Martial Arts Master

Chapter 483: Destined to be fierce in the quarterfinals


Bone guess every punch and every foot contains exaggerated power, no longer make a crisp sound, but continuously explode the air, resulting in the movement of An Chaoyang and other Dan dynasty warriors. In this process, the body is obese. He is not awkward, but flexible like a civet cat, jumping up and down, walking back and forth, grabbing the upper hand.

An Chaoyang must be distracted to maintain the "Yuanhu Yuanjingzhi", in order to resist the feelings of hunger, thirst, exposure and suffering caused by the other heart-printing boxing, and temporarily fell into a passive, relying on early induction, prejudging the move, Constantly erupted, only barely supported, no failure.

Crazy attack for a while, bone guessing can never get the opponent, the eyes change and change, telling the vicissitudes of life, like the old man who is experiencing the final stage of life, let people rise to the same feeling, think of a similar ending that will come .

Heart punch, "old"!

The bone-guessing method changed, and no longer brought a little bit of wind, full of the bleakness of the setting sun.


An Chaoyang reached his feet, twisted his knees, twisted his body, swung his arms, and hit a right fist with a half-bump and a half-bang. He collided with the fist of the size of the bones, and provoked a dull sound. Surrounding storms.

The arm bounced back into the pendulum, and he hurriedly felt the energy of his body weakening, as if he was watching his aging, gradually weak, his skin dried up, lost his brilliance, and became crumpled, even he was not willing to Take a look at it, for fear that if you are not careful, you will have a nightmare.

As a literary youth who likes to read novels and listen to love songs, An Chaoyang's heart is undoubtedly very delicate. It often hurts the spring and the autumn, and sometimes he thinks about the whiteheads and feels a thousand. At this time, the "real" experience is old. It’s a bit uncontrollable.

Fortunately, his quietness is like the heart of the lake. The "round mirror" is not broken. Fortunately, he is still young and his elders still exist. Before joining the Xinghai Club, there are few elderly people practicing martial arts. Similar things, lack of deep feelings, barely stabilized the mood, suppressed the wind and waves, did not like the cold sweats of Peng Leyun, and even took a breath, backed the blood, fried and counterattack, trying to scream The trend.

The bones guessed that the pupils were shrinking, and they did not dare to scorn. The fat and fat on the body were bulging, and they became sharp and angular. The horrible power of the explosion and the dark gold luster of the flashing, a "devil smashing" beaten, forcibly broke The follow-up of the Chaoyang.

He knows that his biggest problem is heavy burden, high consumption, and the body is easy to "overload". After practicing the "skills", before entering the so-called non-human level in China, it is not suitable for a long time, so he made corresponding preparations. In the upper wind stage, the opponent is forced to pick up his own "six-round reincarnation"!

Hey! After another mad attack of heart-printing and physical strength, the bone guess finally got a chance, and the dark gold appeared in his eyes. The fist seemed to be dyed with a colorful aperture under the light, with five circulating Yun, a slap in the opposite direction, beat the enemy.

Six reincarnation punches, "The Way of Man"!

An Chaoyang has been forced to avoid it. He can only sink his mind into the "lake" of the round mirror, shake his arm, straighten his fist and force block.


The muffled sound was like a drum, and it knocked on his heart. An Chaoyang’s ear rang a song that had not been heard for a long time:

"After a complete summer, the sadness is not a little better. Driving on the road is boundless and there is a feeling of leaving yourself..."

That is the sad melody that he had a recollected time when he went to high school repeatedly in junior high school. He often felt so sad that he couldn’t help himself.

In that year, the girl of childhood childhood said "I'm sorry" to herself, saying "I still can't find the feeling, we are still friends."

Making yourself better is the root of catching up with girls, but even if it gets better, girls won’t necessarily look at you.

In the young years, the two can hold an umbrella, run in the rain, wet each other, but smile openly, and when they grow up, they can only point to each other when they pass by, ask Ok, indifferent as if there were not too many entanglements.

For the demise of this relationship, I have listened to songs all over the place, blurring my eyes, mourning my soul, falling in love with loneliness, falling in love with the feeling of immersing myself in my own world, falling in love with a beautiful but painful lyrics.

"Unfortunately not you, accompany me to the end..."

Another old song floated, An Chaoyang's heart was filled with loss, and the wound that he had long since healed was clearly revealed. It was no longer bloody, but it would hurt if touched.

His emotions are out of control, want to drink, want to sing, and want to vent.

