Martial Arts World

Chapter 2589: Put into effect

Li Jingxu, the celestial master of bliss master Shushan, who is famous in Shushan, seems to have been subjected to repeated crit attacks, and the whole person looks lazy.

A conversation with Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty made him think a lot, and indeed found many problems.

According to Lin Sha, the power or powerful force that wiped out the ancient traces on this side of the world could not wipe out the three emperors and the five emperors.

Since it cannot be erased, it also proves the existence of God-man.

Are the Three Emperors and Five Emperors immortals?

Except for one Xuanyuan Emperor, who was countless ascendants, the other seven were really not immortal.

Although some of the information is very obscure, you can enjoy the rich experience of the child Li Jingxu. I still heard it faintly. The three emperors and the five emperors are all supernatural beings!

Since it is not a fairy, it is a master who has been cultivated in other ways!

According to the Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty: God-man!

What is God?

Acting on behalf of Tian Xingxian, governing the rules, the clock of heaven and earth, the luck of the gods.

As for the specific ability of God, Li Jingxu can't figure it out without actually playing against Lin Sha, but it must not be worse than those who can cultivate immortals!

At least, in the face of Emperor Xinsha Linming, he did not have much confidence to win!

Li Jingxu was the only way to command the Qilong Jinlong to attack the man. He was unheard of, but he was almost unable to resist and could only resist.

Not familiar, so I don’t know how to deal with it, it’s that simple!

What Lin Sha said had a huge impact on Li Jing's imaginary heart. It turned out that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well. He was so esteemed before that he didn't look down on this one and looked down on that one. He was just a stronger monk.

Not to mention, as far as the masters he knows, several of them may still be above him, and even a few of them are flush with him.

Calculated carefully, in addition to the so-called six monsters of the universe, the rest of the heavenly masters are basically inseparable from Emei.

It's really a big deal. The Emei School is less than two thousand years old. It is now a behemoth in the spiritual world, almost overwhelming the rest of the monks.

This ability, I have to say that the long eyebrows were really good means.

It is easy to see the opportunity to get rid of Emei, or the power of the fairy world behind Emei, and the bliss child Li Jingxu will naturally not let go, and must show enough value to firmly seize this opportunity.

Perhaps, through the Emperor Linsha of the Ming Dynasty, he could embark on another path, or another ascension channel, which was a benefit he had never expected but expected.

Therefore, he was not polite and stayed in the palace directly.

In the following days, he took advantage of Linsha's free time and actively revealed many secrets of Emei, of course, the secrets he knew.

For example, Renshou, who is most familiar with the long eyebrow, and some of the hidden powers of Emei, as well as some hidden arrangements of true or false, in short, they know everything, and they show full sincerity.

Lin Sha didn't stop it, let's just listen to it or not, it would be another matter.

However, after listening to the introduction of Li Jingxu who didn't know whether it was true or not, he had a clear understanding of Renshou, the long-browed real person.

This man's growth is similar to the so-called pig's horn model. It seems to be the luck of the luck of the luck. model.

Listening to what Li Jingxu said, when Emei had just opened the school, it was really hard to push. The side door of the long-eyed real person offended and the master of the magic road threatened to make him look good. When Emei opens the school, he will be there to congratulate.

If it were not for the support of several Buddhist masters, whether Emei could open the school smoothly or not would be said.

However, it can be seen from this that Ren Shou had been entangled with the Buddhist monk early on, and I did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Waiting for the successful opening of Emei, the model of great development will follow. Qiyun Gaitian will directly change from a weak chicken to the number one force in the spiritual world. It only takes a thousand years.

When Li Jingxu said this, the sour taste in his tone could not be concealed.

Not to blame him for this. This ancestor of the ancient Qingcheng school opened almost at the same time as Emei. Li Jingxu's strength and opportunity are not under the longevity of Renmei!

It's a pity that Li Jingxu didn't have that kind of luck. The ancient Qingcheng faction persisted for hundreds of years and ended up closing.

Lin Sha did not want to know the reason and right and wrong, but he learned one thing from Li Jingxu's account.

The long-browed real Ren Shou really had good luck. After Emei opened the school, it became the representative of the Taoist Taiqing line. There are innate qi and Taiqing runes, and Ningbiya these two innate Lingbaos suppress the luck. The weaker than the essence of the Shushan world, it would be weird if Emei could not develop smoothly and smoothly.

"Do you know innate spirit treasure?"

On that day, after listening to Li Jingxu's nagging again, Lin Sha suddenly asked.

Innate Lingbao, what is it?

Li Jingxu was confused, and looked at Lin Sha with a confused face, not knowing how to answer.

"Huh, you really are..."

Lin Sha shook his head strangely and smiled: "The core of Emei Hushan's large array is innately air-treasure rune, and Ningbiya itself are two innate spirit treasures!"

Li Jingxu was still confused, wondering what Lin Sha wanted to say?

"Congenital spirit treasure, born of heaven and earth, contains the laws of heaven and earth, and has the effect of suppressing luck!"

