Martial Arts Master

Chapter 484: Interlude

As soon as the draw was over, Vijay stood up, and the tall and majestic body left a little shadow on the sides.

He pressed the general cap and looked at the ring and snorted, then left the iconostasis without returning.

At the delegation of Dongpu, the only remaining Tang Zexuan took a fist and gently tapped his chin. Her lips were slightly stunned. If she was wronged, there was no emotion in her eyes.

Banzhen Momo of Nanzheng took the **** his hand and turned his head. He looked at the building in a cold and cold eyes, as if he was looking at dangerous prey, then stepped on the path and walked silently toward the gate.

Lou Cheng, Ann Chaoyang re-wearing the headphones, once again immersed in the world of music, Ren Li aimed at Peng Leyun's eyes, half a step away from the direction, seems to want to draw a line and distinguish the enemy.

From now on, we are not teammates!

Peng Leyun did not know what to think of, stayed in the same place, thoughts flying, ignoring all eyes.

Lou Cheng shook his head and shook his head. He picked up the mobile phone and sent the battle against the quarter-finals to Yan.

The girl seemed to be concerned, and she quickly responded during the class. “Giggle” said: “I was thinking of the fourth seed after the fifth seed. I felt very distressed by my family’s oranges. I can see Vega Tang Zexun and Peng Leyun. Li's showdown, I feel like nothing, happiness is comparative!"

"I feel so, so I feel very good." Lou Cheng mouth with a smile and leisurely words.

This matter must be, Yan Yan put down the distracting thoughts, listened more seriously, and the speed of the response slowed down again. Lou Cheng was waiting for An Chaoyang and Ren Li to go to the locker room for bathing and dressing, and swiftly brushed up the forum.

"Oh, it’s so dark!" "The night is coming" Yan Xiaoling lamented the lottery.

"I have never seen such a conspicuous shady... Lian Lingling, this elementary school student has seen it!" "Fantasy Vatican" "sighs and sighs."

"Gai Shilong Wang" "funny" said: "It's okay, okay, it's normal for the host to take care of it. In order to sell tickets, I have to get a top four. Otherwise, is it hard for people to work hard to get tired?" As long as the referee is not biased, not blind, and other aspects of the moth, it is okay."

"Yeah, I think this is an acceptable range. If you say the external team, no, our foreign card team has also locked in a semi-final place?" Cheng Cheng, this is also acceptable, although I have not been able to draw the weakest two brothers, but I have not encountered the strongest."

"Yeah, so I didn't have any swearing, I even wanted to laugh. This is definitely the relationship that I have made for the building!" Yan Xiaoling "satisfied."

"Consistently love Jungang Ben" curiously asked: "How is it?"

All the people involved in the discussion were interested in this issue, and they even urged them to even ask for a “crowd tiger” who was pretending to be a soy sauce.

See you, Yan Xiaoling, Ai Dao said: "I, I didn't go to the movies with my girlfriends in the afternoon. After reading, she proposed to go for a walk, scattered, and we both found out who didn't recognize the road..."

"You said this before, you said that you screamed at her." "Fantasy Vatican" "doubt sideways", "This has nothing to do with the character?"

Yan Xiaoling said, "Agrily yelling at the finger" said: "But when I married her, I stepped on it and stepped on a fly..."

"Ha ha ha, this character is awesome! Small night, we will come back later, you are so cute, I like you!" "Sell it, sell it" and laughed.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" is unceremoniously whispered: "Isn't you ecstatic about your love for Xiang? (Manually funny)"

"This is a tasteful reply." "Plumbers eat mushrooms" attached.

After a few sentences, "Invincible" broke the topic and said:

"Since Mo Yanting hung up the video, I found that there are more people paying attention to this four-nation tournament."

"There will be more, the fate of Peng Leyun and Ren Li, the hot battle between Tang Zexun and Vijay. Another challenge to the non-human powerhouse before the completion of Lu Cheng's transformation is a very eye-catching game. Just take one. The field can hold up the entire quarter-finals, not to mention three full games!" The moderator "riding the pig heroes" followed with a sigh.

At this age, there are not many similar games!

"I am excited after watching the lottery!" "Gai Shilong Wang" made a summary.


Back to the hotel, a few people entered the house, did not make any trouble, see the leader Zhong Ningtao slightly decapitated, very satisfied.

Although these four places of Tianjiao or quasi-tianjiao are different from ordinary people, they are not too reliable, but they know how to measure and listen to arrangements. They are proud and proud, unlike those who have been brought before, young and vigorous, bloody, just The strength is strong, and one or two flying is very incomprehensible. If you don't pay attention, they will make a mess.

Oh, it’s really a pot of water, and half a pot of water is ringing!

