Martial Arts Master

Chapter 487: Fight to the limit

One white and one red, the separate referee is about 12 meters apart. This is the official confrontation between Peng Leyun and Ren Li for more than a year. The last time they played, they are only a weak six, a top Seven products, but now they are both non-human, worthy of the name of the world.

Unfortunately, the audience did not understand the history and significance hidden behind the battle and failed to create the best atmosphere.

Ren Li calmed her breath, twitched her muscles, and heated herself, her eyes reflected in the opposite young man who was no longer idle and dedicated.

The referee looked around and raised his right hand and shouted:


When his voice just fell, he saw Ren Li slanting to the left, and then twisting it back. It swayed the muscles, fascia and strength. He slammed the tornado visible to the naked eye, and whistling to Peng Leyun.

Hey, the wind is sobbing, if there is a demon coming, it will disturb the mind of the hearer.

Peng Leyun’s mind has just sketched out the sacred and majestic “image of Thor” to suppress the spirit, and the face has already felt heavy wind pressure, Ren Li is about to bully!

As the "old enemy" who knows the roots of the roots, he did not try again, and he would directly make a "blue sky".

At this time, Ren Li was aware that the "wind force" instantly swelled, the muscle fascia was twisted, and the center of gravity was swaying, making an incredible turning point in the high-speed sprint.


In the original place, a burst of sound, if there is a low-altitude plane, or the high-speed rail from a few tens of centimeters away from the full speed, the wind blowing the wind, the referee subconsciously raised his hand, standing in front of his face, body toward After shaking.

Ren Li’s “wind step” has surpassed the incredible situation and reached a real level of inhumanity. Between the corners, the hurricane can push people!

Peng Leyun's "blue sky" was so overwhelmed by the loud noise, and the thin thunder knife that was pulled out was on the trajectory of Ren Li's original, and the ground was made, creating a scorch mark.

They have been fighting for many times, without temptation, they are startling at first!

After completing the turning point, Ren Li suddenly shouldered and her wrists reversed, causing the power to stir into a high-speed rotating wind blade, and the electric light was directed at Peng Leyun’s throat. At the same time, she twisted her back and swayed. Kicked seven feet, each foot is not the ankle of Peng Leyun, is to pump the other's knees, completed a low-line "wind department" twenty-seventh.

Hit and kick, "sickle" with "torn"!

Peng Leyun seems to have been expected, the right arm in front of him slammed, the fist wrapped around the electric light, from bottom to top, right in the bottom of the wind blade, in the sharp friction and the steep high Ziz movement , will disintegrate it into a stock market.

And his body seems to have a turbocharged, crazy rotation, while lifting the arm block "knife", it seems to be rejected by the wind pressure generated by Ren Li's tornado leg, and was "pushed" by one. Just the right thing to go back, no waist, no strength.


Ren Li kicked the ball, Peng Leyun stepped forward, contracted the blood, broke out the Dan Jin, stretched the fascia, bounced the joints, and hit the "organ fist" like the fire.

Hey! The fists are constantly changing, and the electric light is one after another. Ren Li does not retreat. He will show the "Torshin" and kick the legs. The whole person seems to float halfway and stir up a terrible hurricane.

Watching the thunder snakes splashing, the wind is overflowing, listening to the sound of the cymbals is like a gong and drum, playing in the heart, Lou Cheng and An Chaoyang can not help but admire, and the level of Peng Leyun Ren Li after his full efforts is amazed.

From the beginning, the "big devil" who was serious about it was really horrible. The offensive was flowing and the defense was utterly arrogant. However, Ren Li, who was not so reliable, did not fall into the wind. The leg method was amazing, and the sword was in the palm of his hand.

This level of fierce battle is inspiring to both of them, so that they can see that they are not blinking, for fear of missing key points.

Because of this, Lou Cheng only occasionally took a photo and sent it to the live broadcast. Everyone understands his status very well, because everyone is like this, and the discussion has just become cold and clear.

Call, wait until I am completely completed, do a good job, can I have Ren Li’s current level? There is something to think about when you look at it.

He has been close to five days, and the difficulties in the early stage have already passed. The progress is almost completed, only the last seven or eight days of minor polishing, slow ending, and currently from the physical point of view, it is a standard non-human strong, but Still almost the taste of precision control.

Well, maybe it’s not pure, but the actual level should be almost the same... Lou Cheng nodded slightly and judged himself.

Hey, hey!

The dust floated on the platform, the wind blew, and the lightning flashed in succession, illuminating the viewer's eyes. Ren Li and Peng Leyun went in wartime, and when they were fighting, they made a turning point and hit the left side from the central position. From the left side to the other side, there is almost no intact brick on the ground.

In these five or six minutes, they did not use the simplified nephew to learn, because if it was not a good opportunity, once it was not hit, it would easily fall into the passive and be suppressed by the other side.

After a hard fight, Ren Li finally relied on her advantage in the body, and she flicked to the side of Peng Leyun, and grabbed a great opportunity.

In her mind, she naturally outlined a group of cyan hurricanes that were connected to the land under the ninety-nine. The sea, trees, and boulders were involved in it and rushed to the sky.

