Martial Arts Master

Chapter 493: Self-defeating

The official activities of the Four Kingdoms are divided into three parts. One is to visit the famous Golden Buddha Temple in Fuluo, the other is to listen to the real world in the world, and the third is to do the guiding exercises with the young people and boxers who are not old enough. The place, the whole process has media follow, quite formal.

In the afternoon, against the scorching sun, suffering from the steamer-like environment, Lou Cheng and others entered the monastery, and admired the exotic Buddhist forests that were quite different from the domestic Buddhist temples.

The building has a pointed, golden-spirited, original Buddhist character, because the upper seat regards Mahayana as a heresy, does not recognize the Buddha's fruit position, and does not recognize the many Buddhas mentioned in the other Tibetans. Sakyamuni and the disciples who followed him, such as Kaye, such as others.

Outside the main hall, standing on the pavilion, there is the "four-faced god" Brahma king gatekeeper, the golden body is heavy and flooded, and the eight arms stretch and hold things, so solemn.

Because it is an official event, Lou Cheng and Peng Leyun are wearing a martial arts uniform with a white-colored red vertical pattern, which is in stark contrast to Tang Zexun and Yamashita Tiger, which are not too hot in traditional clothes.

And Vijay still wears a big hat, wearing a general uniform, a dragon and a tiger, and domineering. It seems that he has forgotten the scars lost to Tang Zexun and forgot the fact that she did not force her "four swallows back".

Barnum is a typical Nan Zheng boxer, with white straps on his hands and feet. Habitually falls to the end, in the unattended position, Waku and bones are thin and fat, robes are eye-catching, and the surrounding environment Complement each other.

During the visit, they were grouped according to the differentities of the delegation, and there were obvious boundaries between them. Loucheng took a mobile phone and started a conscientious visitor. As long as the photo can be taken, no matter how good or bad the craft is, click on it. Karma pressed a pass and planned to share it with his wife at night. As for An Chaoyang and Ren Li, the only role is to wait for themselves to "stolen maps"!

Peng Leyun? The mobile phone camera is broken and the guy who is always out of the way is only suitable as a salted fish!

At half past three, they ended the visit and entered a lecture-like building. On the first end, they sat on the face with yellow skin and thin skin, describing the old monks. His eyes were half-open and half-turned, and his body was plain and unadorned. It is the first fruit of Luo Han, which is equivalent to the master of Zhao Wu who just entered the realm of foreign affairs.

Zhao has no eyelids, no attitude, and a calm attitude. When people have gathered together, they use the Pali, who wrote the Tibetan Buddhism in the past, to open the lecture. The four middle-aged monks who served in the left and right, used English, Chinese, Dongyu, and Sheng. Xiangwen made the translation, the sound superimposed, and echoed the meditation hall, but it was inexplicably deep and solemn, solemn and solemn, and it felt like a sigh.

Lou Cheng was interested in distinguishing and pondering, which was considered to be augmented, but when he listened, he raised a deep doubt.

Master Zhao’s story is not a Buddhist scripture story, but a real “16-year-old wisdom” revision method. Starting from understanding the mind and body, step by step, and figuring out the solution, people feel that they can really practice something.

"No, the cultivation method of '16 Xingzhizhi' is so worthless, just let us listen to it casually?" Lou Cheng went closer to Peng Leyun, and lowered his voice.

This is equivalent to the core strength of the "ice department" and "fire department"!

Peng Leyun glanced at him sideways, his lips twitching, his voice was inaudible but he went straight into the ear of the building:

"He just talked about getting started. The deeper content of '16 Guanzhi' can't be said. If you really have an interest and embark on this road, then he must welcome both hands and feet and personally pick them up. Personally pass the law."

Seeing Lou Cheng’s sorrow, he went on and said: “It’s not bad to listen to it. The '16 Guanzhi’ is not recorded in any Buddhist scriptures. It’s the sorghum that was made into the Luohan fruit after Shakyamuni. Well, they are called holy people. It is very interesting to summarize and refine the practice method and empirical method."

Lou Cheng looked up and down Peng Leyun, and smiled quite strangely: "I listen very normal, you said that you are a disciple, half a monk, mixed here to listen to?"

I decided to give Peng Leyun an nickname, called "Taoist", and always visit the Taoist priests!

Peng Leyun smirked: "Since the Song Dynasty, there have been many interpretations of Buddhism and Taoism, so as to perfect each other's philosophical system, and some of them have also integrated the other's proofs. I will listen to the things of the Mahayana. Maybe you can touch the class..."

He spoke and seemed to think of something, his eyes began to drift, and his thoughts were no longer concentrated.

And Lou Cheng’s heart moved, just over the body, looked up, just saw Zhao’s master looking at himself, slightly decapitated, not angry, not happy, but the eyes that were half-opened and half-opened were opened. It is.