Into the room, Lou Cheng took the pillow, padded in the back, intermittently and stern chat, while you sneaked on the microblogging, visiting the forum, repeated research on Barnum's battle video.

The time passed quickly, and it quickly reached ten o'clock. He suddenly heard the banging sound from the door.

"Who?" Lou Cheng shouted, turned over and got out of bed, took the phone to the entrance, and the art high man boldly opened the door.

At the door stood a black-haired woman with a golden face, a big eyebrow, a beautiful look, wearing a nightdress only to the center of the thigh, although not exposed, but the towering chest, slender legs, perfect set off Come out, attracting the attention of men.

Her hair was half wet, her cheeks, and after she saw the building, she bit her lower lip, showing her poor eyes, using the oysters of the Chinese language:

"Help, help."

Lou Cheng’s mouth twitched and smiled with vigilance:

“Is there anything I can do to get the hotel staff to help, need me to call the front desk?”

He raised his mobile phone and blocked it at the door, so that the woman in front could not be mixed into the room.

Although this sister is still very eye-catching, it can shut me down!

The woman stunned, the instincts shook her head and was waiting to say something. Lou Cheng took a step back after she refused to find the hotel staff, and closed the door directly without mercy.


The woman saw the burgundy door quickly close in front of her eyes, and the body could not help but pull back, stupid in the same place.

After the door, Lou Cheng unlocked the screen and excitedly shared his talents with his wife:

"Just met a woman to knock on the door!"

This kind of thing, not to be strictly ignored, she relied on the professional nine products, carefully took out the phone, "seeing the dog stay" said: "Why?"

"I said that I was looking for help. I was wearing pajamas. I asked her to go directly to the hotel. She refused. I just closed the door and shut her out." Lou Cheng proudly showed off.

well done! Yan Yan said with a sigh, "hands hold the chin": "I feel this thing is weird! Well, the oranges are very smart, you have to do this in the future!"

Lou Cheng was waiting for a reply. Suddenly he heard the knocking on the door and then rang. So he scratched his head and said, "What should I do? She is still not dying, still knocking, if it is discovered by people around, the impact is not good."

Yan Yan’s eyes turned up, his thoughts flashed, and he pushed the sunglasses.

"At this time, you need the life coach to be a good coach! The best way to encounter such a thing is to not move yourself, directly to the hotel front desk, tell the situation clearly, let them send someone to deal with!"

"Tactful!" Lou Cheng immediately awakened, and praised without hesitation, "I am looking for the front desk."

After finishing this sentence, he paused and thought about how to organize English to describe the matter without ambiguity. It was quite difficult at one time.

So, he was embarrassed to add another sentence: "What should I say in English?"

Yan Yan almost screamed, "haha laughed":

"Come, my sister will help you translate!"

Just when Lou Cheng was holding a mobile phone and chatting with a smile, the woman outside continued to knock on the door, and her heart made a good plan. As long as the other party appeared again, she took extreme measures to “send her arms and hug”. ", "disorderly leaving people"!

No man will report the incident for this kind of loss without any loss!

Hey, she knocked desperately, and then more desperately saw two big-waisted hotel security guards appear at the intersection not far away, shouting:

"Ms. Which room are you in?"


Ten minutes later, the woman wandered back to the car outside the hotel and complained to the leader of the Dongzhu delegation in the back seat:

"That person is very alert, not like many men, always holding the idea of ​​affair, it is easy to get hooked... He will definitely report it, this method can no longer be used, I think it is still collected by the hotel's cleaners. Let's go."

"No, every day before the cleaners clean up, their team leader will go to the room card to check the room." The leader of the Dongpu delegation said, "I think about other ways."


Early the next morning, the end of the transformation of the tempering, Lou Cheng and Peng Leyun they entered the previously scheduled National Elephant Boxing Hall.

After Ren Li looked around, she didn't look at Peng Leyun. She looked seriously at Loucheng and An Chaoyang Road:

"I want to practice with him separately!"

Hey, is this a hidden means of dealing with Peng Leyun? If Lou Cheng had some thoughts, although he was curious, but in order to avoid suspicion, he turned his head to An Chaoyang Road: "You and Ren Li are practicing, I am with Peng Leyun."

"Good." An Chaoyang's mood has returned to stability, no deduction.

When the two of them coordinated to go to another site, Lou Cheng sees that Peng Leyun is still in a daze, so he told the leader the strange thing he encountered last night.

"...doing well!" Zhong Ningtao stunned for a few seconds, nodded with a smile, and sighed, "Tell me later."

Lou Cheng was waiting to answer, but he saw Peng Leyun’s eyes returning to his eyes, shaking his neck and making a loud noise.


At 7:30 pm on August 23, after a day of rest, the four kingdoms of the kings re-ignited the war, and the strongest four will be decided!

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