This led to the change of her corresponding muscles, fascia and viscera, so that the "wind force" layer was entangled and twisted into a "spiral."

Followed by a variety of wind blows, instead of the hurricane, became a portrait of a female god, suppressing the power that is about to get out of control.


Ren Li's front bow, the left arm on the block, the trend to turn the waist back, let the right fist from the bottom, turned into a cannon!

Peng Leyun took a breath and sighed hard. He inflated his arm and the elbow was a collision. The electric light jumped out.


The sound rushed, Ren Li's right arm reverberated, his fists were sore, his muscles were numb, and he couldn't help but make a step, and Peng Leyun felt that every part of the body was being torn, and the wind swelled from his feet, hovering and plundering, making him difficult to compete. Flying up!

The Ministry of Wind, the tenth style, "nine breath"!

Simplify the nephew!

Peng Leyun was just picked up, Ren Li stepped on the foot, once again made a loud noise in the turning point, deceived the place where the opponent is going to fall, ready to wait for work.

Faced with this, Peng Leyun thought of a sharp turn, quickly carried out the conception, and finally settled in the blue jade suspended in the void.


The "Jade Fu" above the lightning vertical and horizontal, turned into a literary essay, Peng Leyun's "natural punishment" in the body, condensed in his right palm.

Snapped! He slammed down, and his palm suddenly pulled out a silver-white thunder of thumb thickness and slammed it to Ren Li.

This is another application of "Thunder"!

Not at the non-human level, the body is alienated, Peng Leyun can not use it!

Ren Li's scalp was numb, and when the opponent rushed to press it, he slammed his back and slammed his back. He made a hurricane.


The electric light fell, rubbing Ren Li's body hit the ground, and spread a small flash around.

While taking advantage of the "day penalty", Peng Leyun has fallen to half, waiting for Ren Li to reunite, his feet just stepped on a solid land.

He does not even send "day robbery", just like dealing with Vaku, because the opponent is different, Ren Li can be a wind blade, there are many means, unlike Waku became "Ashulu", only know hard and hard hit, so In less than one, feel better, don't take risks.

Ren Li knows that the opportunity is only so momentary, no more private, the scene in her mind has long been fixed in the face like blue scorpion, hair like cinnabar, three heads and six arms, vertical eye horrible ankle god.


She punched out, her joints stretched, and her arms grew a little longer.

It was this little, let Peng Leyun's dodging change to be a mirror of the water, can only absorb the force and force, the fists smashed, against the attack.


Ren Li was beaten back, and Peng Leyun’s body was lacking, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and almost lost.

Knowing that Ren Li will be followed by "Xiangxiang", he suddenly regained his strength, first made a resolution, then hardened the tone and launched a crazy attack.

Hey, hey, punch and kick, elbows and knees, Peng Leyun every attack, with a strong silver and white light, in the eyes of Lou Cheng and others, it is like a lightning strike.

The "day robbery" has been changed into a flat outbreak, but the same horror!

For the non-human strong, there is no problem in breathing for a few minutes, but it is not doing strenuous exercise. Now, Peng Leyun’s arrogant madness has been maintained for two minutes and has not subsided. Jump and feel the gap between yourself and the other party.

Ren Li urged the "dark fragrance", insisting on the teeth, insisting that the "wind force" is constantly broken, the body is constantly being shocked, but can not find the opportunity to open the distance.

As time passed, the paralysis accumulated by her body finally reached the limit. Even if she couldn’t make it, she couldn’t make it. Peng Leyun slammed her elbow and kicked her joints, hitting her fist and hitting her throat.

Ren Li was numb, slow-moving, unable to block in time, and watched the fist stop before the key.

The referee did not hesitate and raised his hand to announce:

"Peng Le Yunsheng!"

Ren Li vomited, sullen and unspeakable. After slowing down, she made a "still holding strength", pressed some of the paralysis, then turned around and walked toward the stone steps in the muscle bounce.

After two steps, she suddenly stopped, because Peng Leyun still stood there, no action, as if to accept cheers.

In the heart, she was puzzled. Ren Li looked back at the guy and asked softly:

"How come you don't move?"

Peng Leyun revealed a bitter smile:

"I fell when I moved..."

In the last dozen or so strokes, I have been unable to hold my breath. Now, "Xiangxiang" has completely attacked...

When I moved, I fell down... Ren Li bowed, and the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked, and there was a bit of pride in the squatting. He waved to the nearby staff and raised his chin:

"You help him!"

After she finished, she walked down the platform and became inexplicably better. She accepted the compliments of Lou Cheng and An Chaoyang.

After the fourth set of matchups, Bone Guess easily won and won the last four strong places.

The lottery ceremony was held immediately, and the guest took out the first name:

"Bone guess!"

Uh... Lou Cheng lifted his gaze from the phone and watched the guest take out the second ball.

I hope the host can get a black curtain again. I am the weakest outside the bone guess. Take me and smoke me!

After drawing me, he has hope to enter the finals!

The guest looked at the ball and showed it around:

"Peng Leyun!"

Ah... Lou Cheng was awkward, and he realized that his opponent had followed.

Tang Zexun, the top seed Tang Zexun!

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