Martial Arts Master

Chapter 480: Temporary interview (question for monthly pass)

Just as Lou Cheng’s bare feet step by step, the lights of the iconostasis suddenly extinguished most of the time, leaving only the part between the delegation from the ring to the Chinese delegation, and a dreamy road was condensed in the darkness. The shouts of the surrounding "Feng Cheng Lou Cheng" complement each other.

This is a tribute to the winner, which is a tribute to the hero who is weak and strong.

Lou Cheng’s mood is getting better and better. The footsteps are getting more and more brisk. Even when he returns to the country, he returns to the Songdo University Wudao Stadium and starts to raise his hand to the surrounding high and applaud.

The sound of the waves was so high that he went to the stands and the light was gone.

"Not bad!" Peng Leyun has converged a more eager mind, smiled and reached out, and teammates hit the palm.

"Wait to see you." Lou Cheng did not hide his own joy to respond.

When he and Ren Li, An Chaoyang, and Zhong Ningtao both slammed their palms, he quickly returned to his mobile phone and logged in to QQ again. He saw that Yan Yan had sent a message, "Take your thumb and praise":

"Sure enough, I didn't live up to the coach's optimism!"

Lou Cheng couldn't help but smile. I only felt that my emotions had doubled. I was busy "scratching my eyebrows and laughing at me": "What reward does the strict coach have?"

"Isn't it a cake for you?" Yan Yan first replied "slowly, stunned and stunned", and then smug with the expression of "little monsters and ice cream". "Look, the follow-up rewards still do." Waffle, making other small cookies, is enough for you to win the championship~"

Lou Cheng suddenly lost his smile, and for a short time, he was speechless, and his wife said it makes sense!

After a few seconds, he was "stunned": "This is not the same as the imagination style I imagined..."

"What kind of style of painting do you imagine?" Yan Yan seems to be sensible, but with a look of "say, say I killed you."

Lou Cheng shook his head, his mouth twitched, and he replied without fear:

"Cough, for example, both husband and wife are still home..."

After the husband and wife both return home, what will they do?

", you have tarnished a good lyric!" Yan Yan found that he actually understood, and could not help but sigh, "falling table" scolded.

"What are you talking about, how can I not understand?" Lou Cheng replied with the girl's usual stupid tone, supplemented by the expression "I am very pure."

Yan Yan looked at his mouth half-length, angry and funny, and suddenly he was speechless. He felt that his face was getting thicker and thicker, and then sent a "blowing red card" expression:

"You go! This coach does not have a disciple like you!"

Just when Lou Cheng lowered his head and smiled and typed and chatted, Ren Li gave him a deep look. He only felt that his smile was gentle at this time, and all the guards were removed. Unlike usual, as long as they talked with girls, they all Polite and alienated.

Is this the real one? Or both sides of the contradiction?

At the delegation of Dongpu, the tiger under the mountain refused to help, and with its own strength, it was difficult to come back, and Shen Sheng said to the people around him:

"I will remember today, I will wash this shame!"

The expressions of other warriors suddenly became solemn, solemnly witnessing the vows of the tigers under the mountain, which is the tradition of "limit wave flow."

Of course, if you fail from the ring, you have to stand up from the ring!

After this incident was slightly calmed, the researchers with messy hair looked at the collapsed platform and said to the leader in a hurry:

"We have to find another way!"


On the other side, Lou Cheng was very happy to talk about it. He shared the joy of being a strong enemy and the classmates of Xiao Xiaoying. It didn’t take long for Yan Yan to send a “spoken whisper” expression. Road:

"Class begins……"

This means that she may be able to reply to a message for ten or twenty minutes, or even thirty or forty minutes. This means that the building is in a strong position and has to restrain itself and shift its attention to other things.

Although fully understood, Lou Cheng was still a bit stunned, could not help but take a breath, looked up and looked at the broken down.

Soon, he shifted his eyes again and replied with an optimistic and humorous tone:

"Hmm, study hard, go up every day!"

After the hair was finished, he took a few seconds, remembered another thing, and went to the list. He found the head of the military contact "Emergency Army" and clicked in it. The finger quickly hit a dozen words:

“The squatting tigers of the East 瀛 极限 extreme volatility will be ‘all’.”

"Received." "Emergency march" seems to be always online.

Or is he not alone? Lou Cheng thoughts fluttering and thinking.

It is best and most appropriate to hand over the things of "all" to the military. You don't have so many resources, so many people!

As a warrior, it doesn't mean that everything has to be done by yourself. If there is a big force that can be used, you don't have to use it!

After temporarily letting go of this matter, Lou Cheng had the time to go to see other news and text messages, and found that the ice gods represented by the teacher, Mo Yuting, had sent a "congratulatory message", or jokingly congratulated Xiao Shishu on his merits. Or solemnly congratulate him on the beginning of transformation, non-human beings!

The 21-year-old non-human powerhouse can rank in the top ten in the entire history of the ice gods!

