Martial Arts World

Chapter 2566: distressed

Zhou Yun is quite depressed!

It is a good thing to smoothly enter the official school of Furong City, and under the guidance of teaching Zhang Laosi, he exercises according to the movements of "Basic Exercise Technique", and the effect is quite obvious. After more than a month of continuous exercise, his original weak bones have changed. It's pretty strong.

According to the teaching of Zhang Laosi, his body and bones have reached the conditions for practicing outside monks. As long as he continues to do so, he may become a master outside monk.

Feeling the unprecedented fullness and power of the body, Zhou Yuncong is extremely motivated to exercise.

There are many official students who have the same feelings and ideas as him.

Having a good body is a good thing, although the official school also has those who are reluctant to move, but they are after all a minority.

In particular, official school students were organized, and the arresting head under the governor’s office took a few lively lessons. All interested students were very touched and strengthened their enthusiasm for physical exercise.

Those accumulating heads didn’t tell them anything, but just took out 10 cases. There were Jiangyang robbers who took charge of the robbery and killings, as well as the massacre caused by the vendettas of the rivers and lakes. Some evil Dao cultivators take horrible things with living people and so on.

In short, every case mentioned in the class's arresting head made the students feel a sense of horror, and at the same time they clearly felt the restlessness of this world.

It turned out that there were so many dark things under the splendid appearance of the flower group, and it was difficult to fall asleep easily within a few days after hearing it. When I was touched too much, various cruel pictures always appeared in my heart, even at night Frightened students who dare not sleep alone.

Students including Zhou Yuncong have a clearer understanding of this world.

Danger is everywhere!

No matter how severely the government mansion is cracked down, at most it is to suppress some people with bad intentions, and it is impossible to completely eliminate some darkness.

Especially those who have extraordinary skills, as well as those evil monks who have mysterious means, once the outbreak is difficult, even the government office is difficult to respond immediately, and you can only rely on yourself in the crisis.

Therefore, a strong physique is essential, but it can save lives at a critical moment. Even if there is a good body in danger, it can resist more for a while, maybe it can resist the rescue of the government.

Zhou Yuncong had personally experienced the fear of life threatening in Ciyun Temple, and he was guided by the government intentionally or unintentionally. He became more obsessed with the exercise method of "Basic Exercise", especially after feeling a clear improvement. out of hand.

He hasn't fallen behind in terms of physical exercise, even in school, even because his brain is clever, he has successfully established a foothold in the official school of Furong City, and he has also been valued by the Confucius and his classmates, and has made several good friends.

After his father and uncle received the letter, they both agreed with his admission to Furong City and implicitly hinted that he did not practice his body to a certain extent, or that he should not go home easily before he had the power to protect himself.

From the letters of his uncle and his father, he was surprised to see the unusualness of his hometown. Although the letter was not mentioned, the dignity and tension between the lines of his uncle and father, he clearly felt, naturally touched.

It turned out that the hometown that thought it was a happy land was not as peaceful as he had imagined. The secret danger was only afraid of surprise.

Otherwise, with the Zhou family's prestige and fame in Guizhou, the uncle and father would not be in the letter. Such an obscure mention, he should not easily go home before he can protect himself!

This world is really not as peaceful as he thought. As the old hunters said in class, the outside is not too peaceful!

Even the big cities such as Furong City, there are also dangerous places like Ciyun Temple outside the city!

He did not know what the local government and the governor Yamen thought, but he did not directly shovel the dangerous place like Ciyun Temple, and he was very unhappy. At the same time, he also guessed that there might be a possibility that the strength of Ciyun Temple might be called the governor's office.

Although he was trapped in the secret room of Ciyun Temple that day, he did not see anything in the same year as he did, but he heard a huge movement outside.

Obviously, during their trapping period, the capable manpower sent by the government has already engaged with the monks of Ciyun Temple, but it is unclear who wins and who loses. They did not see the monks of Ciyun Temple when they came out Showing the mourning of the Tang Dynasty's dwellings, obviously, even if Ciyun Temple gave in, it did not mean that they lost.

That shock was not a trivial matter. Several of the people who traveled with him were seriously ill after returning from childhood. When they got well, they hurriedly left Furong City and said they wanted to go home to cultivate.

Zhou Yun naturally disagreed with the performance of these gangs like a startled bird in the same year. The imperial court had clearly ordered how to reform the imperial examinations. He did not stay in the capital of Sichuan such as Furong City to investigate the situation and rushed back to the traffic. Bad Qiandi is not a good choice.

It's just a pity that those childhoods seemed to be frightened, and they didn't even bother to listen to his persuasion. They couldn't wait to leave the dangerous place of Furong City just after their body got better.

