Martial Arts World

Chapter 2565: Go to the theatre

Xu Feiniang didn't know that her disciples had started to learn rune making.

At this time, she had fled to the border of Shuchuan.

Lian Hongyao, a disciple who had been optimistic before, lived with his father outside Furong City.

In other words, Xu Feiniang is also a good-looking person. The talents of the few disciples under the income are quite extraordinary, whether it is the white-eyed wolf Situ Ping, the fierce Xue Mang, or the red medicine that is not yet listed in the door wall. , Even on the Emei faction also has excellent qualifications.

It's just a pity that she doesn't teach disciples very much, plus her own reasons are in the original world of Shushan. Except for Xue Mang who is still loyal, the other few disciples are centrifuged away from Germany. Finally, the bamboo basket fetched water, and the others were cheap. It was a failure. pole.

Now Xu Feiniang, of course, does not know how bleak and failing her future will be in accordance with the normal historical trajectory. At this time, she is struggling to swim with the parents of Little Shuilian Hongyao Girl and let her follow her practice.

It is a pity that she met an old stubbornness who refused to talk at all, even if she revealed an extremely superb flying sword technique, even though the little girl of Lianhong Yao had already been emotional.

Once again, persuasion failed, and Xu Feiniang was not discouraged. She said goodbye to the little girl who was indifferent to Lianhong Yao. She went directly to the bustling city of Hibiscus.


Far away, Xu Feiniang sensed something. She opened her eyes and swept gently, and found that there was a golden cloud of clouds above the void of Furong City.

Is this the golden light of the moat?

Xu Feiniang was taken aback, she did not expect that such a thing appeared in Furong City!

Suddenly shocked at the same time, at the same time to the court and the current emperor a little bit more afraid!

According to reports, only during the heyday of the imperial court, the luck of the imperial court covered the sky. Not only did the capital have **** guards, but the big cities around the country also had golden cloud protection!

When she came to Furong City before, she didn't feel the existence of the golden light of the moat. Is this a recent situation?

The appearance of the golden light of the moat represents the control of the court and the government to the Furong City to a certain extent, and there is also a certain resistance to the monks!

This is interesting. Xu Feiniang didn't know the district government office of Furong City. Where did he feel the antagonism against the monk?

With curiosity in mind, Xu Feiniang entered Furong City.

Although the appearance of the golden light of the moat surprised her, there were not many restrictions on her monks, and there was no sense of suppression and mastership while in Beijing.

The prosperity and hustle and bustle of the city of Furong, the flow of people into the weaving business trips endlessly, the shops on both sides of the road are thriving, and the rich sense of disrespect is dazzling.

Xu Feiniang was interested in shopping. When was the last time he entered the city?

It seems to be the time to collect Xue Mang. She usually walks in Sanshan and Wuyue, and basically does not walk into the fireworks city.

I remember when Xue Mang entered the city, when the city was ruined, all industries were withered, and the outbreak of war was bloody.

It's only been a long time since the mortal world has become so prosperous and noisy. Even a monk like her can't help but give birth to the illusion of the sea.

She had no purpose, and did not know any characters in the city. She only walked slowly along the bustling streets and came to the center of the city unconsciously.

The golden light of the city's empty moat was always captured in the eyes, and the golden light of the moat around the center of the city was the most blazing, but her monks felt a little dazzling.

Suddenly, a sound of Lang Lang reading came into his ears, and Xu Feiniang was suddenly shocked, and she unknowingly walked close to the official school.

The strong morale here makes her feel faintly unskilled, with an illusion that the mind is dusty and the realm is suppressed.

Hey, in the hateful atmosphere, there is a faint mixture of gas and blood, and a brave spirit unique to the martial arts is thrown at the face.

What's going on, how can the spirit of martial arts be mixed with the spirit?

Xu Feiniang was curious in her heart, and she only knew that the mortal world's civil and military confrontation was serious, or that it was almost difficult for the literati to suppress the martial arts to look up. Why is she seeing a different situation now?

Since the Song Dynasty, the status of martial arts has plummeted, even Xu Feiniang and other dedicated monks have known these things.

Subconsciously approaching the street where the official school in the city is located, his eyes suddenly fixed, and his body flickered into the side alley immediately. The breath of his body completely converged. It was not a monk who was particularly proficient in observation, or a monk with strength above her. To find her difficult.

See who she saw?

In a tavern near the Guan Mansion, an old man carrying a red gourd in his hand dangled nearby. This man looked a little out of tune.

But Xu Feiniang didn't dare to be indifferent. She knew the old man naturally, but she was the elder of the Emei School who was a drunk Taoist, a good sword repairer!

How could he appear in Furong City and still sway in the tavern near the official school?

Xu Feiniang was full of curiosity, silently observing the alleys near her incognito, and had no meaning of wanting to say hello. If she could not wait for Emei to send her off, it wouldn’t be natural that she would not step forward to find her unhappy when it was not particularly important.