At the same time as they opened, there was a fascination in the eyes of the building. I saw the skin of Zhao’s master who was sitting there and turned gold. He grew three heads and stretched out six arms. The whole body was flamed, sacred and solemn. !

No way? Is there really a so-called Luohan Jin? Lou Cheng was deeply shocked, and the subconsciously condensed the "ice mirror", reflecting the surrounding area. It was suspected that his senses and spirit were affected by the unconventional masters and created an illusion!

In the "ice mirror", the water is light and swaying, and a three-headed and six-armed golden body of Luohan shines brightly!

Really... Lou Cheng still does not believe in evil, simply made a "reinforcing force", let the ice fire rotate balance, and formed a miniature "starry sky" where darkness and light, ice and heat coexist, to maximize the transfer Has incorporated some of its subtle hunches.

The surrounding area seems to be empty, and the building is in the middle of the release of force. Once again, I saw that my muscles have already swelled up, and the shape of the streamlined, the skin has a dark golden glow, but there are three heads. How can there be six arms, and there is a whole body with flames!

No, in the void of his body, the momentum is condensed, as in the essence, the vagueness of the birth of two fuzzy heads and four arms holding the object...

At this point, Lou Cheng understood that it was probably the same. The Luohan Jin, which he had just seen, was half-truth and half-real, and was composed of the combination of alienation and masculinity.

This is the high-ranking person in the same realm...

Think of Master’s scene in the beginning of the world, it’s really a land god...

When the thoughts turn, the mood of Lou Cheng becomes calm, and you can enjoy the difference of the show.

His gaze swept through Peng Leyun and found that the other person's eyes were out of focus, his expression was dull, and he did not know where he had "walked around". He didn't care about what Luo Hanjin was.

Zhao’s master’s eyes were thrown to the nephew... Lou Cheng’s belly squatted, and looked at it again. I saw Ren Li’s focus on the top, and the light in the darkness disappeared. It seemed that there was a storm of stocks, and An Chaoyang The expression is very whispering to me, as if reading a poem.

Read poetry? Lou Cheng was a stranger, only listening to An Chaoyang’s inaudible rumor:

"In that year, I long hugged the dust, not for the Buddha, just for your warmth..."

...... Lou Cheng mouth twitched a bit, could not help but secretly smile:

Oh, this group of salted fish!

White has heard it!

Well, except Ren Li...

This matter has to be told to Xiao Xiaoyu, and it is possible to make fun of her!

At four o'clock, after the end of the lecture, the cadres and other people walked out of the meditation hall. Lou Cheng looked at the eyes of Tang Zexun and Weijia at random, and wanted to see from the other side's face the reactionary remnants of the "Rohan gold body". The figures are all determined by the mind, the expression has returned to normal, people can not see the clue, but the other boxers and warriors, the spirit is still awkward, obviously shocked, it seems to quickly suspect life.

Next, it is the link to guide the practice. According to the arrangement of the organizing committee, it is divided into two groups. Several female players first go to guide the female boxers who are not old, and the rest go to the Zhaitang, taste the risotto, and wait for the rotation.

Because he was worried that Ren Li was lost, the leader Zhong Ningtao slammed the building into a few sentences, and then hurriedly followed the past. The tiger under the mountain watched quietly, and the invisible location was lower.

Zhai Tang.

The glutinous rice was delivered one by one, the water was clear water, the rice was rough, and it was very simple. Lou Cheng, Peng Leyun and An Chaoyang each ate a few mouthfuls and stopped the action.

If they are not hungry, how can they torture themselves?

Speaking of it, I began to miss the various foods of the motherland... Lou Cheng swallowed.

After a short while, the monks began to clean up the tableware. Not far from the mountain, the tiger stalked with the corner of his eye. Seeing that the three had no objection, let the other party take away the artifacts in front of him, and the face unconsciously showed a smile.

This monk is already bought, and the utensils they used will be directly extracted from Dazhu!

Although Loucheng and others used to dine outside every day, they were not scheduled, and they could not buy it in advance. Moreover, their team leader would do some processing at the end.

This time, the team leader has been transferred!

At this moment, Lou Cheng suddenly remembered something, and quickly yelled at the monks who were about to leave the tableware, smiling at Peng Leyun and An Chaoyang: "You, too careless! This is what, this is Nanyang! The sorcerer is rampant, cursing the earth, and can't leave anything that is closely related to itself, lest it be used by people to cast spells!"

Well, this is what I thought of based on the leader’s embarrassment!

See Peng Leyun, An Chaoyang looked dull, Lou Cheng smugly wiped the bowl of his own used, wiped the other tableware stained with its own spit, the fire flashed, not the material, but the steaming.

"This hand is good." Peng Leyun praised.