This made him suddenly think of a song that he often listened to during this time, because the old song that was known only recently in a certain program, the sorrowful and hoarse man’s voice, hit the heart with one word:

"Like the sea that lacks or ebbs in the moon, my heart has been torn away by you. After many years, the shortcomings are still there. There is a kind of injury that will not work for a lifetime..."

Yeah, how can that kind of regret be forgotten? That is my whole youth! That is a whole life of my past!

"I used a heavy snow to cover up and buried the lost love in my heart. Whenever I said that my feelings were still blank, no one heard me feeling emotional..."

The melody is sad, the song is in the air, and the mind of An Chaoyang is quickly emptied. Unfortunately, it has surged and broke through the embankment. The "Yuanhu Yuanjingzhi" is hard to maintain, and it is completely broken.

His emotions are like floods, naturally outlines his thoughts, his body is a little, he is inflated, his fists are soft but violently hit, and he resists the bones that are about to fall to the key, guessing that he wants to harvest the fruits before. The bones guess the palm.


The bones with strong physical talents were beaten up and down, and they were ashamed and unbelievable, as if they had encountered a real "flood."

However, he soon found out that it was not right. After An Chaoyang punched, he did not take the opportunity to attack again. Instead, he stood in the same place and took a breather. His eyes were full of loss and filled with faint sadness.

This...Bone rub did not think too much, seized this opportunity and flew past and launched a new round of attack. This time, An Chaoyang, who had no "Yuanhu Yuanjingzhi", quickly became confused. He opened the shelf and leaned over, knocking over an elbow.

The referee sighed and raised his hand and announced:

"Bone guess!"

The audience cheered all the time, and the host finally had a representative to enter the quarterfinals.

An Chaoyang didn't suffer any injuries, only his arm was sore. He stood up and stood up and looked at the bones in a gloomy manner:

"Thank you."

Yes, thank you, if there is no such battle today, I am afraid it will take a long time to understand the true meaning of the "flood"!

If you are still controlling your emotions, what about the “flooding flood”?

Only when you completely express your emotions, don't calm down and combine your mind and body to be able to play a real "flood"!

It is a pity that this is a sudden understanding. There is not much practice. Under the punch, the body is out of power and the emotions are out of control. Not only did it fail to grasp the victory, but it also revealed a defeat.

After that, in the expression of bones and doubts, An Chaoyang turned his body, and his back returned to the stands with a slight melancholy.

"Unfortunately..." Lou Cheng and others can see that he has some insights, and almost wins, can not help but sigh.

"Fortunately." An Chaoyang smiled quietly, indicating that he did not need comfort.

At this point, all the quarter-finals will be produced, and the lottery will begin to draw. There will be no more avoidance principles, and the top four will be decided the night after tomorrow.

In the process of waiting, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan chatted with each other. Both sides felt that this step was taken. It is a high probability event to draw a non-human power, so it does not matter.

Fifteen minutes later, the ring was cleaned up and re-arranged. After the nonsense, the guest took out the first name:

"Jura, Vijay."

The second seed, Vega, is known as the strong figure of the future hegemon.

Followed by the guest, took out another round ball and looked at the name. It was very appetizing and amazed.

After a dozen seconds, she seemed to slow down and the voice announced sharply:

"Dong Yi, Tang Ze Xun!"

Top seed Tang Zexun!

The two hot spots that won the championship in this competition actually happened in the quarter-finals!

Among them, one is destined to be called off!

The atmosphere at the scene was sizzling, and Lou Cheng soon heard his name:

"Huaguo, Loucheng."

If the character is bursting, it is the only non-seed non-foreign card player left. If the luck is very bad, then you have to encounter Peng Leyun... Lou Cheng thought thoughtfully, the posture has not changed.

Within a few seconds, the guest pulled out his opponent and showed the ball around:

"Nan Zheng, Barnum!"

Fourth seed Barnum!

Fortunately, fortunately... Lou Cheng spit out and felt that it was not bad or bad.

I really want to be weaker than my opponent, but not without the hope of winning!

At this moment, he suddenly moved his mind and produced a subtle idea:

There are still four players left, and it is not impossible to show that kind of matchup!

In his thoughts floating room, the guests have drawn out the "home side" of the third set of matchups:

"Huaguo, Peng Leyun."

Then she pulled out one of the remaining three **** and smiled and said:

"Huaguo, Ren Li!"

I rubbed it, it was like this... The destiny of the fate... Lou Cheng was dumbfounded, and Ren Li next to him was wide-eyed and his expression turned into excitement.

This time the quarter-finals are really fierce. Just think about it and make people excited!

There is no need to pump any more, and the host bones guess the non-seed non-wild card players.

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