Yu to talk about his experience in Wuzhou over the years.

Han Yu picked some out to talk.

When I heard that the people in the Wuzun realm of Wuzhou were considered weak, there were so many people in the Wuwang realm, and the strong in the Wuhuang realm were the top masters. Everyone was amazed and yearned for Wuzhou.

Hearing Han Yu's deeds of winning Nirvana in Phoenix Mountain and fighting against Tianchan Sect, everyone is like listening to the heavenly book. It is really exciting and incredible.

Han Yu didn't say the following things, he was afraid that everyone's hearts would not be able to stand it.

The conversation lasted three days and three nights, and everyone didn't feel irritable, but always felt that the meaning was still unfinished.

Qin Tianyuan and Xiao Zhang looked at each other several times, but they were surprised and dumbfounded. Han Yu is really not a peaceful master, he will stir up the boundless situation wherever he goes. At the same time, I am proud and proud of Han Yu. Han Yu is definitely the most capable person in the history of Liuyun Sect.

Qin Tianyuan has secretly decided that when returning to Liuyun Sect, he must write a special biography about Han Yu to encourage the descendants of Liuyun Sect at all times.

So that Qin Tianyuan asked the most questions.

After the talk, everyone had a lot of aftertastes, and Ma Su ordered people to go to the royal banquet, and everyone was drunk. Narcissus' parents and Ma Su's parents were also invited over.

After drinking for three rounds, Han Yu, Shuixian'er, and Ma Su looked at each other, and both women lowered their heads slightly. Han Yu stood up with one hand in his hand.

The scene was quiet for a moment, everyone looked at a man and two women, and faintly guessed something.

Han Yu looked around, and finally fell on Narcissus' father and mother: "Uncle, auntie!"

The second elder glanced at each other and stood up.

Han Yu looked at Ma Su's parents again and shouted: "Uncle, auntie!"

The second elder also stood up.

Han Yu pulled Narcissus and Ma Su back three steps, and then knelt down together.

This move caught the two old men a bit by surprise. The others wanted to stand up, but Qin Tianyuan and Jiang Lixuan pressed their hands, motioned not to move, and both looked at Han Yu with a smile.

"I want to take Narcissus and Ma Su as my wife, and I hope my uncle and aunt (uncle and aunt) can agree!" Han Yu's hand tightly grasped Narcissus and Ma Su's hand. Although he has experienced a lot, it can be said to be Taishan It collapsed in front of my eyes without changing color, but now I am a little nervous.

Both Narcissus and Ma Su's bodies trembled, and tears surged without holding back for a while.

Although this matter was discussed before, it was different from Han Yu's mouth.

"Well...children, get up!" The two parents were very happy after a moment, and hurried over to help the three of them.

Both Narcissus's mother and Ma Su's mother had red eyes, helping their daughter to wipe the tears.

"Child, when do you plan to hold the wedding?" Ma Chaoran asked.

"Uncle, I am going to hold it in three days." Han Yu said.

Ma Chaoran and Shuixian'er's father Shui Kuohai looked at each other, feeling a little hasty. But since Han Yu has decided, they can't say anything.

Shui Kuohai said: "Child, we are fine, but my father..."

Han Yu said, "Uncle, I haven't found my father yet."

Shui Kuohai nodded and said nothing. Originally, when the child was married, both parents should be present, but Han Yu's situation was special.

If the parents are not there, the master can be replaced, but Han Yu is not even the master.

Han Yu looked at Qin Tianyuan. Before Han Yu could speak, Qin Tianyuan laughed and stood up and said, "Two, Han Yu’s parents are not present, but our Liuyunzong is his teacher. Take advantage, I'll drink this wedding wine for Han Yu's parents, and it won't be too late to make up later!"

Qin Tianyuan was very happy that Han Yu could think of him at this time, that he really regarded Liuyunzong as his family.

That's it, and we will get married in three days.

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