Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1144: Mercilessly

Chapter 1144

The two armies were about to meet when suddenly a wall of light appeared in the middle.

The sergeants on the side of Xilai Holy Palace stopped before they hit the light wall, and many on the side of Vermilion Kingdom were directly bounced back.

"What's the matter?" The commanders at the rear of the two armies were a little weird.

"Han Yu? He... actually came back!" One of the Lu clan's voice trembled a little.

"Oh? Who is Han Yu?" Xue Rui's eyes lit up and stood up from the chair.

"The one on the left!" The Lu clan pointed at the man on the left in the sky.

"Come here well, kill him, I can take Ma Su to make the right thing." Xue Rui smiled.

"Prince, Han Yu is very evil, it's better to be careful." The Lu family reminded.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there an old man?" Xue Rui glanced at the old man with a hooked nose, who was sitting with closed eyes. This person is the cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of Tianwu. Looking at the invincible hands of Yu, Jing, and Qin, he is fearless.

In front of him, Han Yu waved his hand and unlocked the ropes and meridians on Zhang Tianyi, Ma Chaoran and others, and all jumped out of the prison wagon. Ma Chaoran, Niaoye, and Dark Dragon flew to Han Yu for the first time.

"Smelly boy, you finally came back." Bird Master shouted.

At this time, the bird's feathers are more beautiful, and the tail is colorful. It has also obtained great benefits in Jiulongchi. The weak Phoenix bloodline in the body has actually recovered a lot, and there is a bit of sacred aura in the body at this time. Han Yu was a little surprised to see it.

"Han Yu." Ma Chaoran shouted excitedly.

"Uncle." Han Yu hurriedly stepped forward to see him. Ma Chaoran was his future father-in-law, so he could not lose his courtesy.

"It's fine if you come back, okay..." Ma Chaoran was in tears with excitement.

The army on both sides had stopped, and they looked at Han Yu in the void blankly.

"City Lord, who is that person, and why is he so powerful?" Wuxiao City's counselor asked, blocking the thousands of horses with his shot, giving him a dreamlike feeling.

"If I expected it to be right, this person should be the imperial husband, Han Yu. You have done a great job this time, and I will be rewarded a lot when I go back!" Jin Shunzhi smiled like a rotten persimmon.

If it were not for the counselor to misjudge his instructions and go to war, he would definitely be treated as a traitor. But now, the situation is completely opposite. He will become a model for the Holy Kingdom, a heroic general, and the queen will certainly reward him greatly.

The sergeants of Suzaku Nation were a little messed up, but Xue Rui behind him didn't care at all.

"Han Yu, come here, this prince has something to tell you." Old God Xue Rui shouted to Han Yu.

Han Yu glanced at Xue Rui, looked at Ma Chaoran and the others said: "Uncle, you guys take a break first, I will meet this **** prince."

Ma Chaoran asked: "You must be careful of the old man next to him."

Before Han Yu could speak, Ma Chong rushed and said, "Father, don't worry, isn't it just the little old man of Tianwu Jiuzhong? Brother-in-law dealt with him like a play."

Ma Chaoran was taken aback, the peerless powerhouse of Tianwu Nineth Layer, how could it be described as a trivial word?

Han Yu paced slowly and walked to the back of the Suzaku army.

"What realm is this kid, why can't I see his depth?" The Bird Master said in surprise.

"Don't say it's you, I can't even tell." The dark magic dragon said.

"Very strong!" Ma Chong spit out two words, quite proud, as if everyone was talking about him.

"Are you the **** prince of Suzaku Kingdom?" Han Yu walked over and asked, looking down at Xue Rui.

"You're going to die!" Xue Rui's face became cold, and he cursed: "Han Yu, originally this prince would make you die happy, but if you offend me, I will make you worse off than death. I want you to watch it with your own eyes, How can I eat away the land of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai bit by bit, how can I conquer Masu and roll over on the bed!"


The old man with eagle nose opened his eyes, two cold lights shot in his eyes, and said proudly: "A good way to hide your strength, even the old man can't see your cultivation."

Where did Han Yu hide his cultivation, but it was too high, beyond the range of the old man's perception.

"Are you the support of Suzaku Nation?" Han Yu asked lightly.

"It's still the nightmare of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai!" The old man stood up, with an air as if he were the master of this world.

"Then you can go to death." Han Yu said flatly.

"Hahaha..." The old man raised his head and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. Xue Rui and the others also laughed.

The old man smiled, his voice stopped abruptly, his body straightened down, and a hole of blood appeared between his eyebrows, directly behind his head.

No one saw how Han Yu made the move, and the old man died.


The sound of the old man hitting the ground was more thrilling than a thunderbolt in a clear sky. Everyone's throat seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand, not only could not laugh, but also had difficulty breathing.

"Hey, what's going on? How did the old man die? Could someone else come with you?" The bird's hair was upside down, and there was a kind of creepy feeling, because the old man's death was really weird.

"Just me and my brother-in-law, this is called coercive attack, killing is intangible, don't you understand?" Ma Chong glanced at the bird master, contemptuously.

"Strong attack and kill?" Not to mention the bird, the Dark Devil Dragon and Ma Chaoran have never heard of it.

"This is a method that can only be possessed by a powerful man in the realm of King Wu. Brother-in-law is now a master of the sixth layer of King Wu!" Ma Chong's eyes were hot, and his blood was boiling.

Niaoye and others were stunned, the realm of King Wu was too far away from them, like a dream.


Above the stands, Xue Rui and the others, their legs weakened, and all fell to the ground. Xue Rui knelt and shivered: ", the don't kill me...please don't kill me……"

Xue Rui was so frightened that he became incontinent, and a stinky smell made people vomit.

The people of the Lu clan were ashamed and resigned.

Han Yu's soul power penetrated the Lu Clan's mind strongly, searching his memory.

"Except for Lu Chenhao, everyone is in the Vermillion Bird Kingdom!" Han Yu slapped his sleeves, and everyone in the stands except Xue Rui died instantly. Killing is easier than killing chickens.

Xue Rui was so frightened that he kept begging for mercy.

Han Yu grabbed Xue Rui by the collar, lifted him up, and asked, "What did you just say?"

"My lord, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything..."

In the face of powerful strength, everything is false. Even if Xue Rui is the prince of Suzaku Kingdom, he does not have the slightest confidence to negotiate with Han Yu, and now he can only beg for mercy.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, and Xue Rui's crotch was instantly stained red with blood.

For this kind of greedy and fearful generation, Han Yu doesn't bother to kill him, but he will pay the price if he dares to blaspheme Ma Su!

The sergeant of the Suzaku Kingdom suddenly became a bird and beast.


In the army, someone screamed one after another. Those people were all from the Lu clan, and Han Yu could kill them with a single thought.

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