And her cultivation is far more than the drunken Taoist, but this fellow is only wandering in the realm of Jindan, and Xu Feiniang is a monk who has successfully succeeded in becoming a baby, and is about to cross the robbery. The difference in strength between the two cannot be justified, and there is no common language.

However, as one of the disciples of the real eyebrows of Emei long eyebrows, the drunken Daoist has a special status that is terrifying. No one is willing to provoke provoking, not looking at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. The Emei faction behind him is really not so provocative.

Xu Feiniang was very curious, and wondered why Drunk Taoist suddenly appeared here.

She didn't think that the drunken Taoist would appear in a mortal world, and she frequently showed her fame and sentiment, which was not necessary at all.

At this time, the Emei faction said that it is not the first faction of the practitioners. No one who has eaten enough to take the initiative will provoke it. Its name is already loud enough, and there is no need to continue to promote the momentum.

Could it be...

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Xu Feiniang's eyes sparkled with interest, and decided to observe it carefully, if possible, destroying this man's action.

Waiting quietly for a long time, the setting sun on the horizon was slanting westward, and a red cloud was rolling in the sky. It was no longer the sound of Lang Lang reading in the official school. However, how long did a group of students dressed in literati appear on the street in twos and threes .

What a strong blood!

Xu Feiniang unexpectedly felt extremely rich and full of blood from them, who were supposed to be thin and weak, and some of them were very strong and their heads were even more amazing.

What's going on, why are the qi and blood of these official students so rich?

Not only is the blood full of blood, Xu Feiniang carefully observed, the muscles and bones of these official students are also very strong, it seems to be a good material for cultivation!

She was very surprised and didn't know what was going on?

She hasn't been around in the mortal world for a long time. Is it that the rules here haven't changed, so that she doesn't know at all, and doesn't understand whether this change is good or bad for her?

At this moment, the Emei drunk Taoist she had been staring at firmly took action, carrying a giant red gourd, shaking and performing a small move, as if teleporting suddenly appeared in the depths of a young student.

What a beautiful and perfect jade!

Xu Feiniang looked at it for a moment, and immediately saw that the young student was extraordinary, full of blood and blood, and condensed into a cloud at the head. The key was that his eyes were clear and his wife had spirituality. It is a matter of course that the teaching is good and smooth.

Seeing these good practitioners, his face suddenly showed a sudden color, as expected, and the drunk Taoist obviously took a fancy to the young student and wanted to put it into the door wall.

Hey, since she was discovered, the drunken people want to succeed can only be a fool's dream!

Xu Feiniang turned her brain fast, wondering how to destroy the good things of the drunken Taoist. Even if she didn't include such a talented beauty, she wouldn't ask the drunk Taoist to ask for a bargain.

A flash of cunning glance flashed in his eyes, Xu Feiniang condensed her breath, quietly approaching the drunk Taoist and the young student, wanting to hear their conversation clearly.

However, it seems that the lobby of the drunken man was unsuccessful. The young student didn't mean to bow to his head, but instead showed an impatient look on his face, and it was very unpleasant to wave his hands repeatedly.

Subconsciously speed up the Xu Feiniang quickly heard the conversation between the two from the noisy sounds, and suddenly the heart was so happy that he almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Boy, you have to think about it. Once you step into the door of spiritual practice, it is an opportunity to break away from the commonplace. Don't miss it easily!"

"Dao Dao, I have made it very clear. Xiaosheng has no interest in the so-called monasticism, and I hope Dao Dao forgive me!"

"Forgive a fart, the old man can deserve you, that is your boyfriend's blessing, I have never seen a person like you who knows nothing about heaven and earth, and even missed the chance of heaven and nothing, your boy really does not know what to do!"

"Doctor, please be respectful. If you don't co-edit with Daoist, you don't know what's wrong. I would like to ask Daodao. I would like to go to the Department of Government and Government to ask if there is a Daoist?"

"Okay, your kid is kind, don't regret it in the future, my drunken door is not so easy to enter!"

"Please, Taoist, Xiaosheng really has no idea of ​​being a monk!"

"Humph, you will regret it later!"

The drunken man's face was unpleasant, carrying the iconic red gourd, shaking quickly disappearing into the flow of people on the street, revealing a very tempting magical means.

Xu Feiniang dismissed his mouth, and the drunken Taoist did everything he could. In order to include this talented young student in front of him, he even came up with such a means of exaltation, and it was not disgraceful.

However, such a method is still quite attractive to mortals. I wonder if the young students in front of me can resist the temptation?

Xu Feiniang tightened her mind and made a determination that she must destroy the plan of the drunken Taoist. When the big deal came, she also followed her lessons and did not believe that the drunken Taoist was comparable to her Xu Feiniang than playing tricks...

There was nothing to change last night, sorry

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