Martial Arts Master

Chapter 492: Advance activities

When the bushes were extinguished, Lou Cheng just returned to the stands. Peng Leyun smiled and extended his right fist and touched him:


No relief, only praise.

"Strong!" An Chaoyang is also a similar action, similar language.

Ren Li put a vertical thumb after touching the fist.

"Thank you." Lou Cheng smiled and shook his head, and the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

At this time, the leader Zhong Ningtao asked with concern: "How? How is the injury? Do you want to go to the emergency room to deal with it?"

He just saw that Lou Cheng had spit out blood, and the wound that had not been cleaned in the left fist had stopped bleeding, but he was paralyzed.

"Nothing, this skin trauma, after two days, I will be fine." Lou Cheng first waved his left fist, and then added that "the internal injuries are not heavy, I have no hard resistance, have a homeopathic retreat, wait for the next medicine. I can jump around before the change is completed."

Of course, in the three or four matchups of the day after tomorrow, they will not be able to exert their full strength. Fortunately, the opponent is a bone guess.

"This is just fine." Zhong Ningtao breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the dressing room. "Go ahead and rush."

"Yeah." Lou Cheng nodded and took the phone back, and found that Yan Yan had "seeing the dog":

"I was the first time I saw Tang Zexun using the 'four swallows back'..."

Lou Cheng thought about it, "scratching his head" and replied: "Yeah, I have seen so many videos before. I have never seen her use it. I only heard that "Xin Zhai Liu" has such a stroke."

Yan Yan’s “eyes turn” said: “Before practicing “qi”, she should not be able to connect with it four times. After practicing “qi”, she never encountered the need to use 'four swallows’. Can force Tang Zexun to use the 'four swallows back', the orange brother is awesome!"

"Hey, are you turning around to exaggerate me to comfort me?" Lou Cheng laughed and laughed, and his mood was more relaxed.

As he walked and sent a message, he looked at the road in the corner of his eye and walked steadily. Peng Leyun and others followed, and planned to go to the locker room - it was the exit, quite messy.

"Or else?" Yan Yan "turned a blind eye", "That said Tang Zexun is very strong, you lose is normal, or you are getting more and more heavy, you say that men cry, cry, isn’t it sin? Get excited, go early Get the third place home early, and see the little fairy in September!"

"It’s easy to say that I won the bones." Lou Cheng snickered and replied.

"Isn't it?" Yan Yan "suddenly looks at the sky."

Lou Cheng "covers the face and tears": "The injury will not be said, there is also bone guessing, mainly because I want to experience the heart of the boxing, six rounds of boxing."

"Understood, you want to learn Peng Leyun waves? This is only a few days, you have been broken by him? Are you worthy of me!" Yan Yan started a joke, "screaming" out loud.

"After this time, I don't know when I will meet the master of the seat." Lou Chengshun explained.

Normally, I have always been fully committed.

“Well, it’s a good thing to experience more.” Yan Yan’s expression of “Little Monsters Holding Ice Cream” said, “But you have to remember that the third and fourth places are worth 100,000 yuan~”

"I rub, don't want to experience it, I want to hurry up and knock over the bones!" Lou Cheng "sore of the nose", humorous reply.

After that, Yan Yan also cared about his injury and confirmed that there was no problem before he was serious and serious.

When I approached the bathing room, Lou Cheng went to the live broadcast and brushed it. I saw that there were not many regrets and I was amazed. I quickly explained a wave:

"...too fascinated, forget to take pictures!"

Well, playing too much!

This reason can only be used once...

"Haha, I can see that I have forgotten other things, don't blame you, little tiger." "Selling and selling 馄饨" "shaking hands and waving".

"Yeah, too TM is wonderful, Tang Zexun's Dongshen swordsmanship really hangs, Lou Cheng is prejudging and more hanging!" "Gai Shilong Wang" excited to burst into swear words.

“Riding the Pig Heroes” and “Five Body Landing” said: “I suspect that Lou Cheng’s discovery of the 'Flying Dragons’ sign is too abnormal!”

Looking at them to discuss, Lou Cheng spit out the last suffocation, and it is a new beginning after going to take a bath.

Hey, Yan Xiaoling and "Magic Fan" are they? At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there were no two loyal fans in the live broadcast.

When doubts arise, Lou Cheng entered his name and entered the fan forum.

Twilight sweeps through, he suddenly solidified there, because the forum home page has a similar post, but from different people, Yan Xiaoling, "Magic Fan", "Nie Wei", "Bovine Devil", "Good The names are all shit," and the IDs are exhausted into the queue:

"you are awesome!"

"you are awesome!"

"you are awesome!"

The floor slides into the thumb and sees that not only the home page, but also one screen and one screen. From the end of the game, it has been sent to the present. Although it is useless, it still has its own tiny mind.

Lou Cheng’s line of sight was blurred again, and his heart was very moved. He was moved by the pure love and support without regret.