Zhou Yuncong is also helpless, he feels that this group must miss something in the same year, maybe it will affect their future in the future.

Is Hibiscus City really dangerous, right?

As the provincial capital of Sichuan, the prosperity of Furong City can be imagined. This is also the place where the culture and style of Shuchuan is the most prosperous, and it can even be said that the culture and style of the whole southwest region is the most prosperous.

If I can study for a period of time in Furong City's official school, I don't need to say that my studies will definitely benefit. At least in certain news areas, I also have a great role in broadening my horizons.

Especially in the information about Beijing and the imperial examinations, Furong City has a great advantage.

No, he only spent a month in the official school of Furong City, and he heard a lot of interesting news about the capital, the imperial examinations, and so on.

If it is placed in Qiandi, even if the Zhou family is huge, at least one month later than Furong City would be necessary to detect these news. Naturally, it is quite a loss at this time.

Zhou Yun cherishes his study opportunities in Furong City official school. Whether it is continuing his studies or the newly added physical exercise, he has spent a lot of energy and serious investment.

The effect is quite obvious. The original weak chicken bones are now stronger and stronger, and even the mind seems to be clearer than before, and the understanding of the knowledge of official scholars is more profoundly understood.

His performance has been unanimously affirmed by the scholars and scholars, and even commended them with several famous students in the official school.

This feeling is quite comfortable, which makes Zhou Yuncong a sense of accomplishment. He has more motivation to learn arts and martial arts every day. He can clearly feel his own improvement. This taste should not be too wonderful.

There is another thing that makes him quite open-hearted. The official martial arts teach Zhang Laosi's daughter, Zhang Zhang, who is like a jade flower, and the heroic Zhang Yuzhen, who seems to be interested. The personal guidance led the classmates to be jealous and jealous.

This made Zhou Yuncong a great sense of accomplishment, and also thought about Zhang Yuzhen. The main reason is that the other party is really beautiful, and there is also a beautiful beauty that attracts him, so that his heart floats with him.

He didn't tell the uncle and his parents in the family, but the uncle and parents in Qiandi seemed to be able to detect with clairvoyance, and wrote letters to ask for the truth, and hinted that he should take the initiative if he likes. Zhou Yun, who was so thin-skinned, was not ashamed.

Afterwards, I learned that it was the whistleblower who was around him, but he was not angry. He just reprimanded the bookboy. How can such a thing be told to the family casually?

He and Ms. Zhang Yuzhen only had a good relationship with each other, as for the time being, they were not in a hurry.

He was not in a hurry, his uncle and parents in Qiandi were in a hurry. Whoever called the Zhou family was a male, and it was no joke to pick the nine rooms on his own.

At home, he didn’t have to ask him to marry a Miss Shuxiang family, if he could marry a healthy or even forceful Miss Wu, it’s not bad, at least it’s not good to be Zhou Yun never knew his uncle at home With his parents' thoughts, it didn't take long for the official school in Furong City to succeed and he encountered a headache.

I don't know where to come from an old saying, carrying a conspicuous red gourd on his body, wandering around him all day long, as if still quite magical.

At first, this man just wandered around indifferently, revealing one or two small tricks from time to time, clearly showing that he wanted to arouse his attention and interest.

It's just that Zhou Yun has recently become fascinated by "Basic Exercise Technique" and is obsessed with the progress and improvement that can be clearly felt every day. His response to the outside world is inevitably slowed by a few beats.

Besides, he already knows that there are monks in this world. They are really amazing, but they want to practice a little bit of achievement, ranging from three to five years and more to ten years of hard work. This situation really calls him. I can't afford much interest.

The old man didn't know what happened, as if he had taken a fancy to him, as long as he went out of the official school, he could always meet him by chance.

Zhou Yuncong has a good personality and a good temper. Although he is a little dissatisfied with the old ways that always appear around him, he has not said much, as long as he does not interfere with his normal life and study.

But somehow, half a month after Xiang An was fine, the nagging suddenly changed his strategy, even blocking the door directly, directly indicating his identity, saying that he was a drunken man of Emei Jianxian, fancy his qualifications and want to take him as a disciple .

Zhou Yun had a sense of relief, and flatly rejected the ‘good intentions’ of the drunken Daoist, saying that he had no idea of ​​becoming a monk and cultivated immortals. Please ask the drunken monk to find another disciple who agrees.

Unexpectedly, the drunken Daoist did not resign, as if sticking to him like a dog skin plaster, he was blocking roads and doors every day, and he also used some magical tricks to lure from time to time. It just made people wonder what to say... …

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