Martial Arts Master

Chapter 486: Acclaim

When I saw Loucheng’s reply, “selling and selling 馄饨” immediately “forced nod”:

"Yeah, even now I haven't slowed down yet, is this winning? At most ten strokes?"

"Quick is a little faster..." "Gai Shilong Wang" "Clap the table and admire", "But true TM wonderful! Violence, mighty, the most primitive sense of power, see my adrenaline secretion, can't wait to rush out the door and play with my dog One!"

"Consistently loves Jungang this" and "smiles" and appends: "I can see that I am a little hard."

"Hard? I am, you are the dead base!" "Plumbers eat mushrooms" black friends.

"I have always loved Jungang this" and "shoulders raised eyebrows" said: "Do you not think that Lou Cheng is playing with people's blood? I really want to be like a King Kong, and I want to find a girl in a bed. It is very normal. !"

"Pussy! You are this abnormal uncle!" "Fantasy Vatican" snorted and said, "...but, to be honest, when my idol is fully attacking, I, I really want to touch his muscles, licking his face... ..."

"Haha, Xiaofan, who is crazy about flowers!" "Selling and selling 馄饨" and "smiling", "I thought that I also thought that the Dragon King had a masculine taste and became a martial arts fan!"

"At the beginning? The minors who have not yet reached the age of 18 do not use this word!" "The road to the downfall" is funny. "I thought that in the past, I just thought that the military can be handsome and skillful."

"Right, when it comes to minors, what about our elementary school students? @长夜 is coming." "Gai Shilong Wang" found that the fans and the discussion after the game were less loyal fans.

@后, Yan Xiaoling quickly took the lead:

"I am watching the replay, the third time, wipe the mouth..."

"I was speechless, you won..." "Gai Shilong Wang" "sighing face sigh", said with a sigh, "Who can think of Lou Cheng before winning the game so fast!"

"I think he is getting closer to completion, it is almost a non-human level of authenticity." "Riding the heroes" guessed, "Barnum is not good at hard-hitting types, mistakes, caught by the same level, also It is inevitable that I will be killed."

"The words are like this, but it is very shocking to defeat a non-human strong person in about ten strokes. Unfortunately, I don't understand the iconic text, Nan Zhengwen, I can't brush the news and forums, I can't see how they touted them. How do you disappoint, how do you vote for the five bodies..." "Water pipes eat mushrooms" sigh.

"Gai Shilong Wang" smiled and said: "When I wait for two minutes, I brush the forum of Dongpu and see what they say."

After a while, he copied and pasted the original text, and then translated it below:

"What should I call this? The genius of the third millennium?"

"I have been working for Barnum for ten seconds."

"Why is it ten seconds?"

"Because after ten seconds, he lost..."

"The scented sauce will not be so fast..."

"If Barnham has a flaw, it is caught by the scented sauce, and it breaks out like a Vega, and the ten strokes can certainly be solved! The sauerkraut is high!"

"I feel that the Chinese generation is so strong."

"The gang of martial arts associations opened their eyes and looked at it. Don't be arrogant, you have to reform the entire training system!"

"Exaggerated battle, horrible warrior!"

Send it here, "Fantasy Vatican" "Clap the table and urge": "Continue to continue, Xiaolong continues, I can see my heart!"

After Loucheng replied, he only looked at his eyes and did not take a serious look at it because the special reminder of his mobile phone had already sounded.

Yan Yan’s “shy red face” said:

"I just thought that you didn't get the phone back so quickly, and watched the replay again..."

Hey, isn't this the same as Yan Xiaoling? Lou Cheng almost laughed and sent a "proud hair" expression: "Come on, praise me, I can afford it!"

Honestly, I just had a lot of thoughts when I replied to the forum people with the reason that "the game is over soon, I didn't have time to take a photo".

Yan Yan "turned a blind eye" and turned to concern: "Banam's last move is said to be particularly powerful, orange, are you okay?"

“It’s really amazing.” Lou Cheng sold a miserable. “Although the strength has recovered, the body is still weak, and all aspects have declined. If Barnum is not solved at that time, the situation is dangerous.”

Of course, Barnum hardened the mutated version of the "drinking head", using the "Yan Emperor" as the core of the implosive boxing, as well as two "fighting" words beaten, several times the Zen bombardment, plus the tricks brought by the trick Even if you support it, the state will be the same as yourself, and it will not be better.

More importantly, their martial arts road only focuses on excavating human treasures to motivate their potentials and complete the outbreak. Unlike China’s “rejuvenation”, it also has the ability to control itself and dispel the influence, thus hurting each other. I am sure I will stay longer.

However, this is the situation in which Barnum has not been able to get rid of his own attack. If he is distanced and enters the scene he is best at, he will be weakened by the "darkness", but he will not continue to sway his opponent. The outcome of the game will be quickly reversed.