They are no longer impulsive or simply pay attention to themselves for fun.

Five lakes and four seas, both ends of the world, everyone is so strange, but so familiar!

Lou Cheng took a deep breath, put down his mobile phone, opened the shower head, washed away the sweat and blood on his body, and his mood gradually precipitated.

Looking at the wounds of the boxing face, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, there was no broadcast in the country. If he saw his own vomiting blood and was pulled out of the deep visible bone, his mother could not kill himself!

Well, wait for the video with her, first take the initiative to explain, put things in the air, so that no one who saw the live broadcast, and she mentioned!

It is not wrong to make a vaccination first!

After the shower, Lou Cheng ate the remedy that was strictly required to treat the internal injuries, and put a big wound on the wound.

Changed the clothes and walked out of the bathing room. He saw Peng Leyun not in a daze. He was playing games with his mobile phone. He remembered the "Flying Dragons" thing and was busy reminding him:

“Tang Zexun’s ‘Flying Dragon’’ will have a slight 'click’ before the move, like compressing the fascia, bones, muscles and strength.”

I can find out that I am lucky. If there is no "ice mirror", who can notice the almost inaudible sound in the fierce fighting?

Similarly, if there is no hunch for danger, understand that Tang Zexun is about to make a move, even if he has an "ice mirror", he will subconsciously ignore the tiny noise and simply "listen" to the sound of "click".

The signs of "Flying Dragons" can not be discovered for so many years, but it is not white!

Therefore, even if Peng Leyun knows in advance from his own, can you grasp it, you still have to say two.

Peng Leyun forgot the game, raised his head, nodded thoughtfully:

"This way..."

Next to An Chaoyang, he smiled and said: "I feel that Tang Zexun won't be worth it. For hundreds of thousands, you will find one of the most important secrets of 'Xin Zheliu'."

"I was a little scared when you said this..." Lou Cheng replied half-jokingly. "If they knew that I had found the sign of 'Flying Dragons,' would you chase me?"

Having said that, he asked himself: "I am not afraid, dare to chase me, I will post it online, see who is!"

Peng Leyun heard a laugh and began to scream out of God. It took a long time to return to the "human world" and his face changed:

"Tragic... Hanging teammates..."

Haha, you are only suitable for playing stand-alone! In the belly of the building, Ren Li took the lead and opened the door to the locker room. He wanted to lead the way for everyone, and he was so anxious that Zhong Ningtao had to stop.

Oops, the door opened, Ren Li saw a mixed-race beauty, she led a camera team.

"Oh, we met again." Catherine smiled amiably.

Ren Li was biased, and she didn’t remember where she had seen each other. She could only pretend that everyone was familiar with it:

"Are you interviewing again?"

After saying this, she remembered who the other party was, and suddenly added: "You are the reporter who speaks Chinese but doesn't say it, let Lou Cheng out of it..."

When it comes to this matter, everyone laughs, and Lou Cheng scratches his head and his face is red again.

After that incident, he had to go through the website of the iconic country and tried to find the report. Unfortunately, he could not understand the iconic text and could only give up.

Catherine smiled and smiled: "I only wrote a simple press release that time, and I will be an interview today."

The foreign card team is the top four and the finals of one person must be interviewed. Otherwise, how can the atmosphere of the decisive battle be set?

That's good, then it's good... Lou Cheng is relieved and laughs at Peng Leyun as the protagonist of this interview.

With the previous experience, this interview was quite satisfactory, and there was no "accident". At the end, Catherine said with a smile: "Luo Cheng, you have a nickname in Dongpu."

"What?" Lou Cheng asked, and immediately regretted, should first ask the nickname is good, not good, do not listen!

Catherine smiled:

"Warcraft from the M78 Nebula."

When she finished, she saw that Lou Cheng’s face was black for a moment.

After receiving the interview, the foreign card team returned to the hotel and went to each house to do everything.

After the video of Lou Cheng and his mother Qi Fang finished, they began to recollect the bit by bit of battle with Tang Zexun. They analyzed the situation and summed up the gains and losses. Yan Yan liked this kind of thing and communicated with him from the perspective of the observer. .

On the early morning of the next day, the unfinished Lou Cheng continued to change and polished, and in the morning training, he converges, only to do a warm-up.

When the collection went to lunch, Zhong Ningtao took a shot:

"We have an event in the afternoon. The organizing committee invited us to visit the Golden Buddha Temple and exchange with some of the monks and younger boxers. This is the official event of the Four Kingdoms. The top 16 are as good as possible."

"How did you say it before?" An Chaoyang wondered.

Zhong Ningtao shook his head: "I don't know why, this kind of official event does exist every time, but in the past, after the end of the finals, who knows this time ahead."

"Well, anyway, nothing happened in the afternoon." Peng Leyun returned from "outside the sky" and agreed with great interest.

Lou Cheng and An Chaoyang, Ren Li are indispensable, follow the big stream.

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