It can be used to treat traces with flames but does not burn the tableware itself. This control is amazing!

The transformation of Loucheng is almost finished?

During the speech, he also stood up, his hands sprouted in white, wiped his own tableware, and left nothing.

Upon seeing it, An Chaoyang also began to eagerly try. He had not practiced his abilities, but had to destroy with special fluctuations, and finally shamelessly took out the wet wipes.

The tiger under the mountain, not far from the side, looked quietly and stayed alive.


When several female masters were instructed, there was a gust of wind blowing, dispelling the dullness and arranging Ren Li’s straight hair.

After practicing the six products, her hair roots were solid, and it was difficult to drop without external force. In the practice, there was no need to tie up the hair.

At this moment, Tang Zexuan, who was near her, quietly bounced her fingers, swaying like a wind, hiding in the natural environment, perfectly matched with the movements of the girls, "twisting" the two hairs of Ren Li. Silk, silently pulled them down, like the girl's move was inadvertently caused.

No one can practice "exciting" to the hair!

The two black hairs with hair follicles fell, although Ren Li was aware of it, but did not feel any strange, continue to feed the trial girls.

Tang Zexun's look became more and more leisurely, and the smile on his face was still sweet. After the instruction was completed, the fake items were dropped and rolled sideways, so they went over and stooped to pick up.


When Ren Li returned to Zhaitang, Lou Cheng told her about the words of Nanyang sorcerer cursing witchcraft, and reminded her to pay attention.

Ren Li answered with confidence:

"It's nothing, I know curses."

"Do you know the curse?" Lou Cheng was shocked.

"Yes, there are some sorcerers in the '瘟', which have been prepared for a long time beforehand. They are too late to be used in the battle, and the materials that can be collected are useless. They often fail. They are 100% to themselves. Quent." Ren Li thought, "I just seem to have lost a few hairs, you can curse in the opposite direction..."

Having said that, she eagerly looked at Zhong Ningtao:

"Leader, I am going out to buy some materials."

I rubbed, I don't think you are such a Ren Li... I can't afford it, I can't afford it... Lou Cheng couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat.

Will curse!

No, I seem to be able to bounce back...

Thinking of this, he no longer talked, and Peng Leyun, An Chaoyang and others went to the square to guide a boxer or shame who was more than 12 years old.

Looking at the other child's tender but input expression and skillful and fierce action, Lou Cheng can not help but feel some.

In China, this age has just been in contact with the martial arts. It is still in the stage of practicing the basics and practicing the body. The distance has formed a fighting force. There are still several years of time. It is not a long time, but the whole society has formed a consensus. It is too early to penetrate the martial arts. Development, causing adverse consequences, and may also affect the child's mental health.

In this process, quality education will be supplemented, so that one or two are illiterate. If the road of martial arts is cut off in the future, it will not become a waste.

This is not the case in the Holy Elephant Kingdom. Most of them are very poor and their lives are very difficult. Although they don’t have this meal, they are not good, but they are not good enough to go there. All kinds of work, fortunately being tempted to practice martial arts, it is a good thing, can be practiced as early as possible, as early as possible to have the strength to serve the trainers as soon as possible, but also the common desire of several parties.

Due to the lack of high-level executives, the referees of many competitions here do not meet the standards. The battle often runs out of control, filled with **** and cruel tastes, but similar boxing matches are extremely popular. A lot of people love to watch this and are willing. Spend money for it.

According to reports that I have read, the boxing division of the Holy Elephant Kingdom is a group with a high rate of disability, and if it is not similar to a non-human, root marrow alienation level, it will often become more painful and painful when it is over the age of a young person. It may even live fifty.

Of course, compared to other business, this is already very happy. Not only does it have a good income, but it can also use force, bully and weak, and draw some resources. The kind of **** is really splendid, painful for many years, and fleeting.

The reason why the two countries have such a difference is because in addition to the martial arts, other aspects of the Chinese country have developed very well. For the children, practicing Wuduo is a dream, a future, and a peer of the holy country. In terms of it, this is just survival.

With one fist and one foot, the building is fully guided, without discrimination, only sigh.

The qualification of the opposite child can only be regarded as general. In the country, it is impossible to pass the first diversion.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the event was over. Lou Cheng and others did not encounter any moths. They went to the local restaurant and returned to the hotel.


In the evening, the place where the Dongpu delegation lived, the scientific researcher Dazhu really endured the excitement and began to deal with Ren Li’s hair in an initial way, intending to separate the hair follicles.

He was concentrating on the operation, and suddenly there was a glimmer of light in front of him, only to see that the two hairs burned rapidly, instantly turned into ashes, and exudes a touch of sweet fruit.

"How is this?" Dazhu was really stunned.

After a few minutes, the telephone of the room leader of the Dongpu delegation rang. He picked up and found that it was real, and the other party was shouting hard:

"Save, save lives..."