"Yeah, it's fine." Yan Yan "chicken nodded like a glutinous rice", then shouted, "Orange."

"What?" Lou Cheng immediately replied.

"You were so handsome~!" Yan Yan smiled and snorted, fluttering his fingers, and silently added a sentence in his heart:

And especially masculine!

After the news, she looked up and looked out of the window and saw the building with the characteristics of the country on both sides of the road. She saw a young man with a red upper body slamming the sandbag in the garden.

The few fighting fans in the school will certainly praise the oranges, because he was amazed... Yan Yanguang was far away, the dimples were thinking shallowly, thinking about it, she suddenly had some uncontrollable sorrows.

Seeing the girl's praise, Lou Cheng's mouth was hooked up, and the joy of winning the buster broke out completely. I wanted to stand up and walk back and forth a few laps.

At this moment, his heart fretting, turned his head and looked at the side, and Tang Zecan, who had already changed into a kimono not far away, was looking at himself.

Her hair is round, her face is sweet, her throat is beautiful, her smile is quiet, unlike the genius girl who just violently killed Vijay, she seems to be an ordinary student who attends the festival.

Four eyes meet, Tang Zexun slightly dagger, eyes deep and deep like Gu Tan, which is not consistent with her own age and temperament.

The martial arts of Xinzhailiu is both sinister and violent, and it is not easy to deal with it... Lou Cheng’s thoughts are such a thought.

If you encounter it, you will not be able to win even if you have completed the transformation.

Looking into other places, Lou Cheng just saw Barnum’s figure leave from the locker room and walked out of the martial arts venue silently, as he came silently. As for Vijay, after losing to Tang Zexun, he never Appeared, and Waku did not go to the scene to watch the war, and began day after day.

Under the mountain, the tiger looked at the young man who was half-head shorter than himself. His heart was full of feelings and his taste was complicated.

"Is this goal good?" Suddenly, the voice of Tang Zexun sounded in his ear.

Under the mountain, the tiger looked back and frowned, expressing doubts.

"With such a goal, the Tigers must be full of motivation, there will be no slack, or else there will be no way to wash the shame." Tang Zexun lowered his eyebrows and smiled.

The mind of the tiger under the mountain suddenly sounded loud, and the emotion suddenly broke out. There was a feeling of being mocked, but he quickly calmed down and knew that Tang Zexuan was telling the truth, even deliberately stimulating himself, lest he numb the failure. Used to shame.

"Thank you, I will prove it to you!"

While speaking, he suddenly became a bit stunned.

Can you really surpass the building again? Can you really wash away this shame?

On the other side, Lou Cheng has already regained his sight, and smiles hard to play with his mobile phone.

An Chaoyang glanced at him and saw that he did not take care of his own signs. He thought of the questions before the game and took out his mobile phone and entered the live broadcast to find a reply.

"This is the reason you are looking for?" He groaned for a few seconds and asked.

Is he so confident?

Lou Cheng looked up and explained with a smile:

"Yeah, I am ready for the game. This game is not a quick win. It is a quick defeat. Anyway, the reason can be used. Fortunately, Barnum has suffered a loss at the beginning."

Ok... the idea is really thorough... An Chaoyang’s mouth twitches a bit, if you think about it:

"In this way, Barnum's 'darkness' must have close contact with a weak opponent. Otherwise, he does not need to attack you at all. Around the time of playing and dragging time, there is a victory of seven or eight."

In that case, Barnum would not be hit by the killing of Lou Cheng just after the opening...

"Yes, I have seen some of the videos in front of him. It is also judged." Lou Cheng was recognized by the dagger, and then he remembered the matter. He looked at Ren Li and Peng Leyun, who were ten meters apart from each other, and lowered their voices. "Ren Li was promoted to non- After the person, will her 'dark fragrance' change as well? Previously, it was necessary to use the '瘟部' to force the opponent to do the front, and the scope of influence was small."

If you don't have these two restrictions, then "Xiangxiang" is a bit BUG!

With Ren Li's outstanding "wind department" body method, "dark fragrance" is released, and around the circle, you can wait for victory!

An Chaoyang looked back at Ren Li, whispered:

"Not so exaggerated, but most of them are a lot worse than when you encounter it."

When the two talked, the battle was finished, and there was no material trace in the battle that was inscribed in the hearts of the audience.

After a singing and dancing performance, the referee boarded the ring, and the third group was imminent.

Peng Leyun and Ren Li stood up at the same time, and they went from the two passages to the ring, and they forgot to fight with their teammates.

Looking at their backs, Lou Cheng took the phone and laughed out loud:

"Why did Ren Li not get lost when she went to the downfall?"

"This is probably true love..." An Chaoyang smiled and replied.

The battle for Peng Ren, which was not staged in April due to the building, is about to begin!

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