Martial Arts World

Chapter 2590: Exposed

Time passed, and a few years passed.

The bliss boy Li Jingxu took the initiative to ventilate in the spiritual world, he will serve the court for a hundred years!

When the news came out, it suddenly caused an uproar in the practice circle. No one expected that such a top expert in the practice circle suddenly fell to the court.

How could the court be able to make the Bliss boy willing to serve?

The forces next to it just went back, just curious and surprised, but Emei was unhappy, secretly contacting Li Jingxu, the bliss boy through secret channels, and wanted to ask what happened.

"What's going on, Emperor Xinming has what I badly need!"

Regarding the monk Emei, Li Jingxu didn't cover up and directly said: "It's nothing to serve the court for a hundred years. Does the Emperor Xinming really bother me with trivial things?"

Monk Emei smiled bitterly, but they were still willing to take the trivial matter of the court to trouble Li Jingxu, the bliss boy. I was afraid that the Emperor Ming Ming would use Li Jingxu to cause trouble to Emei.

Li Jingxuhe is one of the best in the world of spiritual practice. There are only a few powers that can deter him, and Emei has no way to move from time to time.

The most important thing is that Emei still has many actions in the future.

Not only the experience of being a disciple, but also the planned competition for Beppu, as well as the opening of Emei and the third sword fight, all related to the prosperity of Emei, which should not be blocked by outsiders.

If Li Jingxu, a boy of imperial paradise, took trouble, then things would be in trouble.

Not that Emei is really afraid of Li Jingxu. As the world's largest faction, Emei has a lot of cards in his hand. It is not difficult to force Li Jingxu to retreat.

It's just that Li Jingxu was originally a determined helper on Emei's side. Suddenly, such a powerful helper may become an enemy, and naturally feels less happy.

It's a pity that even if they are unhappy, Li Jingxu's strength and status are there. Unless Emei wants to flip his face, Emei can't say anything if he doesn't do anything.

The court is another court!

The sword fighting in the Ciyun Temple in the past caused unexpected changes because of the intervention of the court forces, which caused Emei's plan to eventually abort.

This time Li Jingxu's incident hit them by surprise, and the senior officials of Emei really became interested in the court, or the Emperor Xinming.

However, there are a lot of things in Emei right now, and I can't make it out against the imperial court and Emperor Xinming for the time being, but after the situation stabilizes, I will definitely have to go to the capital to find out.


Lin Sha didn't know Emei's thinking, but even if she knew it, she didn't care. Emei's group repairs were here. It's hard to say whether she could exert her full strength in the capital. Really thought that the golden dragon that entrenched the void above the palace was vegetarian?

Moreover, as the strength of the Xinming dynasty grows stronger, the officialdom of the capital will become stronger and stronger. Officialdom is a kind of humane luck. Naturally, it has a strong repressive effect on the cultivation of practitioners.

This is not yet counted. If Lin Sha uses his magical powers to manifest his official power, if the monk comes with malicious intent, the result will not be better. Lin Sha can even use the fluency of his official power to strictly control the coming person. Surveillance, it is difficult to escape control.

These are the back roads. Emei Sword Immortal really dare to come from looking for bad luck. Lin Sha will never be polite with them, but now he has no time to ignore these, and is stalemate with a cadre of courtiers.

The details of the Royal Academy, after being hidden for more than a year, are still exposed.

The reason for the incident made people cry and laugh. The boy from the Royal Academy had a conflict with the street outside. He took out a few self-made primary runes and made a ball of water and fire to frighten and intimidate.

As a result, the patrol officers and men were attracted, and the matter was completely exposed.

After hearing the news, the 100 officials were in an uproar. It turned out that the Royal Academy built by His Majesty the Emperor did not teach the Four Books and Five Classics passed by the saints, but the Rune Ghost Technique that made them unhappy!

"How can your majesty do this, Zizi does not blame his powers!"

"Secretary implored His Majesty to close the Royal Academy and no longer teach the art of boy ghost!"

"Your Majesty, the way of Confucius and Mencius is the best way to govern the country!"


A large number of ministers came together to see each other, and their faces did not hesitate to open their mouths. In short, they meant the same thing. Please ask Lin Sha not to do business. The way of Confucius and Mencius is the foundation of governing the country.

Lin Shaduan sat undisturbed in the dragon chair, and when the ministers all expressed their opinions, he took out a fire rune, and the thumb and index finger gripped it gently.


A line of fire lit up suddenly, from Lin Sha's fingers to the hall door, and the heat wave was facing him, and the ministers were shocked and shouted back.

"You servants, what strange power chaos, existence is reasonable!"