In addition to the opening of the building, there are five fish jumping gantry in the remaining nine, which has become a strong outsider. More than half of the ratio, as far as the threshold of the sky is reached, this is a very high probability.

Lou Cheng has learned from Yan Yankou that Mo Yuting has specially issued Weibo, forcing “Jianghu Baixiaosheng” can no longer turn a blind eye, and has to stand up to perform the gambling, so he politely replies with a “thank you”. .

After dealing with these things, he secretly watched the Weibo of "Jianghu Baixiaosheng", brushed the forum, and found that An Chaoyang was almost exposed, and could not help but sigh that the goods are not too reliable.

Although there have been several encounters, but in terms of comprehensive comparison, I am still the most reliable!

Just in the time of the intense repairs in Fujian and Taiwan, another downfall was ready, and the second group of the quarter-finals was about to be staged.

Suddenly, the building became aware of the heart, raised his head, looked at the aisle, saw a woman in a suit and skirt, and looked at himself without any disguise, followed by the men dressed by two staff members.

She has the appearance of the mixed country of the Holy Elephant and the West. The five senses are exquisite and elegant. They are in their 30s and mature.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Crow TV, Catherine. Can you do an interview?" The smile of the woman is like a spring breeze, and English is extremely standard.

Lou Cheng often encounters a heavy accent in English during this time. He can barely understand a few words. He often suspects that he is an illiterate. Compulsory education has been in high school for three years and he has been studying for two years. Now he suddenly encounters himself. Almost all the words that can be understood, I was quite moved.

Sure enough, it’s not me who is wrong, it’s the rest of the iconic country!

Before he spoke, Zhong Ningtao next to him was already fluent in English:

"Yes, Catherine reporter, your ID card and your camera team?"

When negotiating such a thing, I still have to look at the leader... Lou Cheng and others looked at each other and thought about it.

Catherine took out the certificate and handed it to Zhong Ningtao. She smiled and said: "I am a temporary interview. There is no camera team. I just performed very well. Everyone likes it. I am also like, I want to know more."

- Originally, the "outer card team" did not arrange similar interviews.

"Thank you, Ms. Catherine, you can ask, you have five minutes." Zhong Ningtao looked at the table and laughed with Joe. "I am responsible for translation and communication."

After receiving the reimbursed press card, Catherine looked at Lou Cheng and asked with a smile:

"Hello, Loucheng, your age doesn't seem to be big. I look at the information, it seems that it is only twenty years and six months?"

Although Lou Cheng could understand, but still waited until Zhong Ningtao finished the translation, he laughed in Chinese:

"Yes, it’s still half a year old."

After listening to Zhong Ningtao's translation, Catherine continued to ask with interest: "What is your current occupation? Has it entered the professional martial arts circle?"

Lou Cheng calmly replied:

"I am still studying, still a student."

"Hey, are you still a student? You can create your own boxing gym in the holy country, and there are many followers!" Catherine couldn't help but respond with surprise.

The strength expressed by Lou Cheng is already a representative of a large genre in the holy country, enough to be called a master!

As a result, he is still a student!

Lou Cheng endured a smile, and when Zhong Ningtao completed the “procedure”, he pointed to Peng Leyun and Ren Lidao:

“Students are weird? They are also students, and they have not graduated yet.”

Having said that, he couldn't help but vomit: "If it is a reporter from Dongpu, it will certainly not be a surprise. In them, the students who save the world are all students. After the rescue, they will go back to class."

In this case, the leader should not translate, and it does not matter.

Sure enough, in the laughter of Peng Leyun and others, Zhong Ningtao only translated the first half of the sentence.

"Oh, it’s weird! Is this the latest trend in China?" Catherine said with a shocked feeling. After a little calm, she asked another question about Loucheng. For example, how long did he practice martial arts, what kind of competition he participated in, and got The answer that makes me more shocked.

Five minutes passed quickly. She looked at the table and sighed with a smile.

"You are such a magical person, I am honored to interview you."

"Thank you." Lou Cheng smiled.

In the interview just now, I had the “screening” of the team leader. He wanted to answer how to answer and gave full play to his ability to vomit.

Catherine waved goodbye, and when she turned around, she suddenly smiled and said:

"Actually, I understand Chinese."

"My grandmother is a very knowledgeable Chinese, but when we interview, we must use English or icon."

Ah... Lou Cheng is a glimpse, and the old face turns red.

I dare to say what I just said, you can understand!

Then I am not a live performance of a stand-up comedy?

With Catherine's reluctance to leave, his body sounded an undisguised laughter from Peng Leyun, from An Chaoyang, from Ren Li, also from Zhong Ningtao...

Mom eggs, are all infected by Xiao Ming, lost face and thrown abroad... Lou Cheng sighed.


With Vijay and Barnham taking no more than two minutes to win the opponent, the fourth set of confrontation is about to begin, Peng Leyun VS third seed Waku, repairing the apocalypse of the current Arahanthan!

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