Help? The leader hurried out, shouted the man's hand, opened the real door of Dazhu, saw him lying on the ground, bending into a shrimp, constantly vomiting, like pain.

"Yes, toxic!" Dazhu really said after seeing "rescue workers", struggling to say.


"It seems like a mistake..." Ren Li looked at the dazzling array of eyes and muttered to himself.

"There should be no people around?"

"Forget it, it won't hurt people, it will be uncomfortable for a while."

"Well, this is a good deal!"

Ren Li took a shot and walked to the bathroom with ease and happily, and planned to take a shower.


On the second day, on August 27th, the injury recovered to the feeling of building in 7788. It would take another two or three days to completely complete the transformation and truly enter the realm of inhumanity.

After the morning training, he cultivated himself, watched the video, waited for the next game, and looked forward to experiencing the "six-round reincarnation."

As for Peng Leyun and Tang Zexun who can get the final champion, he is of course standing on the side of his teammates!

At 7:30 in the evening, they had enough to eat, arrived at the iconostasis, entered the locker room, and made the final adjustment before the game.

Outside the door, people are crowded with people, and the heat is rising. It’s not like watching a final. It’s like attending a festival. In the door, Peng Leyun holds a mobile phone. The video of the battle between Lou Cheng and Tang Zexun is playing, but the focal length of his eyes. But not in the picture, I don’t know where the "flying" is, what I think of.

Ren Li, who is doing nothing, is also playing with her mobile phone. The thumb slides, and the good eyebrows wrinkle from time to time. It seems that she wants to argue with anyone and who, but she finally endured herself. An Chaoyang took headphones and listened quietly. Music is like being in a land without people.

As for Lou Cheng, of course, I am chatting with the little fairy.

"If you are a ship, I can laugh you for a lifetime~" Yan Yan "snapped".

For a lifetime... The floor is hooked on the corner of the mouth, and I’m typing it: “It feels terrible... I have to consider the extent of the wave!”

In this way, time passed by, and Loucheng put away the mobile phone, and planned to close his eyes for 15 minutes.

At this time, the corner of his eyes aimed at Peng Leyun "return", the scorpion regained his glory, his heart could not help but remember something, whispered: "What do you say about the curse? It feels very strange and terrible. Is it based on the principle of quantum entanglement?"

He guessed with his physics knowledge that he couldn't understand.

Peng Leyun glanced at him sideways and chuckled:

"This touches my knowledge blind spot, I am an undergraduate..."

"Hey, do you know this stalk?" Lou Cheng was distracted.

"I am not a primitive person." Peng Leyun shook his mobile phone in the palm of his hand.

He and Lou Cheng’s mentality are quite relaxed.


The delegation of the Dongpu delegation, the team leader took a breath and threw all kinds of distracting thoughts behind him, staring at Tang Zexue:

"how do you feel?"

Next is the battle for honor in the Great East!

Tang Zexun took the initiative to move his hands and feet and smiled slightly: "Yes, the injury has almost no effect."

"Good." The team leader nodded with satisfaction.


Another locker room.

The bones who were preparing for the guess saw the leader walk over and heard him scream:

"Luo Cheng won the Yamashita Tigers, defeated Barnum, and even let Tang Zexun have to make the 'Four Yanshui'. It is recognized as the top four in this competition. You can beat yourself as long as you defeat him. True name, for the name of our iconic country, you will get the praise of everyone, get all the brilliance!"

Bone Guess is also a monk who has a good practice. He is not excited, but calmly answers:

"He is a real powerhouse. I have a certain gap with him and I am unlikely to win."

And I was injured when I was in a fight with Peng Leyun!

"Reassure, we have communicated Wu Sheng from Jurassic, he will be the referee of your match with Lou Cheng." The team leader said slightly.

"This will be discovered by Lou Cheng and be questioned by everyone." Bone guessed slowly and shook his head.

"No, because he won't affect the other side, and it won't interfere with your battle. It's just his ability to alienate. He can help you to play better at a critical time and unobtrusively! Fight with your heart, To show everyone what is righteous!" The team leader waved passionately.

The finals were too conspicuous, and the third place was just right!

After the bones are silent for a while, answer:

"I only know to be good at myself. As for other things, I have not heard it."

"Good." The team leader was satisfied with leaving.

Vaku, who followed next, looked quietly and said nothing.

This may be the shack of the bones of the younger brothers. If you really experience it, you will have some insights...

When he wins the building, he is often embarrassed and troubled, and he can’t be diagnosed. He can understand the falsehood of the body and mind, reject everything in the world, and give birth to the meaning of giving up...

Bone guessed sitting there, for a long time, and until the outside broadcast, it suddenly shook the terrible fat, stood up like a mountain.

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