Lin Sha spoke lightly, and his voice didn't listen to Li Jing's ears, but it was as if the thunder blew into the eyes.

At this time, according to modern parlance, his heart was filled with words.

It turns out so!

Li Jingxu ate Cheung's expression on his face, and the envy, jealousy and hatred of the real person with long eyebrows in his heart turned into a stream of water in the Yangtze River.

"There are two innate spirit treasures to suppress luck, and the Emei School will not be able to decline. Unless the world changes into the end of the Dharma World, Emei will be a practice giant no matter how!"

Lin Sha's words, listening to the harsh words that could not be heard in Li Jing's virtual ears.

It turned out that the real eyebrows had such an adventure. No wonder Emei grew bigger and bigger, but the ancient Qingcheng he founded could not be sustained, and finally had to close its doors.

"It's just that the real eyebrow ambition is too big!"

Lin Sha chuckled and said coldly: "Who wants to learn from Buddhism and Taoism, Dao Zu?"

"Why are Taozu people?"

Li Jingxu found himself in front of Lin Sha, turned into a shallow earth, and was very uncomfortable, but had to accept this cruel fact.

"Hong Jun, Master of Sanqing, Ancestor of Ten Thousand Methods!"

Lin Sha cracked his mouth and said with a chuckle: "Taiqing turned Hu into a Buddha, and Xitian Rulai was originally an interdisciplinary disciple, Duobao. If you follow such a source, the Buddhist and Taoist families will be justified!

Li Jingxu's face was dull, feeling that his brain was not enough.

What did he hear, the Taiqing Taoists turned Hu into Buddha, and Xitianrulai was originally a disciple of cutting off teaching?

"Forgive Mr. Li for his ignorance and ignorance, what kind of sect does it cut?"

Li Jingxu asked with embarrassment.

"One of the three Qings, the sect founded by Lingbao Daozun!"

Lin Sha smiled casually: "The battle of the gods, how immortal Wan Xian came to the pity, but unfortunately in the end fell to the end of teaching destruction!"

"Lingbao School has inheritance!"

Li Jingxu didn't understand it, he said with a smile: "It's a low-key presence in the door of the Tao!"

Ha ha……

Lin Sha chuckled and said that the world's indigenous people who had covered up countless history with great power, how did they know how crazy and huge it was to cut off the teachings in the battle of the gods?

The current Lingbao vein, compared with the original power of Wanxian coming, is estimated to be incomparable to even fractions.

"Dare to ask your majesty, can there be other ascension channels?"

Speaking of this, Li Jingxu consciously showed enough sincerity and suddenly asked directly.

Lin Sha glanced at the man lightly, without speaking, but the meaning was already clear, and there was no benefit in the world.

"What price does Li Mou have to pay, Your Majesty speaks!"

Li Jingxu saw this, and hesitated for a moment, then he was firm and he gritted his teeth and asked.

"Serve the court for a hundred years!"

Lin Sha smiled faintly and said directly: "After a hundred years, I will give you the coordinates of the wild world directly. As long as you can't pass, then it's not something I should consider!"

Li Jingxu felt shocked at the words, and then turned into full of joy, gritted his teeth and promised: "Okay!"

He didn't ask Lin Sha what he wanted him to do. He couldn't ask him to be such a fairy to do those trivial things.

"Resolute enough!"

Lin Sha leisurely smiled and said: "Then I will tell you a message for free. There is absolutely no Ling Kong Immortal Realm during the Three Kingdoms. As for how the Ling Kong Immortal Realm came afterwards, you should go to the roots and ask yourself!"

He said, waving his hand to signal that Li Jingxu could leave.

Li Jing's heart shook, and he was uncomfortable with the news given by Lin Sha at last. Itchy in his heart wanted to leave and go back to find out, but he still resisted.

Now that he has promised to serve the court for a hundred years, it is clear that Lin Sha has something to ask him to do.

To inquire about the real thing, you can take it slowly in the future, but now he dare not offend Lin Sha at all, otherwise he would not cry because he didn’t tell him the coordinates of the wild world.

As for the wild world, he does not know whether it is a real fairyland, but it is certainly more normal than the Lingkong fairyland, not a reserved area belonging to a certain force or a certain powerful person.

Again, the reason why he stayed in the realm of spiritual practice, he was reluctant to soar into the so-called celestial world, but it was not because he was unwilling to see people live.

Thinking of his blissful real life and his role in the realm of spiritual practice, he had to breathe everywhere when he came to the so-called fairy world, and he felt unwilling to think about it.

If there is no other way out, in the end he still has to bow his head honestly and deliberately have a good relationship with Emei, only to be free from bullying after soaring.

But the situation is different now, at least he has another way, although he still can't figure out the number of roads of Emperor Ming Ming, but obviously this person's strength is definitely above himself, and he is not a monk of the Immortal Dao, these are enough, he is willing to Gamble.

A strong player who can cultivate to his realm does not lack the courage to gamble for his future...

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