After the frightened courtiers recovered a little, Lin Sha said leisurely: "There are still people of self-cultivation in this world, and their methods are called magic, and I don't see how much fuss you are!"

"Can your majesty also be a cultivator?"

Despite the uneasiness in his heart, some courtiers dared to ask.


Lin Sha said with a smile: "The technique of rune just used just now is something useful for ordinary people to learn after a period of time!"

The courtier didn't believe it, but it was not easy to refute.

Cultivators are naturally aware that things in the practice world are not a secret to the court officials. It's just that the monks have no contact, and the means are very tight. It's no different from the legendary fairy. No matter whether it is for fear or fear, or for other purposes, in short, the courtiers' attitude toward the monk is to ignore it directly, listen and ignore it.

However, I didn't expect the emperor to open the lid directly, and it was a little embarrassing and unnatural to call the Yichen courtiers. How could this be said so clearly.

"Exactly nothing happened today, go to the Royal Academy with me, seeing is believing!"

Seeing the faces of courtiers, Lin Sha laughed in his heart.

Afterwards, he did not wait for the courtiers to react, and took them to the Royal Academy to see what happened.

At this time, the Royal Academy was at the time of the class. Linsha Shumen and Shulu took a cadre to a remote playground at the back of the college and saw a group of young students throwing out runes one by one. The flames and the water flow changed out, and they looked dumbfounded like a trick.

"See? These runes are made by the students themselves!"

Lin Sha smiled softly, pointed her finger at the boy student on the playground, and explained: "Thirty students in a class are basically here!"

The following courtier immediately counted silently, exactly thirty.

It's just that, looking at the scenes of the sky and water, I can't imagine how it was done by the little boy who was only ten years old!

This is too exaggerated!

Lin Sha stepped forward and greeted the boys who were in contact with the caster for the rune. He picked up a few primary runes on the table and walked over to the ministers and handed them over, laughing: "Several If you don’t try it, just pay attention to the rune in your hand and throw it out to make it work!"

Several heavy ministers tried it with doubt, and it really turned the runes in their hands into a mixture of fire and air.

However, every time a rune is used, the brain is a little dizzy. According to His Majesty the Emperor, it consumes mental energy. This is a natural phenomenon, and it will automatically recover after waiting.

The natural experience is quite magical, and several eminent officials are also very excited. Everyone tried it once, and had personal experience with the runes in the mouth of the emperor, and he never said anything strange like crazy.

It's just that if they want to believe these runes, they are all due to children under the age of ten, but they are hard to believe. Although they have no explicit attitude, they are very obvious.

"Okay, come with me and tell you to see!"

Lin Sha was not very angry. He greeted the several ministers to keep up, and went to the teaching building of the Royal Academy. He stood by the window and quietly observed the classroom. The students who were making the runes carefully and the teacher responsible for pointing and correcting the errors.

This, this...

The so-called seeing is believing, when several eminent ministers saw the runes drawn by boys under the age of ten, and the scenes of red or blue color exuded, the dumb mood was hard to calm down for a long time.

They never imagined that what the emperor said was true!

Just now they tested that the runes that can be normalized into fire and water are actually done by boys under the age of ten!

Such a result really makes them difficult to accept!

Although they have accepted the existence of the rune at this time but in their hearts, the rune that can be turned into fire and water is still a kind of thing that does not understand, strange power and chaos.

Although I have witnessed a group of boys who are only ten years old, and I have made a series of runes flashing with my own hands, it does not mean that they really accepted the existence of the runes.

It’s just that it doesn’t interfere with the sentiment of His Majesty today. How can their three views be so shaken? Years of experience in accepting the Confucian saint’s way still makes them subconsciously want to stay away from the rune’s way. , I am afraid they will be angry and admonished now.

"Your Majesty, what specific conditions are needed for the rune production?"

Finally, several heavy ministers did not remain silent, and one of them suddenly asked.

"As long as you have enough mental power and you can draw the runes correctly, anyone can make them!"

Lin Sha cracked his mouth with a chuckle, leisurely said: "That is to say, as long as the brain is normal, basically anyone can learn to make such elementary runes!"

The faces of several heavy ministers became quite ugly, and Lin Sha's words made them very difficult to accept.

Nima, this is a rune that is one of the means of the gods, even if people with normal brains can make it, is this threshold too low?

But this is what the emperor Lin Sha said personally. Even if they were reluctant, they could not refute them. They could only say depressed: "What is your majesty's plan?"

"Naturally is to increase the promotion of rune production. The Royal College will recruit children under the age of ten every semester!"

"Your Majesty, can you tell me why?"

"The rune is very powerful, and you will gradually know it in the future!"

Lin Sha smiled softly and said mysteriously...

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